Friday, July 22, 2016

some time ago

I don't get drunk very often but when I do  I do a good job of it . There used to be a a radio show called love song dedications and you have to ring in with a request and they play it. So I gives it a go... The announcer gets on and I tells him I have been left alone and I miss him so much. I thinks he thinks I'm gay so he listens then asks what song I want. I gives him the name of the song
and he says you are drunk and hangs up. What song did I ask for one might ask to get that reaction and here it is Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. After all it was just after Christmas.

Friday, June 17, 2016


As some of you know I have had no electricity for over four months now and have just reconnected .What an experience to have everyone needs to try it at least once for a month in winter and the heat of summer. How it changes your life and how people see you is an insight into the joys of life. I have been complimented by many women of late with you are a wonderful man then comes the BUT they just do not get it. Sex cars houses just do not do it for me. I will take happiness over these any day and I do.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Hey I got a letter today from Roads and Maritime Services which says "I am pleased to inform you that state debt recovery has authorized Roads and Maritime Services to lift the business restriction." This was sent on 3 May 2016. I received it on the 9 May 2016. That's six days restricting my business with no compensation. Phucken thieves and racketeers stand over tactics and bullying.
Bet they dont do this in Russia.


I spent a week in Parramatta and made some amazing friends. The thing is most were homeless and the others shop keepers. These homeless people are even better to talk to than car sales men who I might add talk to anyone even me. My son said they are all weirdos I said that's me.......

Spur of the moment

Mothers day came and went and I didn't have a mother to celebrate with so next best thing . Had lunch with my son on me in Parramatta. We were interrupted by a fellow selling flowers for 10 bucks each I didn't buy one then as he was passing for the second time I did. So I bought one and gave it to the waiter in the next cafe she looked so down. "Have a nice day" and she put it away some where and came back same look on her face. Son said "that was a waste of money" and I said worth every cent of it. The flower man was so happy and I talked to him for five minutes what a day.

Friday, April 29, 2016

I am a non residential allien

Please let me explain the title of this post, I reside with the flowers and the air and the animals and the fish. I write poetry and stories I am free to do what I went with in the laws of my god and the laws of gravity and engineering.
For me to live any where else is a fraud but let me inform you there is psychopaths that believe different. They think you are a corporation and yes we have to live in that world to some extent either by force or by choise. mostly by force. They control you freedoms your roads and even the air that you breath..
You see some even worship the folding stuff they call money,they are even fearful if the money is taken from them by bandits and let me tell you the day is coming where they will take the money and plunge many people into darkness and dispare.
Yes I am a non resident alien living in the real world I can not own anything and I do not own anything for all that can be taken even the clothes you wear.
Now if you can get your head around it the fear will disapate and life goes on
If you do not have a residential address then you are classed as a vagrant and can be taken and maybe even murdered. Dont thinks so then read some history from down trodden nations like Persia.
We only have a limited time on this planet so make the most of it.
For those of you who have no idea of time get a tape measure and lets asume we live to say 80 pull the tape out to 80 inches then slide you hand down the tape til you get to your age thats what you have left and the rest is the part you lived. Have you lived or have you survived.