Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cabbage moths

To chase off cabbage moths.
You need a chook (hen) with no coloured feathers at all that is totally white,  when she lays an egg use the egg as you wish,  and keep the shell and break this up and place around tomatoes or other cabbage moth food plants.
I don't know weather it is the shell or the smell of the egg or both but cabbage moths will fly away leaving your plants alone. Dont believe me try it but it must be a totally white egg from a totally white hen.
Why do white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs and black hens don't lay black eggs?

Cabbage moths

To chase off cabbage moths.
You need a chook (hen) with no coloured feathers at all that is totally white,  when she lays an egg use the egg as you wish,  and keep the shell and break this up and place around tomatoes or other cabbage moth food plants.
I don't know weather it is the shell or the smell of the egg or both but cabbage moths will fly away leaving your plants alone. Dont believe me try it but it must be a totally white egg from a totally white hen.
Why do white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs and black hens don't lay black eggs?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recycled boat part 24

Getting there the deck is on and screwed down and the gunnel rails are screwed on I used 2" by 6guage decking screws in stainless

The hull has just been painted and the rain started but I think it is dry enough all is looking good for a launch in the new year...The total days worked on the boat is to this day 24. Not bad from the first photo which I will display when the boat is totally finished on the same page for comparison..Crikey its two days till Christmas..cheers Stewart

Recycled boat part 23

This is the bow with the gunnel rail screwed on. The stainless piece to stop the wood splitting is a cut down spoon screwed on.

This is the transom with the outboard motor bracket attached.  Note the gunnel rail to the left also the bolt has a spoon as a washer to stop the bolt pulling into the wood. I was a bit dubious about hthe strength of the glue and screwed the deck down with stainless screws.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My best mate Alex Revel

Alex was tops he is the one in the car.

I just lost my mate to cancer he was a fantastic bloke and was a Professor  Doctor and God of engineering at the University of Technology Sydney and at times was the Dean of the university.  Some might not think so but this is my blog and he can have the highest honors I can bestow on him. He was a great statesman and ambassador for his country of birth and an Australian of great qualities. He will be sadly missed by ex students from all over the globe as well by friends and colleagues. He did great work in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea giving hydro electric power to some villages. He worked not from nine to five but nine to nine on many occasions helping students with shell mileage marathon and the solar boat race in Canberra and the triple AAA fuel challenge with over night and into the next day stints. He helped me in the Energy Challenge to beat some of the biggest players in the country with this car, producing the lower green house gas emissions that was required.The car had a wing on it so as to be seen on Sydney streets, It was and still is the only ever street registered Shell Mileage Marathon car in the world.  We also did work on water injection into the fuel system with mixed results. More can be read on the first blog.  He worked on wind tunnel tests after making the wind tunnel and did work on whirlybirds to test there effectiveness.
His most famous sayings were:-
'There are one's who must never know" This was to be used when the workers made a shitter.
Then there was the saying "There are one's who must be told". This was to be used when the bosses made a shitter.
If he agreed then his hands would go up and he would say "Why not!"
"See you in the never never Alex".    cheers Stewart

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Anonymous Anonymous said...
shit man is this crap or what
December 20, 2009 7:58 PM

Blogger imagineering said...
Thanks for your comment I have a policy of publishing all comments and I appreciate your effort and yes it is. cheers Stewart
December 20, 2009 8:02 PM
Is that a world record for a comment to be made after the article has been posted "six minutes"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...
shit man is this crap or what
December 20, 2009 7:58 PM

Blogger imagineering said...
Thanks for your comment I have a policy of publishing all comments and I appreciate your effort and yes it is. cheers Stewart
December 20, 2009 8:02 PM
Is that a world record for a comment to be made after the article has been posted "six minutes"?