Monday, March 19, 2012

Keeping fit mentally and physically

There is this bloke on the run for murder here in NSW Australia and has been for some six years.
Now he is on the run in the geographical area where I was bought up. This desolate wilderness area sub zero temperatures at night and in the thirty and forty's during the day.
This bloke you would think would have a mental illness for doing the crime he has.
If this is the case then why do they not catch this bloke well the answer is, he has the fight to continue on. This is the difference between him and those in a medical facility, the will to fight on has been taken from those in the institutions.
All handed to them spoon fed and no drive. As I said in the previous post hard work and lots of it with minimum food would certainly change the way they think and act and feeling sorely about them selves is not helping them or the community at large.
Drugs are the main causes of the problem in the first place, When some one is found with drugs in there system a severe crash course on hard work and small amounts of food would fix the problem.
There are some exceptions to this rule as some people are deficient from the start of life.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Not buying Australian made then why not?

Because nothing in the shops is made in Australia that's why not! Tin food from overseas fruit from overseas clothing from china Computers and TVs from third world countries and the list goes on.
Cars that are not as good as those from India then what do we expect.
Banana republic we are. Sorry for the lie we are not a republic we are.
The biggies buy from overseas then why shouldn't the commoners do the same and do away with the middle men.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is this true

 This summaryis taken from the Kangaroo court web site.

PrimeMinister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.
Julia Gillard has never denied helping him rip off the $1,000,000 plus dollars
By Shane Dowling

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I worked as a slaughterman

The scenes of the previous post made me sick. I when working I never swam in the blood of the slaughtered animals, even the blood was used by the company and the only thing not used was the noise and even this would have been used if they found a way to harvest it.

Bring on Armegeddon

The killing fields

The killing fields
To participate in the slaughter of animals for food and where everything is used is not for the squeamish. It is a matter of life or death yours and mine. Until every one is able to live on just air and water then it will go on til the end of time. I know the sight of a killing field is not a thing of beauty. The question is what species the target animal plant or fish should it be?
If at a particular point in time there is an abundance of say mice should we not target these for our food supply. As humans we like the best of what is on offer even if the species is low in numbers and over killing would threaten the survival of that species even ours.
I hear that dietitians say to eat a variety of things on offer and this is best for you.
So why do we not eat animals and insects that are in plague proportions rather than say whale and dolphins.
Why do we also kill and eat the animals that are in the prime of life and are the main breeding stock.
Its because we can and we do.
Simple and selfish that is humans.
Yes like in biblical times when the nile turned red from blood so does the ocean turn red from blood in this photo.

Human health risks
The meat and blubber of the dolphins caught has been found to have high levels of mercury, cadmium, the pesticide DDT, and organic contaminants like PCBs. The levels are high enough to pose a health risk for those frequently eating the meat and researchers warn that children and pregnant women shouldn’t eat the meat at all.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Healthy body healthy mind

Healthy body healthy mind

I am taken back somewhat by my own thoughts some times. The inner miricles in my own mind. Nature refreshes my soul and renews the spirit. I will take you to my haven of mind cleansing threw my photos. So I hope you enjoy. Click on th above link to see slideshow