Sunday, April 1, 2012


If you are interested in cabins then this site is worth a look

Saturday, March 31, 2012


The great experiment of detaining people with out creative things to do in there lives. What happens is mental health and the associated problems. This experiment has been going on for years with the boat people coming to Australia and locking them up for years with out any stimulation . Taken from them is the drive for life and this is what the drugs of choice of the psychiatric doctors do. If this doesn't work then a good dose of electric shock torture will do the trick and take away the will to live. Yes the great Australian government experiment.
I have been saying it for ages the best way to treat the patients in most situations is a good case of hard work. For the Christians, Jesus went into the desert for forty days and forty nights with limited food and water and he survived for the story to be enacted to its end.
Remember if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Masturbation and cooking

This will be another one of those posts where I halve my readers

Masturbation is the thing that no one talks about! Why?
I remember reading a book by Louise Hay and she said it so well, God has the time to look over the edge of the moon and watch me going at it or something to that effect.
Is god a pervert?
Well if not he makes us all feel perverted and sinners. Remember "we are all sinners and god loves a sinner and not the sin" so there you are we can all go at it as much as we like cause god loves us.
This brings us to another subject, who is doing it?
Prince Charles? To get rid of Diana this must make him a suspect!
The prime minister of Australia Gulia Jillard no she isn't cause she is f-ing all the people of Australia and the American congress...
Yes masturbation what a wonderfull thing.
Goes well with pornography as a garnish with lots of oil warmed over a hot bed of white Satin sheets for about fifteen minutes.

God and the media

I am fed up with the claims of god and his followers and the media trying to scare the beegeebas out of me every time they have something to say.
For one I like satin paint and it's smell

2 minute film

Some of my silly films!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Built in obsolecsence

Built in obsolescence is made into some electronics, this is done by building in a circuit that will activate after the warranty has expired. The way to do this is done with a yearly timer built into the system. There is a cheap modem that is renowned to expire after the warranty is over by some days. Even very expensive computer controlled machine tools will fail with the owner having to call in experts to rectify the timer and reset the circuits all at your cost.
Electronics do not fail with out a reason. Early radios are running for years and never fail this is because they don't have the built in failure programme in them.
Motor car manufacturers warrant there product for three years or more, ever wondered why?

The experiment continues

Now that they have caught Malcome it will be interesting to see him rant and rave go into depression and the like. He might even take his own life. Some said he was a good bushman! Stealing from homes and properties in the area, no he was a criminal on the run and was to be treated as such. The dogs got him in the end.
Here is a previous post to get more of the story.
There is this bloke on the run for murder here in NSW Australia and has been for some six years.
Now he is on the run in the geographical area where I was bought up. This desolate wilderness area sub zero temperatures at night and in the thirty and forty's during the day.
This bloke you would think would have a mental illness for doing the crime he has.
If this is the case then why do they not catch this bloke well the answer is, he has the fight to continue on. This is the difference between him and those in a medical facility, the will to fight on has been taken from those in the institutions.
All handed to them spoon fed and no drive. As I said in the previous post hard work and lots of it with minimum food would certainly change the way they think and act and feeling sorely about them selves is not helping them or the community at large.
Drugs are the main causes of the problem in the first place, When some one is found with drugs in there system a severe crash course on hard work and small amounts of food would fix the problem.
There are some exceptions to this rule as some people are deficient from the start of life.