Thursday, June 6, 2024

second hand wife

The Second-Hand Wife In a thrift store, where broken dreams reside, I found you, a worn-out wife, with a heart that's been denied. Your story's been worn, like a well-loved pair of jeans, But I saw the potential, in your worn-out dreams. Sensory details: The scent of mothballs and stale air, Fills my lungs, as I hold you close, without a care. The softness of your hand, like a worn-out book, Feels like a promise, of a love that's yet to be looked. Metaphors and similes: Your eyes, like old photographs, faded with time, Reflect the pain, of a love that's lost its rhyme. But as I hold you close, I feel a spark take flight, Like a candle in the night, our love begins to ignite. Rhythm and meter: We dance beneath the stars' twinkling light, Our love igniting, like a wildfire in flight. Short, snappy lines for urgency, long flowing lines for calm, Our love is a patchwork quilt, stitched together with no alarm. Subverting expectations: You're not just worn out, but strong and free, A second-hand wife, who's found her identity. Empowered by our love, you're not just a worn-out name, You're a woman who's risen, from the ashes of her shame. Visual element: An illustration of a patchwork quilt, A collage of broken dreams, stitched together with no guilt. Twist: But here's the twist, I'm not just your husband dear, I'm also second-hand, with scars and tears. We're both broken pieces, stitched together with love, A second-hand marriage, sent from above. Changing tone: But don't get me wrong, it's not all doom and gloom, Our love is quirky, but it's real, and it's true. We'll laugh and cry and make fun of our flaws, In this second-hand love, we'll never say goodbye... or maybe we will. Climax: For in this second-hand love, we've found our perfect fit, A bond that's unbreakable, like a pair of ripped jeans that won't quit. We'll cherish every moment, every laugh and every tear, And then.............................................................................. you're gone.

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