Monday, July 23, 2012

I went to the Bello markets

 Bellingen is on the north coast of NSW Australia
 The round tre is a cabbage tree.
 Home made apple strudel.
 One of the lane ways at the markets.

 Music on stage.

 Coffee machine.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thieves caught with new tracking devices

Last week My sons house was broken into.  But there was a twist to the break in, he is a policeman. Not just an ordinary copper one whom has great skills with computers, You see his electric stuff has tracking devices connected to it. When unplugged from the power source it enables the tracking device when the power is reinstated the device is switched on, delivering the criminals directly to the police. These devices are set on a delay of up to a month or more and do not and can not be detected with other equipment.  The first tracking device to switch on was a cheap electric drill.  This was the first time this equipment was tried in real world scenario and passed with flying colours.
Police 1
Criminals 0
Further information can be obtained threw supplying a comment to this post with your details.

On my walk

On my walk this morning there was a young woman and her small boy who didn't want to go to school. In frustration the woman yelled "you have to go to school. SCHO double LL" Makes one wonder how badly we are doing at training. At school and after school. Discipline Commitment and Learning are probably three areas where we need to start a new curriculum.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Chuck me hat on the ground and stamp on it I thought I heard everything. Well I ain't cause on that Macka's radio show Australia All Over this Sunday morning, there was this bloke who has started a charity to help charities. Now if that ain't havin your cake and eaten it too I don't know what. I think I will start a charity to help insurance companies who need our help. Donations for my favorite insurance company can be sent to the NRMA insurance and mention Gundagai. Na just forget it. I will survive longer than the euro and cost you less.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My sporting heros and heros

I would rather watch the Para Olympics!!! Here is courage and achievement with or without drugs.
Cheers to all and the families behind them.
I did say that there was going to be good stuff on my site.
This is a Russian site and it shows people are people all around the world  lets not fight for politicians ever again. New rules for war the leaders of the waring countries have to face it off with dueling pistols. That means all the war making companies will close down and the money can be spent on people. My dream yes dreams of grandeur as was once said of me....

9/11 videos

There is some good videos on YouTube about this subject worth watching. Makes our prime minister being a thief look pale and insignificant.
This will be the weapon that will be used to attack the Australian federal parliament in the coming years. Yes individual greed is nothing compared to national greed. The attack will come from inside Australian borders.