Tuesday, December 25, 2012


George Bush and croneys Guilty in the first degree.
Convicted by a jury of twelve good and honest men and women.


comraseliteunitcomraseliteunit· 2 videos
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Uploaded on 23 Dec 2007
must see

Top Comments

  • TPOGroove1
    I find it unbelievable that the Bush family is not in prison fro treason, I am Scottish living in Australia
    · 14
  • pjwwp2011
    no video showing a 757 hitting the pentagon COS ONE DIDNT !!!!!! THEY LIED LIKE FUCK ABOUT IT !!
    · 4

All Comments (3,262)

  • 1TEDSong
    Same with the current puppet, Fuhrer O'bama. I'm an American and the whole lot of them have to go.
  • Bill Otinger

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  • Bill Otinger
    Star Wars WEAPONS is now Named HAARP GWEN, they can control Weather & Kill a Whole CITY, see Video SSSS WAVES GWEN HAARP
    Now owned by a British Company owned by Rothschilds Bankers see Video FIAT EMPIRE and SECRET Of FEDERAL RESERVE we have given them TRILLIONS for only printing our MONEY its a VIOLATION of the United Sated Constitution
  • Bill Otinger
    Safe Food,look for Small Triangle, Star of David & word Parvue, go Organic NUTRiBULLET comes with recipes, Pure Water, see 30 Video wwwFLUORIDEALERtorg, its Industrial Waste, Plugs up ends of Neurons clean out see georgeeby video and Gotu Kola ,
    MSG is INSECT KILLER makes Food Taste Good, FAT PEOPLE, see dr russell blaylock excitotoxins videos,
  • Bill Otinger
    EVIL Sect of JEWS with JESUITS use CABALA its SORCERY=MIND CONTROL= Causing Americans to Watch MURDER, SEX & WAR, behind both Groups & Many Many more GROUPS is """BLACK NOBILITY"""
    See top Speaker in the World Dr Wayne Dyer we CREATE with our THINKING, he has many Video on youtube
  • Panda2rimshot
  • 2wheelmark
    Like the elevator upgrades that went on for months before where they would have access to every part of the building. Cant remember the name of the company, but it went out of business shortly after 911. The "unprecedented" power downs in the weeks leading up to and including the weekend before 911. Bush's Kin being on the Board of directors for the company providing security for the BLDG's The info is out there keep searching for the truth!
    · in reply to DRUMHAND1 (Show the comment)
  • 2wheelmark
    Welcome to the club.
  • 2wheelmark
    I believe the point should be that the victims deserve to be honored with the truth, but if you wish to focus on the planes that's cool
  • 2wheelmark
    I would believe that he has more sorrow and stress for dropping a nickel in the couch where he couldn't reach it than i would believe he felt sorry for any victim. Just my Opinion, but I like your explanation as well
  • GhostsintheAttic
    I can't believe how quickly & terribly Silverstein aged in just a little over five years. Look at the excerpt of him @23:43 in the 2002 PBS doc, then look at the pic of him in 2007 (less than 6 yrs later) @27:23. HUUUGE difference!! But what was the catalyst? He doesn't have a terminal illness & he doesn't smoke crack so I would narrow it down to uber amounts of stress caused by anxiety, depression & maybe, just maybe a pinch of guilt(ya know, like you just hypothetically murdered 3,000 people..
  • GhostsintheAttic
    Comment removed
  • sandra rivas
    tHE whole point is that those 2 towers were hit by 2 planes period.
  • mightymissk
    When the priggish right wing reporter asks Bush if he thinks that musing publicly that 911 may have been an inside job, amounts to "political hate speech" - Bush looks frightened. Not just awkward, but really frightened.He can't even form a sentence. His staff appear to be prompting him.
    The reporter is a neo-con pet, and he's actually handing the President a good line, but Bush is so freaked out he can't form a sentence. What an interesting exchange.
  • PantherPawww
    The truth hurts. But it sets you free, Well worth the mental strain.
  • mightymissk
    When the priggish right wing reporter asks Bush if he thinks that musing publicly that 911 may have been an inside job, amounts to "political hate speech" - Bush looks frightened. Not just awkward, but really frightened.He can't even form a sentence. His staff appear to be prompting him.
    The reporter is a neo-con pet, and he's actually handing the President a good line, but Bush is so freaked out he can't form a sentence. What an interesting exchange.
  • chomper420
    sick sick sick to my stomach the more i look into this shit! wish i would have left my blinders on!
    Are there any records of. Buildings maintenance before sept 11.
    Because It takes months to setup A control demolition. !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Who would have this information.
  • MrKenneth0909
    Planes cannot fly at 360 mph at 1,000 ft above ground level. You have a computer use it wisely.
  • optician53
    Exactly ... the whole fairytaler thing about thousand would know/participate is an easy straw man to shoot down.
    First, compartmentalization and if that failed it would be; shut-up or you will get Barry Jenning`ed, or John O`Neil`ed ...
  • pjwwp2011
    You tube needs to accept the fact that they think they are gods when it comes to uploads, THEY ARE NOT, you can report youtube to the main internet associaiton. just because they own this site, you still have rights on FREE SPEACH,
  • pjwwp2011
    Bush was as bent as the proverbial nine bob note
  • pjwwp2011
    no video showing a 757 hitting the pentagon COS ONE DIDNT !!!!!! THEY LIED LIKE FUCK ABOUT IT !!
    · 4
  • Zildjian200
    For start, if you were involved in security of a building you were just doing your job, you would be promised that your family would be looked after for life. People have actually stepped up, former CIA and intelligent agents, the media has ignored everything! Money = Power. You don't fuck with power. If you were told to do a job without questions, because if you dared ask they would take your family down, would you argue the point? The small people that helped unwittingly didn't dare talk.
