Tuesday, August 8, 2017

On a positive note

We are seeing artificial intelligence taking over jobs this is a good thing and there is going to be resistance to this.
Politics is one job that needs AI , gone will be the days of branch stacking bribes and corruption,you see computers will not be bribed and good governance is good decisions for all the people.
Whistle blowing will be a thing of the past as AI will alert all people about wrong doing and all its fassets.
Computers will run elections for where the money is spent.
Large corporations will not be needed and having corporations with more money than governments is a recipe for disaster as we already know.
Wars will be a thing of the past.
We will have to be on guard for there will be people whom will always want power regardless so justice will have to be dealt swiftly, I am not talking Justice has to appear to be done type of justice. but real justice with real confiscation of proceeds of crime.
Justice of the type where we dont fine someone for being mentally ill or having the wrong address or skin colour.
Yes AI will be a good thing in politics.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Oil on road

Greasing the hands of large land holders in the state of New South Wales seems to be common practice. I would ask the question where is the policing of serious crime? Politicians with there hands deep in vaults of the state creaming off millions of dollars. Then there is proceeds of crime being used in the drug wars where  seizing assets of crime, can these laws not be used against the big players in crime where the state can recoup massive amounts of money to fight real crime. No lets attack the little people for going 10 k's over a suggested speed advisory speed sign and get 400 dollars when they could make millions in just one case. Just doing good governance.
I find it amazing that one journalist and a crew (4 corners) can unearth such crimes and the police can not.
Happens all over the world not just Australia.
Ned Kelly was just an amateur compared to these thieves.
New NEWS Commonwealth bank money laundering Now there's a wooping confiscation assets of crime. Never will happen.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


Politician and the Judge
Seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or 
retaining power than about maintaining principles,a person who holds a political office.A person who seeks to gain power or advancement within an organisation in ways that are generally disapproved. 
Public officer authorised to hear and decide cases in a court of law;a magistrate charged with the administration of justice.a person appointed to decide in any competition, contest, or matter at issue; authorised arbiter:Person qualified to pass a critical judgement :the judge of a beauty contest.
Politician and the Judge
Do you give these people permission to do what they like to you knowing the meaning of there job title?

I for one do not give permission for you to judge or arbiter. I am the supreme power of me. I will appoint my own judge. GOD...

Thursday, August 3, 2017

speed kills

Speed does not kill
It's the impact that kills
Fool law makers

speed kills

Child gets run over in driveway
Speed 5k/h
Impacts kill
Stupid law makers

speed kills

Speed kills 
The magistrates gavel hitting the block is capable of killing.
Stupid fool lawmakers.