Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recycled organic boat part 2

The photo above shows the patch with the timber supports removed
This photo shows the interior before glassing with silicon smoothed over the timber as a release agent
This is the hole with the timber attached to the hull before glassing the gaps were filled with some of the old gunnel timber. More photos will be posted when available. Does any one out there in computer land have any photos of my entry in the solar boat race in Canberra of a few years ago. cheers Stewart

Recycled organic boat part 1

This is the start of a new project, an electric boat from the swamps! Its amazing when you can see good in every thing. Just have ago you will be amazed what you can do. I called this post recycled organic boat as you can see it was over run with organic matter of all sorts. I will post more images as the images become available on this post.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I lived at Junee when the drought was on, When the farmers came to town the little sparrows (small birds) would hover in front of the cars and have a smorgasbord from the front of the cars. The little insects would be squashed on the cars, They were pretty smart as they only took the ones they liked or the yummy ones. I guess the insects must have different tastes.

Did you know that if sheep are eating during the hot part of the day they are probably starving?

Dry roads

If a air jet were placed in front of all four tyres to blow away water on the road, would it stop the car aqua planing?

Friday, October 9, 2009


Under water submarine

I found this in a rubbish bin and bought it home it was too good to leave there. I have some spare domes to build another one. It is for sale at the right price. It would be good for underwater inspections as it could be set up to take video of the dive, cheaper than a diver and stay there longer. The previous owner told me it cost in the region of $100,000 to build as it was built for depths of 90 feet. It needs control systems to work the motors that are twelve volts. The metal parts are aluminum. The domes are about 300mm diameter.It has four motors.. cheers Stewart

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Warranties are generally not worth the paper they are written on. If you can buy a product without warranties at a cheaper price you will be better off. I bought a new vehicle and the remote key entry doesn't work. You would think its under warranty well they say at the reception desk that if it is not a manufactures fault you are up for the costs. I stood there watching the other costumers arguing over the cost of repairs with no come back on the warranty. When I saw what was happening I said when it was my turn, that if it wasn't covered by warranty not to fix it. The come back was you will have to pay the labour charges. Who gets to say its warranty? They do and they aren't going to give you the warranty because they can claim the warranty charges and parts they have charged you from the Manufacturer.
I bought a Holden Barina new many years ago and had it serviced and the book kept up to date. I was sure the work wasn't being done and advised them of my concerns,I was told what would you know so I let it be, Just in warranty it blew a head gasket. Same deal no warranty if not a manufactures fault. Well I had to get the thing fixed and they rang me and said that it wasn't covered by warranty because I didn't change the oils and glycol at the regular intervals, and I said that's right and to fix it any rate. When I went to get the car they went through the same spool and I agreed with them and it was that I didn't change the oil etc, They presented me with a bill of $1200.00. And I asked what this was for and they again said that I didn't change oil and I again agreed, then I said "That's what I paid you for" and "You will pick up the bill for this". Well you should have seen the service managers face. Well I laughed and smiled and he couldn't do a thing about it as he told me in front of witnesses what had caused the problem..This story happened in Wollongong

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Canal narrow boat Australia

I started to build this canal boat some years ago to go prawning in. After a night's prawning I would go home and every one would wake up, so I built this boat and stay overnight on the lake . I will update it as time goes on.It is made from steel tin sheeting. cheers Stewart