    · in reply to roro zooc (Show the comment)
  • Zildjian200
    Hang on. I'll rephrase that, George Bush senior was in Dallas that day. He denies he was involved in the CIA. He is actually photographed on the steps of the Texas Book Depository building not long after JFK was shot. Join the dots?
    · in reply to Ron Luna (Show the comment)
  • Zildjian200
    George senior was part of the Kennedy Administration.
    · in reply to Ron Luna (Show the comment)
  • Zildjian200
    Ah, you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. Naive fool. You still don't understand physics and the rules of gravity.
  • roro zooc
    how do you step up against the cia, mossad and bilderberg group and let one of them testify? Catch a bunch of high authorities of these orgs and waterboard them or anything else.
  • roro zooc
    I tend to believe its an insight job. What I can hardly imagine is that, among those who cooperated with preparing WTC for pulling down, not on of them woluld later on step up tot tell the truth, threatened with death or not. You need a lot of people to orchestrate this, how do you keep every person on everey level to shut up for ever...?
  • roro zooc
    dont forget Larry Silverstein
  • dudeyfeb88coach
    Mediocra UK prick in future less UK lol
  • Ron Luna
    so under the Bush administration Americans had the most shocking attack in American soil and the most shocking financial crisis with the biggest bail out to bankers ever......ummm has anyone investigated if there was a Bush kicking around when Kennedy was killed?
    · 2
  • Zildjian200
    How can we stand by what we believe, what the intelligent free thinkers, believe? What can we do? I am truly upset by this, we, as an intelligent minority should be able to do something positive about this, What? I'm truly crying over this.Are we, the only people watching this clip the only intelligent people on this earth? How do we spread the word? Spread the questions, My family has accused me of having no respect for the victims' families for asking for an independent enquiry. Why?
  • bigboycoolkid
    agree with you 1000,000 percent!!! america set of spineless cowards!!!
  • bigboycoolkid
    get together america and deal with your puppet masters before they deal with you. United we stand divide we fall. Its been an age old game divide and rule. And I had hoped that we had outgrown this bullshit. even after capturing the oils from the middle eastern countries, why is america still in recession? even after all the lies in a democratic society our children are still used as cannon fodder! wake up before its to late you innocent fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
    · 2
  • bigboycoolkid
    you fuckin americans are a set off braindead fuckin jokers. Wake up for fuck sake you let your president and your government kill 3000 of your people on these supposedly terrorist attacks, taliban, bin laden, paki suicide bombers, all a crock of bullshit. This was a proved lie and cover up all the world knows. Who are the terrorists with weapons of mass distruction obviously america killing millions of innocent civilians in other countries and even going as far as killing u lot and your kids
    · 2
  • Gregory Heald
    Oh that's easy it is the one that paid the claim he had a policy with. Simple.
  • Jez Jonson
    crazy comment mate
  • Ron Morales
    Not all three buildings fell the same way. Two were top down. Never has a building been demolished top down by explosives. All three did not collapse from fire.Two were hit by 200 ton jetliners at 500 mph with the force of 3/4 ton of TNT. None fell at free fall speed. You can watch video of the WTC1 collapse at nowhere near free fall speed and only the north face of WTC7 fell at free fall speed for 2.25 seconds AFTER supports beneath it failed. So many lies in just the first minute of the video.
  • Rein Engel
    People waste their time trying to find images of Satan in the clouds of smoke... it's ones like that who give people with mountains of factual evidence a bad name. The Pentagon video shows two things. The first is a plane tail that is close to a raised section of plane. No commercial jet looks like this, however many military drones do. The second is that smoke is pouring out of the engines, when that only happens at certain altitudes... five feet above the ground isn't one of those altitudes.
  • schlooonginator
    I've often wondered "why?", throughout the centuries, have various ethnic groups held disdain or mistrust of ethnic jews. Well, is it just me but all these "stereotypes" are in fact accurate with regards to these "neo-cons", media barons and international bankers who all seem hell bent on this greedy agenda of misleading the sheeple into wars so they can benefit at the cost of the majority of the population. It is evil and disgusting and frankly the sooner we have a total market collapse the bet
  • luapjb
    you know they have a HAARP facility in our country? Exmouth WA. Who knows what that program is really capable of with regard to the weather?
  • klutztech
    on the tool bar at the bottom of the screen there is a button that looks like a square thought bubble called "hide annotations" click it :)
  • Zildjian200
    Wake up people of the so called "FREE" world! The U.S government is duping you all. If this happened in some Eastern Bloc, Asian, Middle Eastern or South American country you would be saying that their governments were obviously corrupt and oppressive. This is the most powerful and influential country in the world. How do you think they have maintained this power? Through manipulation and lies, that's how. The people of the U.S.A. need to get a backbone & stop believing the lies! STAND UP NOW!
    · 2

