Monday, December 3, 2012


Large and small the proportions remain the same. Atoms with there little electron planets,planets with there sun suns with there universe universes with there who knows what!More of the same exponentially larger and exponentially smaller. All go on to infinity large and small.Infinity never ends but changes it's shape and it's time large with large time small with small time. Multiple running the same as in a mirror or multiple mirrors.All with there own time shape and size velocity. Parts drift from time to time from one to the other, these are times of great knowledge and with knowledge comes more of the same with more expansion of knowledge.
Small is older big is new.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Two feet and a heart beat

If you got two feet and a heart beat you can go anywhere and do anything that your hearts desire.
The black fella here in Australia goes walkabout and survives well. Ever had cabin fever? that's where you just have to leave your house and get out. The black fella here in Australia don't get cabin fever. Just go walkabout. Take a dog along with you for protection and you got it all.Dogs good for hunting and running down a kangaroo. Dog does the work and you share the spoils with dog. Ever seen a dog kill a kangaroo its lethal and fast in the blink of an eye.
Lot said for two feet and a heartbeat.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The raping of little Johny Idiot

The worst thing a politician has ever inflicted on the Australian people is the BABY BONUS. I hear the screams of bigot woman hater etc. After the initial disgust and abuse comes the WHY?
To a lot of young girls seven thousand dollars is a lot of money and will never be seen in ones lifetime. Here's what has happened Little Sally Anne (made up name) asks young Johny Idiot to SIRE her and he will be paid $500 for the job from the baby bonus. Along comes the baby and seven thousand dollars and little Johny Idiot puts out his hand for the $500 he is promised.  He is placed in fool shackles for the rest of his life by having to pay for the baby till it reaches 25 years of age. He never sees the $500 and has a restraining order placed on him for violence for calling Sally out. His life spirals into deep down ward circles and ends up on the scrap heap of life. Little Johny has been Raped.
Little Sally Anne does it again and again and now has seven kids all to different fathers pulling in a whopping amount of money each week from the government and the payment from the fathers. See she knows by hedging her bets on multiple fathers some may not pay, but she will never have to work again in her life.
Times will change and there is rumblings in the wind!
This story comes from my recent trip and court crawl

Monday, November 26, 2012


I went on my last trip to the north coast of NSW. It was the most rewarding and the most disturbing I have ever been on. Why? you ask. I did a court crawl yes court crawl you know the legal kind.
 First Court was the Kempsey court where there is a big aboriginal population and the matters all involved alcohol and drugs in one form or another. This substance abuse then lead to abuse of children and women. This was to set the scene for the whole trip. The age was from prebirth to the very elderly. All involved alcohol.
Magistrate Evans allowed me to sit in on Children's Court where I sat stunned with tears welling in my eyes. The experience was overwhelming at times. Mr Evans then invited me to sit in on a road safety lecture at Port Macquarie  where he related a story of deaths just north of the town. There was about 1000 pupils there and it was also stated that within five years statistically five of them would be dead. I was then taken to aboriginal circle which is where the elders past judgement on the accused.
Again may I state that alcohol was the main cause of the proceedings. Three days was spent here.
Then we moved onto Macksville where again more cases were seen one with a stabbing and let me tell you it is nothing like the tv dramas. Two days here and then onto Grafton with its beautiful tree lined streets of Jacaranda.
Balina was the next call and time was spent at the local museum where there is a huge collection of model boats. Back at court the cases of alcohol abuse continued.
We then went to Coffs Harbor where the theme remained the same more sorrow and heartache with the families suffering more than the perpetrator.
During the trip I saw first hand the haves and the have nots in thew aboriginal community. Some living in the lap of luxury with trail bikes and new cars and houses and others living in sheer poverty.
It was obvious the wealth was from aboriginal land council money siphoned off to aid the few. Yes corruption lies and deciet as none of these people had jobs, all paid for by the taxpayers of Australia.
It was stated by one official that it was comming to an end as the government has no money left for such generosity.
The suppliers of the alcohol have a product and they must be held accountable for the troubles in the community the same as the tabacco industry have been held accountable.
Its over to you for comment. cheers 

Paying Tax

Penny Wong labor minister, on QandA was asked if companies should pay there taxes. She answered that people should pay there taxes. Nothing was mentioned if companies and church's pay tax. So I will ask if companies and churches could pay taxes that are to be paid? Then there is how are the government going to make these organizations pay there taxes and when?