Thursday, September 30, 2021

Covid the blast from our past

" Injections are not going to kill this thing." the author.

It is out there everywhere in the sewers and then into the fish population then back to us as something else. Our grand childre are going to thank us for years into the future if there is one.

The biggest problem is not the virus it is the positions and there conspiracy theories. We will learn to live with this like polio and other infectious germs and inoculations like thalidomide.

Injections are going to make things worse in the short term with many deaths associated with this practice. Who wants to live when all your friends and family are dead I for one do not.

Have been watching bits of the court case running in Australia and it appears thet there is a lot of incompetent people in high positions what a waste of money.

So what would I know I am just a humble engineer......

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Time will tell

Time heals everything well no it doesn't memory loss heals everything because you don't know it. History in the written form overrides memory. I see where history is being changed and the lies being told become the new history. Some where they will miss some book or a snippet of history and the lie is revealed. Society of the high variety (also known as the wooden nose people) were bought down by syphilis known as the whores disease. They were shown to be as immoral as the poor people. I know the jab will kill me but whom wants to live after the death of ones family and friends. I came with nothing and I leave with nothing so the evil part is you will burn in hell for eternity so how long is that? We are all told nothing lasts forever so even forever will end some time. That must even mean hell and the devil her self will end. Good triumphs evil, which good and which evil? 

How do you know these evil people well just shake there hand it will feel soooo soft. That's why they stopped hand shaking and did the elbow bump.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


It happened again too much Facebook blood pressure went through the roof and ended up in emergency at hospital. Facebook is dangerous. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

A great man once said to me.

 A great man once said to me.

Focus on the things that are best for me. In your case you. The end of the worlders ( I just made a new word) have been at it since Jesus was a baby.  

Saturday, September 18, 2021

So the big wigs are going to bump us all off!

 So the big wigs are going to bump us all off!

Just who is going to fix there cars air conditioners and power water computers and every thing else that they use. Smart doctors gone just useless CEOs left what are they going to talk the things to start moving again? What you think some UFO is going to come down and help you, think again you have just wiped out the most of the world population and they are going to trust you. I know Bill Gates he has all the answers lets ask him. Bill what are you going to do with out friends and family to help you? Do you think your kids are going to help the person who has killed all there friends! The funny thing is you learn from your parents and all new stuff is learned from others. Come to think of it Bill's skin don't look that great lately. No lecture tours as there is no people and no planes and no fuel. Just saying.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Had all the symptoms of covid-19

Placed in Ambulance at 1.00am and taken to Shoalhaven Hospital. Ambulance man asked me to put on a mask because I was running a fever.

Taken out of ambulance and wheeled threw casualty which was empty and placed in the waiting room for 3 hours.

No one spoke to me whilst there . I got so cold I asked for help and non was forth coming.

I was not dressed for the cold Just a tee shirt and a wind jacket and crocs on my feet. 

Left hospital at 4am and walked home and arrived there 1 hour later the temperature was near 0 degrees. 

Hallucinated got lost and got home safely and got into a hot shower to get warm. Went to bed at about 5.30am slept for 12 hours had tea and went back to bed for another 12 hours. woke up feeling ok.

It is several weeks later and I have not been contacted by anyone in the health care system to see if I am still alive even though I filled out a computer  form with the facts before I left (supposed they just deleted that).

So getting extremely cold and doing exercise could be the cure for covid-19.

It has taken some time to get back to being active again. Yes I am 72. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Police roaming the streets

I am in solitary confinement and have been since the latest lock down. I have done nothing wrong except not getting the jab . But why should I after the reaction to a tetanus injection 2 months ago. Some years ago I had a bleed on my brain so the jab will probably kill me. They treat me with contempt and my friends have left because I will not submit to the jab. Solitary confinement or the death jab for just being me. Police roaming the streets provoking trouble, sirens blasted at pedestrians to stop them walking and then to be accosted by words.

Then there is the registration checks for a car I am not allowed to drive. Boats I can not use. I can not talk to the next door neighbour because he has a gun licence and I own a lathe and I could make gun parts so all my tools would be confiscated.  I have not and will never make gun parts as this is a very specialised form of engineering with the risks of death due to explosion.  

The local garage was robbed twice last week and they caught the persons whom had just been released on remand 2 hours earlier. they were released . True law and order have gone, Do not let plumbers park in front of your house as someone will ring the council and dob you in for getting work done with a 1000 dollar fine. The bloke up the street used to bring in the elderly peoples bins after the bin man came and he was dobbed in for not social distancing. Craze is as crazy does. God bless the ANZACS. The eureka stockade was business people fighting to feed themselves due to a greedy government. The story of Ned Kelly was along similar lines. Australia the land down under was stolen by Gough Whitlam and covered with imaginary water to usurp the constitution in the early hours of the morning when every one was asleep.

Armageddon and revelations are here now and the sheeple are asleep. You will own nothing and you will be happy, there goes your inheritance and your house you worked for all those years. THE RED DOG IS HERE.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

I have cancelled Facebook

Fuck checkers banned me for 3 days I cancelled them altogether. 

Fuck black and white

 You must stop referring to black lives matter and white lives matter. Use the movie industries term. Technicolour lives matter. There is no black or white colours as black and white are only hues not colour.

How to make a succesful insurance claim.

As my regular readers will know making a insurance claim is fraught with obstacles placed there by the insurance company.

These people do this every day and yours is just another inconvenience to there workers.
So lets start.

Phone the company and place the claim remembering to write down every thing you say as they record it for training purposes and they will use it if needed.

Lets say it is for water damage.

Check your policy book and see if is covered. For example. rising water from a creek and definitely do not let them change the definition as they will do this not to pay a claim.

Definitely not tidal from the ocean.

During any phone call get the persons pay number and first name as this identifies the person you spoke to. If they don't want to comply ask for their supervisor and get there pay number and name.

After the conversation send them an email pointing out the key points as this is the start of your paper trail and can be used in court.

 Make the subject the claim number.

 This will allow you to pull up all the information in order.

When they ring you say you are busy and to drop you an email if you forget to do this then send them a email confirming the information giving time and date and who you spoke to.

This is more paper trail and you will need this as the months go by as you will not remember any of it.
In my case they have heaps of tools and stuff and this needs to be returned before any settlement can take place. It is best not to let them help you in the first instance regarding clean up as they use your articles to confuse you and they come back rustier than ever.

After the things have been returned ask for there list of covered items and their prices and compare their to your list. It is a good idea to supply your list with prices in the first place as they will use it and yes it does take time.

You need to go threw this list and find out where it is sourced from and weather there is customs duties and import duties going to be charged as this needs to be added to the article.

Then you wait and be patient as " like Rome insurance companies can not be moved in a day"

Remember the bigger the paper trail  the bigger the payout.