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Road safety christmas song

Christmas Songs

Title: Jingle Bells

Lyrics to Bingle Bells :
Dashing through the streets
In a open sleigh tonight
O'er the bumps we go
Laughing all the way
Speed is up we sing
drinking spirits bright
O What fun it is to sing
In a sleighing song tonight

Oh, Bingle sounds crashing sounds
Santa smashed his sleigh
Oh, what pain it is to feel
In a smashed up open sleigh
Bingle sounds crashing sounds
Smashing all the way
Oh, what pain it is to feel
In a smashed up open sleigh

A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was mean and drank
Misfortune seemed his lot
We got into a drifted bank
And then we got up shot

O Dashing through the air
In a open moonlit night
O'er the bumps we go
 Screaming all the way
Speed is up with fright
The Singeing of my soul
O What fun it is to feel and drink 
Spirits on this night

Speeding down the highway 

at ninety miles an hour
Oh, what pain it is to feel
In a smashed up open sleigh
Bingle sounds crashing sounds
Smashing all the way
Oh, what pain it is to feel
In a smashed up open sleigh

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dont play the game

Young people are sent to war by older wise war mongers with lots of money and power. Young people are worked hard in there jobs for a pittance and pay there taxes to a corrupt government.
I worked all my life to get what. Kicked out on the scrap heap of life. I am not bitter. If I knew how different life would have been.
Live frugal with a small van so you are never homeless. Work when you have to and do the best you ever can.
Do not get caught up in the superannuation of life as you will be utterly disappointed. Millions of dollars for retirement at eighty comes with death duties or inheritance to go to the government.
I am at the age of retirement and all I need is a warm bed and food, a good book. What am I going to spend a million dollars on drugs sex and alcohol I don't think so.
Make your own rules good relationships are hard to come by and even harder to keep. People come and go in ones life just enjoy them whilst they are there. Inevitably they move on. Dogs are better than people but they die and it hurts. good luck with life.