Monday, January 3, 2011

7 1/4" guage locomotive for sale

I have to shift my little 7 1/4" gauge locomotive and as a result it is up for sale. If you want to know more send a comment and it will not be published. Power is a five hp Robin engine. It is hydraulically driven. Will be selling well below the cost to build price. Pick up only.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New stove

The last stove was too small so a new bigger gas bottle was sort and modified and the pictures tell the story. It burns the material inside to white ash and uses less fuel than the last stove. I am not shore how small a bottle you can use and get a good burn. I guess this is an ongoing project, one which I will perfect. This one has a grate inside at the bottom joint level. It needs a door handle and catch. The chimney is 2x4 inch steel that I found on the side of the road and the bottle was free. More photos will be posted as things progress. By the way it is dangerous to cut into bottles and do not recommend it to anyone. I still get the hair on the back of my neck standing when I cut into them as I know they are bombs. This is real monster garage stuff and I hope I never release the monster. The photos were taken on new years eve with my new camera.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

drug sub

I hope you had a good Christmas and new year.Now that the silly season is over I have a couple of photos of the drug sub to share. The steering wheel was taken from the mini tug and placed on the drug sub. The little red wheel will be used on the mini tug. As you can see the motor has been mounted and all that is left to do is conect the controls when the cables are delivered. The motor is a little 5 hp job as any thing bigger would have to be registered in NSW. Then I would have to get a boat license as well. They change the rules to suit them selves the rule before was 9.9 hp then it went to 6.8 and now its 5hp, They also have a length of 5 meters now. Now that the boat is made and set up I think that any new changes will have to apply to new boats and not taken back to older boats,they make the rules and we all suffer. I might have to go back to sails as there is no hp rating or registration for sail.

Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas

Merry Christmas more post in the new year thanks for reading cheers stewart

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Qualifications and tickets

I have spoken about tickets being revoked by the N.S.W government before. Well I have heard of it happening again!  This is how the story goes, An electrical ticket was obtained from the fair trading department to work as a licensed electrician. The appropriate qualifications were produced and the license was issued. Several years went past and on the last job the customer inquired about the ticket at the fair trading with the numbers supplied by the electrician. Turns out that the ticket was a forgery given by one of the fair tradings employees doing some moonlighting. The electrician again paid his fees and was given a legitimate ticket and all was well for three weeks when the ticket was cancelled because the electrician was deemed to be a person of dubious character and was not deemed fit to have a license and again the ticket was cancelled. Fed up with all the crap the electrician went to Canberra in the  A.C.T  and obtained a ticket there. The fair trading having spent heaps of money had to stop the electrician and told him that they didn't recognize the A.C.T license. During his time working with the forgery license he was never charged with doing a bad job or cutting corners, the electrician is now out of work. So here it is the trainers of Australian technical and further education (TAFE) and the licensing authorities don't recognize each others qualifications. How obserd is that.
 Not true then that is one heck of a story....

Monday, December 13, 2010

drug sub

Sorry for the bad quality as it was getting dark. The wheel is from the rubbish tip and I have to make something to hold it to the steering shaft. The controls are set up on the dash and cables have to be ordered to the correct length.