Thursday, September 15, 2016


It has taken some time to burn out and realize that Facebook is mind numbing so back to writing about me and my real life. I have made a new kitchen in my house and done some work on a small car I am making. Dancing rock and roll has taken up much time as well.
So here I am now single with money to do what I like when I like. Choices and only I to please.
Freedom yes freedom is mine for the taking. What to do find a partner maybe but I don't think there is anyone good enough for me. I said that to a woman the other day and she said I had tickets on myself I returned with do you want some....Tried the internet dating sites and got heaps on the first day then it all stopped recons they do that to get you in.
Well back to real life with its ups and downs, Dog got washed vacumed the floors in an hour instead of a day. Hey life is just fine and I even watched a TED talk on fine. no it's friggen fantastic made a rocket stove out of concrete and it burns with very little smoke I will put up pics shortly.
The big thing in Australia is gay marriage hey I think I might marry me wonder if it is legal might get a pension for my new partner as well. MMMMMMMMM that last one might be worth going for. Think of all that extra money might even pay myself child support.
The bathroom will have to have two sinks one for my other self. If I was to do the marriage thing would I get married in white?
Wow life gets interesting safe sex do I go to which bathroom when I'm out.
At least I know when my partner is cheating on me.  Better or worst at least I wont leave me.
I think coming off the internet is going to be like a mental illness talking to me. Some time I do need to talk to an expert so I think it is all OK.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


The only thing in the world more important than energy is endurance, What is the difference?..
The act of love is the most important energy of all!
No two things are alike, therefore no numbers past one can be proved..
Invent yourself every time you think!
Love is and has power!
Love is your energy!
Energy makes you King produce it from within!
Ignite! find your energy and Turn it on!
Love rain, piss power...
Your freedom your energy!
Make power your own !!
Make love not war.
The engine of life is the love between strife.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

safety glasses

If you wash safety glasses in the dish washer they become cleaner but the scratches seem to be less.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dob in a pot hole

The council wants us to dob in people for various reasons so I have decided to dob in a bad road or a pot hole on facebook.  Please feel free to dob in a pot hole there are many.


It is the small things that makes one happy, the really small things in you stomach called bacteria. So you want to change you mood swings weight looks or some other thing change what you eat. I will not go into the small details for each and every one of my readers as we are all different and have different wants.
Yes I have started asking myself questions before I buy something and the main question is . Do I want it or do I need it/........ and the answer if you are honest with yourself will be the right answer.

I also have stopped watching the TV and it's made up news of fear and shock horror. I know what is happening in the world of today and I might not like it but what can I do on a personal level. I tried to confront the corporate criminals but they have so much power that I was beaten. I now am one of the silent revolutionist and spend little money. I remember the president of the USA saying "do not send food or blankets spend spend".
I just read where a lot of the rivers of the word are becoming a river of chemical cocktails of human medicines which can not be removed by our water authorities.I will have to look at ways of getting clean water for drinking and cooking as this is going to become a big problem for our children.
Yes I am happy and I see people in other countries with less than I have with wonderful smiles on there faces, I wonder where they bought them.......

Friday, July 22, 2016

some time ago

I don't get drunk very often but when I do  I do a good job of it . There used to be a a radio show called love song dedications and you have to ring in with a request and they play it. So I gives it a go... The announcer gets on and I tells him I have been left alone and I miss him so much. I thinks he thinks I'm gay so he listens then asks what song I want. I gives him the name of the song
and he says you are drunk and hangs up. What song did I ask for one might ask to get that reaction and here it is Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. After all it was just after Christmas.