Sunday, February 28, 2016


When I was a boy we helped each other and did it for free. Didn't matter if is was people or animals it just happened. Today you have to be in the right organization registered by the government. The only charities was the red cross and the gould league of bird lovers. Why is there so many charities with professional people at the top on millions of dollars a year. Why do the politicians sell off our assets and then these people increase the price on everything. I know its wages going up. So let me ask you this, When was the last time you got a pay rise?  I know the super councils will not ask for a rate rise for TWO YEARS and then they will get only 21% increase how good is the state government. I recons this is the only planet in the universe that you have to pay to live on . They make contracts by using JOINDER, If you phone a corporation then you are in contract with them and you have to wait for the privilege, things get better. Police are engineers Computers are administrative courts and condemn you by using a number and a code. Yes means no and no means yes. Members of the clergy tell you how to run your family and seduce your children. Persons are corporations the same as men and women yet it is men and women that give these corporations power. How does a piece of paper hanging on a wall have the ability to command? Gods plants are illegal. I even heard a prime minister say "If we keep using solar energy the sun will go out" I know I am just being pedantic. Ha the sun going out. I did engineering and was told by a 16 year old girl just out of school my trade is not valid. I will tell you that to walk on the street you are going to have to pay. Then there is the breath tax breath out carbon and there is the tax just waiting for you. I saw with my own eyes council workers planting a steel tree. Don't laugh its true.Why do we not smile why are the children fatter than there perents. In fact why are the mothers better looking than there daughters? Hey hang me out to dry if you like but do your own research before you condemn me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I love you

How can this be twisted in so many ways. I truly love humans and there is some that test me to the hilt. I am single and I would like to say women do not like it when I say I love you and mean it. I am an elder in the community and time is limited and I care about you and I love you with all your faults if any. Hey I love you...

I'm just the messenger.

Everyone worldwide needs a lesson in the mechanisms of fraudulent convertible debt.  A fraudulent convertible debt is a debt created by fraud that is converted into new ownership and used by the perpetrators as investment capital.  The most typical example is the billing you receive every month for electrical service (at least in America this is true).

What appears to be a bill comes addressed to YOUR NAME in capital letters and your address.  Unknown to you, this "billing statement" isn't really a true bill and it isn't addressed to you.  It is addressed to a franchise of a governmental services corporation and the "statement" is actually a voucher allowing you to cash in a "dividend" equal to the amount shown as due and owing-- but of course, you are never told this and you are never told how to fill out the coupon for credit.  Instead, if you don't submit payment you are threatened with disconnection, and in this way, you are coerced into paying the bills of a governmental services corporation's franchise.

Of course, the utility company submits the bill each month directly to the "government" and gets paid for servicing the franchise. That's payment Number One.  Then they send you a billing statement and coerce you to pay it.  That's payment Number Two.  They establish a "capital credits account" in YOUR name and deposit your payment in that account.  They then use that money as investment capital benefiting their utility company and prevent you from accessing the capital credit account you funded.  In some cases, the utilities are so crooked they set the "capital credits" aside and later claim that they are "unclaimed funds" and abscond with them directly.

Sunset on river flats

Frozen LEMON

Frozen lemon............. grate it it!

Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy.
This has not been revealed because there are people out there that want to make a synthetic, toxic version that will bring them huge profits. 
The good news is that the taste of lemon is pleasant and does not deliver the horrific effects of chemotherapy.
FROZEN LEMON  Asthma reversed, autism has been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it’s only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. FROZEN LEMON. Don't do it, it might work.