Sunday, September 3, 2017


Fentanyl is the drug of of choise for murder. Get this drug patch for your loved one you want to eliminate. Keep a lot of old packaging around and put three or more patches on the victim watch them die which should take a night. make sure that they are beyond saving and still warm and phone the ambulance and be good at acting. The police will come see all the packets left around and say they have been on the stuff for years. They will then assume that the deceased overdosed and you will inherit all there goods and chattels Before you do this get them to write out a will or do it yourself and make sure you spell there name right. No one will object as everyone is in turmoil due to there passing.
Was done here in Australia and it worked The assets were worth 1.2 million.
RIP son......Happy father's day.......Special day .............Heads should roll

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