Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Science is so much fun.

Playing with science is just so much fun.
Watching and learning, light a fire and watch how the wood behaves and where the fire actually burns is better than watching days of our lives or any other sitcom for that matter.
How people are so dumb is pretty amazing to watch as well.
Try just sitting somewhere and just watch. You can learn so much about your neighbourhood by laying under a car at night. sounds travel easily at ground level and you hear what is happening 200 meters up the street.
I recon the next best job would be a post deliverer, but I am stuck with engineering.
Could you imagine the havoc you could do being a postie.  HAHAHA Just thinking.

Fighting geoengineering

We have been banned for lighting back yard fires in Australia. I think it has to do with pushing cold air into the stratosphere and stuffs up with weather modification.No more bonfire nights like we had as a kid. I lit a fire some years ago and it blew a hole in a cloud about 200 meters across and expanded and it rained the following morning.
I might try putting a fan with water vapour into the air stream near the next fire the results could be amazing.
I went to a night out in a park in Parramatta and with all the bodies the cloud got a hole in it above the people,I think the body heat punched a hole in the cloud like a fire.
How are they going to control heat from there supper cities of the future?

weather weapons


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Clear skies

For the last weeks the ski is filled with smoke, a dismal grey brown and the knowing of suffering.I will take photos of the aftermath in the next weeks. There are quite a few towns that do not exist anymore Batlow the apple producing area lost processing plant fuel and the orchids that they rely on for survival. There are too many to mention Tumbarumba Kiandra just in the Kosciusko area. Selwyn lost everything. The people will suffer
Thousands of homes gone the south east of the continent blackened.
Albatross naval station blackened but saved by the RFS.
It is so emotional and this is from a bloke who has pulled people out of wrecked cars and worked in coal mines. in extreme danger.