Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Australia the racist country

I have been recognised as being part aboriginal, with this comes benefits that I was never looking for. Free medical prescriptions being one. Now remember that I never asked for this. When one person is treated by the government differently than someone else because of skin colour then that is racist.
I was Born in Holland to a Dutch father and an Australian mother and came to Australia from a war torn country on a boat. I was an aboriginal refugee if you like at the age of one. I am Australian because I have papers to prove it.
There is three types of aboriginal.
The first is the full blood and totally black with pride in them selves and there families.
The second type is part black and part white being bought up in a black family.
Then there is the third type part black part white being bought up in a white family.
I can not talk about the second type but I can talk about the third type, Me.
My father worked hard in the forests in the north of the state of N.S.W. We lived in shanty houses caravans and the like that is substandard housing because that was all there was.
I remember living in a caravan whilst the only true house was built at the age of eleven.
Plaster walls wooden floors and a bathroom with running hot and cold water. This was the life of a rich person. I saw my first television for the first time at the age of sixteen with its black and white picture and fuzzy picture. My time was spent on the beach cooking potatoes in foil and freshly baked bread with friends whom combined there money to buy the ingredients.
I later studied to become a trades man fitter and machinist.As in one of my previous posts I worked on large machinery at the steel works in the coke ovens and washery. I found the dirtier the place of work the better the comradeship of looking after mates. I got married and bought a house made of brick and lived there for thirty years and divorce sent me back to living in shanty houses and caravans but this time I owned them.
Getting back to the story aboriginals bought up in a white family have a different attitude, but lack the family ties of the ones bought up in black families. It is these strong family ties that stop one from dobbing in abuse of all kinds, which is sad and drags the society further down into dispare.
 I hope this may explain and help white people understand and may also help some black people as well.
Then as being dark skinned the racism is there, an being nieve I could never understand why I was never accepted by society. I was black not of the whites and not of the blacks I became a loaner and the only ones whom I made friends with was Greeks and Italians and the people on the fringes of society and lonely people. Good people and I am so privilaged to have such a life and bless every day as they come..

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Some times sitting under a tree in the shade becomes inspiring.
Like this one. The peppercorn tree is cool to sit beneath on a hot summers day up to 10 degrees different from other trees . Why? The tree is a solar powered  pump, The sap goes from the top to the bottom and back on a regular basis and with this movement of sap the heat is taken down and the cool is bought up. The result is the air is cooler and the ground temperature is warmer and this allows the tree to survive in cooler climates by storing the heat in the ground. When the temperature gets too cold the sap slows to a near stop and the leaves fall. When it is real hot the tree speeds up the sap flow. This is an inbuilt temperature control system of a very complicated design, but yet simple. Knowing this drought control is easier to understand. Trees are the key to drought proofing the land.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are you nuts?

Am I nuts I was asked? Probably! About the same as the rest of you but I admit it but then I am the one whom sleeps like a baby and smiles to the world in the morning. I speak to anyone and everyone. I have had to curtail this and not speak to anyone between the ages of twenty five and thirteen as these people are real aggro in my area and this is a shame on society. I smile and the response is great.
I spoke to the lady at the checkout the other day and asked how she was going, She said she was great with a wonderful smile and not to be out done when she asked how I was came the reply."fantastic excellent and getting better" She smiles and we parted company.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Standards and denying insurance.

I have a engineers report for damage from the floods. One of the points made is that the house does not come up to Australian standards so the insurance is void in these areas. What is a standard? Back in the 1890s the current practice was to burn a post and char the surface and put it in the ground the other way was to soak it in creosote and then place it in the ground. These were accepted practices of the day and these houses have stood the test of time. Even to this day the practice of putting posts directly into the ground and building onto these posts is done. In the suburb of Dapto in NSW there is a building built in this way and it is a two story affair and is called the Ribbon wood centre and was built for the local council for a library and community centre. I will report on these matters again if the problem is not resolved naming the insurance company and the engineer involved.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Black Snake

Some years ago I had this red healer dog that I called Black Snake. Black Snake was into everything as a pup. I used to take him on the job sleeper cutting and I had a circular saw on a concrete saw for docking the sleepers to length. First day on the job with Snake I started the saw well, Snake jumped to his feet and  attacked the saw which severed his jaw bone and took off his left ear. Being a pup and being my mistake I paid the vet bill some $2574 and 64 cents. Where he got the 64 cents I'm darned if I know. Snake had this eye which turned in and was blue and the other was brown. Some time  went past and Snake was hyperactive and the vet said to take out the balls and that would slow him down. So I pays the 79 dollars and 64 cents. There that 64 cents again! Now Snake never did take liken to some blokes and lets call the character say Harold Steptoe to protect his identity But that was his name anyway. Now Steptoe lived across the road from me and I kept the gates locked so Harold and Snake wouldn't go dancing if you get the drift. This one warm morning I went to get the paper from the front and opened the gate and there was Harold getting his paper as well. Snake seeing the light of day or the lord flashed past me in fourth  gear straight for Harold. He had four on the floor Harold pirouetted and Snake grabbed him on the left cheek. I yells out to Harold that I had him nutted by the vet. Harold yelled back using explicit aperblies that he knew Snake wasn't coming to make love to him and could I send him to a dentist next time.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Big Ben the tower clock in London

