Friday, October 6, 2023


In affidavit form, my words are true

Concerns I bear, I must imbue

The allegations, oh so unfair

Hearsay and evidence, they do not compare

The location and time, I must correct

Inaccuracy may lead to effects unchecked

A four lane road, with a speed limit clear

At 16:26:01, the incident did appear

My son's will, I do question its fame

Tampered with, to my great shame

Staple holes on pages, but not the last

Suspicion rises, doubt is cast

 Bond a rascal, solicitor of infame

Seems to have altered, with strategic aim

Beneficiaries' share, she did change

Professionalism, I do estrange

Physically challenged, but mentally strong

My rights were clear, I'd fight for my son

No statute of limitations for murder, indeed

My commitment to justice, it shall never recede

I implore your consideration, for justice to be done

Investigation imperative, accountability must be won

To our justice system, I align my thrust

With utmost respect, I plead 'No Contest' to the charge at last

My declaration, under perjury's call

All that's mentioned, true and all

May my words be heard, justice prevail

And wrongdoing be quashed, to no avail. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Speeding and speed signs

Speed signs and speeding

If the road speed is zero, and the surface is not moving. For pure rolling to occur, all points of contact on the surface must also have zero speed. For the tyre's to speed then the tyre's have to be slipping.

Speed kills 

The belief that "speed kills" is not necessarily true. For instance, traveling at a high speed in an airplane at 500 miles per hour did not result in my death.

The truth 

Impacts kill if there is no impact then there is no injuries, but this is not always true If one were to drive over a child at .5 kph the child might not survive because of compression.

So why are the laws written the way they are?

1 They were written by people whom had no clue! (Politicians)

2 They wanted to make a genuine mistake illegal because this would make everyone personally accountable for their actions. (even politicians)

in Summary 

The laws regarding speed limits may have been written by politicians who didn't entirely understand the science behind them, and they may also be designed to make innocent mistakes illegal!