Wednesday, May 31, 2023

didgital learning with light

 Artificial Intellegence can achieve control by two ways the first is by being smarter than humans and I believe it is already there and will control humans with the flick of a switch. Just like magik used in the court room where people are controlled by there own thoughts.We are being controlled every day you only have to look at the USA and the things that are happening there every day. It is so simple that these laws are inacted and the sheep follow in droves even if it distroys them.

Just think for a moment the sheep dog rounds the sheep up and push them onto trailers to be carried away to be slaughtered, what if they were to just go in all directions at once and the result would be different. So you think that people are too smart for that well just look at the jews in the second world war not that much different?

I said that there would be two ways and the second being to make the people dumber than what they are and give them a chocolate or triptomine or some other drug to do your bidding and you have lost the fight for the humans So you do not think so. My children coersed me to get the WHO injection with the worlds most sinister serial killer of all time lets for the better give him a name call him Icuaf call it any way you like backwards or forward thats the name I chose. Now for the dumb arses stop reading now cause you won't get it. So now you have your dumb arses give them some chocolate and they will do anything and now AI has its workers that work for nothing except chocolate.At least monkeys work for bananas.

The world is lost and it will take some strong individuals to break the hold on humanity.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Who am I

 I am 73 and some not many years ago I found out I was aboriginal. People of aboriginal heritage keep recognising me as such . I asked my remaining uncle so I took him to sacred lands west of Dorrigo and asked him if I was aboriginal he came clean and advised that I was. I was born in Holland and emigrated to Australia from a war torn country on a boat. My mother married my father and they went to Holland where I was born. In 1960 I was nationalised and got land rights before any other aboriginal and proof I was Australian. It was even bought up in Kempsey court by Magistrate Evans after going to circle sentancing and this was put on court records. Now here is the twist my doctor wants me to fill out a government form to continue to get indidgenous health care,what a joke I never asked for this it was thrust upon me. I am too black to be white and too white to be black,so what am I to do. I know I will take on hollywood wisdom I will now be called technicolour and this removes all raceism from the world. Any one now using the term colour is a colourist and should be laughed at. These beauracrats that you are talking to are just nobodies with a mouth. The people who have an opinion just like there arse holes and as we all know everyone has one of those. If they dont have culture then they are not aboriginal as traditions are passed down with written words and song and yes aboriginal people have those. The written words are written in stone seems that to light techinicolour people just don't know how to read it. Nuff Said

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Broom stick

Some time back my girlfriend broke a straw broom you know the ones with the long cane brissels.
Well for laughs I burnt the broken ends and confronted her with it.
With a question!
What did you have engine troubles and blow it up?

I guess the femenists will not know what I am talking about! 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Dumb arse people .

 Governments will remove most people from there pay rolls, Councils will remove indoor staff by the millions with AI. Administration positions. Doctors will be removed from their pay checks and be out of work in the next five years. Hospitals will be gone except for emergency use only then there is Universities and the cost of tuition all gone in the blink of an eye. 

Now what are people going to do well there is wars to fight and the people have to eat so this is going to be the next human activity that will move ahead followed by turism.

People are going to have to talk to each other now that is some major step into the unknown!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Could I be apolitician

 No, I could never be a politician I am too smart for that. Politicians have to be voted in because they could never do it alone. Just look at the leaders in the free world. I know they can not count.

You can not ever win against a idiot

You can not ever win against a idiot he will bring you down to his level and he is an expert there. Politicians are idiots. I guess there are other professions in this catogary too.