When you buy something on credit card or eftpos check the statement as they can put on an extra one hundred dollars with out you knowing, check the amount before pushing the OK button. It just happened again today $26.56 and they were going to charge me $46.80 for diesel fuel. They all do it even at the supermarket. It is happening with regular monotony and they just say sorry when they are caught.
Blog Chaging the future one bolt at a time,when I know everyting I know nothing becuse i know more now than I did before!
Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
When you buy something on credit card or eftpos check the statement as they can put on an extra one hundred dollars with out you knowing, check the amount before pushing the OK button. It just happened again today $26.56 and they were going to charge me $46.80 for diesel fuel. They all do it even at the supermarket. It is happening with regular monotony and they just say sorry when they are caught.
When you buy something on credit card or eftpos check the statement as they can put on an extra one hundred dollars with out you knowing, check the amount before pushing the OK button. It just happened again today $26.56 and they were going to charge me $46.80 for diesel fuel. They all do it even at the supermarket. It is happening with regular monotony and they just say sorry when they are caught.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
notice Warning
I have nothing to do with following address ...noreply@blogger.com They have attached themselves onto my blog without my permission My address is imagineering-engineering.blogspot.com cheers Stewart
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