Saturday, February 23, 2019


The doctor rang me the other day and wanted me to go in. I did he wanted to increase my meds and put me on statins. I said NO so he pointed the bone at me and said I would be dead in five years.I left his office got chest pains with in minutes. Stuff him I will never go to the doctors again because every time I leave I feel sick. I will eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away. I blocked his number. Your blood pressure is your age plus 100. If you are 40 plus 100 =140 ......70+100=170.
I asked him to do some research on the new formulations and he said no. I think he still bleeds people for broken arms. Come to think about he wanted to cut my friend open after the Westmead hospital set a broken arm. Talk about phucken quacks

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