Monday, May 21, 2018

The biggest time waster of all time

Have you been brainwashed allotted some back page spread in a dingy corner of the internet. This is done by algorithms, Fed stuff you dont want in your own home by people you dont know. Then told you are wrong and personally attacked by someone you have never heard of.
Well Welcome to the world of social media. What I have just said captivated me for quite some time and then I thought what am I doing my life is slipping away.

Today I am taking my life back and will only use the internet for stuff I need which is not much. Great if you want to sell something or look up how to fix some part you do not understand.

You are being controlled and now they are updating there contracts with you. Do you ever read those updates that they send you better still do you understand what is said.

All that legal mumbo jumbo.

Be warned of words like you your our us they first appeared in bank jargon used to mis lead you.
Never say yes on the phone it is being recorded for legal purposes definitely not for training and coaching. That's my rant for today.

Send me your bank details and your passwords maybe not but we do it every day with people we do not know in resumes and on line signups. Your date of birth is a eight digit password coupled with your name used to enforce contracts.  

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