Saturday, December 12, 2009

Murrumbidgee river vandalism at Gundagai

From this

To this in three days
I am disturbed by the clearing of the river banks one kilometer up from the old wooden Albert bridge at  Gundagai. The trees that have been removed are red river gum fig trees gum trees shrubs include Lilly pilly along with willow and other noxious weeds. I have made complaints about platypus getting killed and white tip river rats as well by wild dogs. I have also mentioned that there is Spotted Quoll in the area. There is echidna in the area as I have photographed them as well. Ring tail possums and normal possums abound.I was only there for two days and did not get to see if the bat colony has been removed as well, which I think it has. National parks won't do any thing as it is not a national park I know this as I have contacted them before, but it is probably common ground owned by the government. The common ground owned by the government is in a terrible state with black willow normal willow and black berries rife along with other noxious weeds.The third photo shows that some of the ground is an island.See previous post below environment disasters..

If you would like send an email to
and state how you feel about this type of thing.Or email one or all of the below,
Australian National Registry of Emissions Units
Communications and Stakeholder Relations
Emissions Intensive Trade exposed Industry Assistance
Freedom of information co-ordinator (FOI)
Greenhouse Friendly™ Team
Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Office (GERO)
Government Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (GGER)
International Forest Carbon Initiative
National Authority for the Clean Development
Mechanism and Joint Implementation

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Recycled boat part 21

Today I took the boat down to the water and put her in the liquid stuff. It floated well and when the motor was started it took off like a rocket even with the three hp motor. There was four tiny leaks in the hull and these were blocked up with some twigs pushed into the holes. The motor mount that I made bent under the strain of the motor and it tilted enough to send the fuel to the back of the fuel tank and the motor stopped,  I was unable to get a real good idea of the performance but it will be good.  I got out a paddle and it paddled so easily. I think I will make one of them single rowing oars that I read about as this boat will fly with one. The first sight of the hull and her lines suggested that she was fast and stable in that swamp. Turns out that I was right. This boat is a real goer. Sorry that there is no photos as I left the camera behind..The sail board that I bought yesterday turns out to be two sail boards and have all the equipment with them,  I will make them into a land yacht.  Remember the stove I was making it failed to burn properly but makes fantastic charcoal. Thanks for reading the blog,  there will be no posts for a while as I am going to be busy for a while, probably a week....  Have a great Christmas and new year if I forget.... cheers Stewart

Monday, December 7, 2009

Recycled boat part 20

I went out today to get four bolts for the boat and came home with a sail board. What do you do when you see a bargain. Well I got the bolts and will do some more work on the boat tomorrow..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The spider

Living in Gundagai it was hot in the summer extremely hot and the coolest room was the toilet. The only way to keep cool was to spray water over yourself with a spray bottle filled with water.  In the toilet there was a lot of flies and insects that loitered there. This huge spider came to stay it was about eight inches in diameter,  I think it was a funnel web spider. As I have said before everything gets named! So the spiders name was Betty and she became part of the family. Well doing the bloke thing I sprays the spider with water and it starts swinging on its web as if to say I'm gunna get you. Every time I went in there it would start swinging on its web, I pointed this out to Pam my wife and she said that it didn't do that when she went in there. I asked visitors and they said the same thing. It only swung on its web when I went in there.  I often would spray it to cool it down but in hindsight I think it raised its blood pressure when I came in. I wasn't allowed to kill it and it was then named Betty. I worked it out anything that I wanted to eat of kill got a name and when they had a name they became part of the family, now being part of the family there was no way to kill it. Betty was there to stay. Betty was flaming huge as I said huge for a spider turns out she was pregnant and along came the children.Thousands of them these were not named individually so they had to go. Now I had to contend with Betty and her kids, she was more aggressive than before so the spraying had to stop by the order of the management. This order was given as they were so tiny the water droplets might drown the babies. Then the management stepped in again and ordered Betty to take her children out as they were not welcome, Orders from the management were final and had to be carried out. You wouldn't believe it the next day they were gone and only Betty remained,  I think she must have ate them cause they were all gone. Betty lived on to a ripe old age there and finally we found her skeleton all dried up.The photo is not Betty but is called Jill not quite as big and a different species. 

Recycled boat part 19

It came time to turn the boat again and without the use of the crane on the trailer it would have been impossible by myself..

the next series of photos shows the process.
There it is easy done. I will put the outboard bracket on tomorrow.

Friday, December 4, 2009

saving water

If you live in inland Australia it dosn't mater how much water you use as it all flows back to the rivers, What matters is how dirty the water is when it gets back there. cheers Stewart

Thursday, December 3, 2009

carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and is produced by cattle and sheep and we as humans breed these animals for food. Every thing we do produces the co2 gas  that traps heat in the atmosphere travel, cars, power stations, boats, everything. This everyone knows and is a fact, no disputes at all.

So here is my solution to reducing these gases.

Stop breeding humans,stop the baby bonuses, have one child policies,stop emigration.
But not what the Politicians want to here not what you want to hear either but there it is.
Having a green house gas tax wont fix anything just put more pressure on the poorer in society and they will remain poorer if this policy is not implemented. Don't breed. Your choice!