I here they are going to rename the clock. I think that the colonies should have a vote on the name and what it is to be. I put forward the name Big Ben and I would like to have all you vote so we can send the government of England a petition. please vote by sending a comment.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Heard outside the court today

Fifteen year old boy rapes foster carers children. Seven year old boy and a five year old girl were raped by foster child aged fifteen. Punishment is eighteen months good behavior bond. Little girl was upset as it has broken her family. Yes, Here in Australia the land of the free. Want to come to Australia the place is phucked literally. Then what do we expect with a prime minister living in a unwed relationship in the lodge. Yes we have a great legal system as well.

Phycology teaching a farce

Unethical teaching by the teachers of phycology in Melbourne. As seen on ABC TV 7.30 report tonight.
I have been saying this for years but who am I but doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Forced medication or legal drug dealing and pushing.

Mental health in Australia came today and took my wife away and they asked if that was OK, I said that it wasn't and that they said they were going to take her and it didn't matter what I said, Mental health said as they was leaving we'll see me later and I said they wouldn't as I don't want them back. They said they will let me know what is happening and I said don't bother. I also said that I expressed my opinion once before and they didn't listen last time they took her and we are back in the same position as before and they didn't make things better in fact they made them worse. Electric shook torture took away her will to life.
There is a law that says that it illegal to give drugs to some one with out there permission. If someone is not in charge of there facilities then its OK to drug them. Seams there is an exception for the legal drug dealers and pushers.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

dog house

Thought you might like this picture taken in Nerriga NSW Australia. Its across the road from the Pub. Some people look after there animals here. It is easy to train the blue healer to do anything, they keep the wood up to the fire themselves. It is said that some even get the dog to light the fire but they do have trouble striking the match.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Apprehended violence orders

Apprehended violence orders are orders given by the courts to stop violent offenders attacking there victims. There is no defence to these orders as a lie mixed with some truth is impossible to disprove. They take up the courts time and are commonly used by women to initiate separation proceedings with the man having no say. These orders are given to one party and are used as a tool to intimidate the other. I'm not saying that violence does not happen it does and it can be perpetrated on  men as well. I have had a weirdo neighbour use them against anyone whom he wished to control, I fought it for ten years and moved out.
Now why would I bring up such a subject? I used it to keep the mental health people from coming to my house day or night uninvited, What I did was to go to my advocate and tell them to stop the visits or an AVO would be taken against the mental health department. This was because they can threaten your way of life with court orders of there own.
If you are happy you are elevated and need medication if you are unhappy when they take your partner away then you are depressed and also need medication and a case manager. This is what they did to me behind my back.
Funny thing is the threat of an AVO worked and I have some peace of mind.
If these orders are given it is a denial of ones rights as they stop you from doing some things such as:- driving a tow truck, working for the government, owning a gun, being a member of a jury, being a director of a company and Going to The United States of America. and some other countries.
Doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire

Older people with sores on there legs

It starts with an itch then a sore because the skin is broken from the scratching. Then the infection sets in with the creams that feed the infection because of one thing. Dirt, Now let me explain. When (myself included) we become lazy and stop the stretching and doing the work we used to do. Stiffness sets in we shower instead of bathing because we cannot get into or out of the bath tub. Now here is the problem we can not bend down to wash the feet and legs! So they suffer by not being clean. If you suffer from cuts that do not heal on your legs you must get into a bath tub with warm water and disinfectant in the water to kill the germs get your wife nurse or one of family to wash the legs and you will be surprised in about two weeks of this happening on a regular basis that the legs clear up. Doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire

Monday, March 19, 2012

Keeping fit mentally and physically

There is this bloke on the run for murder here in NSW Australia and has been for some six years.
Now he is on the run in the geographical area where I was bought up. This desolate wilderness area sub zero temperatures at night and in the thirty and forty's during the day.
This bloke you would think would have a mental illness for doing the crime he has.
If this is the case then why do they not catch this bloke well the answer is, he has the fight to continue on. This is the difference between him and those in a medical facility, the will to fight on has been taken from those in the institutions.
All handed to them spoon fed and no drive. As I said in the previous post hard work and lots of it with minimum food would certainly change the way they think and act and feeling sorely about them selves is not helping them or the community at large.
Drugs are the main causes of the problem in the first place, When some one is found with drugs in there system a severe crash course on hard work and small amounts of food would fix the problem.
There are some exceptions to this rule as some people are deficient from the start of life.