Artificial Intellegence can achieve control by two ways the first is by being smarter than humans and I believe it is already there and will control humans with the flick of a switch. Just like magik used in the court room where people are controlled by there own thoughts.We are being controlled every day you only have to look at the USA and the things that are happening there every day. It is so simple that these laws are inacted and the sheep follow in droves even if it distroys them.
Just think for a moment the sheep dog rounds the sheep up and push them onto trailers to be carried away to be slaughtered, what if they were to just go in all directions at once and the result would be different. So you think that people are too smart for that well just look at the jews in the second world war not that much different?
I said that there would be two ways and the second being to make the people dumber than what they are and give them a chocolate or triptomine or some other drug to do your bidding and you have lost the fight for the humans So you do not think so. My children coersed me to get the WHO injection with the worlds most sinister serial killer of all time lets for the better give him a name call him Icuaf call it any way you like backwards or forward thats the name I chose. Now for the dumb arses stop reading now cause you won't get it. So now you have your dumb arses give them some chocolate and they will do anything and now AI has its workers that work for nothing except chocolate.At least monkeys work for bananas.
The world is lost and it will take some strong individuals to break the hold on humanity.