Wednesday, January 5, 2011

lightening strikes on small boats

I have had to seriously look at lightening strikes as they can be fatal. Having been struck by lightening I do not want to put myself in to that position again. Some sort of protection is needed. Maybe placing a heavy cable in the boat attached to the metal roof and sending it to the water on the outside of the hull. Does any one have any suggestions? Also do I attach the cables to the motor and bow rails as well.

Rice bubbles

I was trying to find out how to make rice bubbles and they are unheard of in other parts of the world so here they are. They are eaten with milk, as children we were given them dipped in warm chocolate and put paddy papers and put into the refrigerator to set and they are called chocolate crackles. They crackle when you eat them. When the milk is pored on they make the sound of snap crackle and pop. They are advertised with the little figures Snap Crackle and Pop who sing and dance you can see them in the last photo of the box they come in. Kellogg's also give eating and serving tips on the back of the packet.

How to make things

If you take on a project break it into small jobs. It takes about 360 parts to make a steam locomotive. If you make one piece a day it will take one year. Some parts take longer like the boiler and this could take several months but even this is broken into it small parts and then there is the assembly of the boiler so this is about 6 months in total. So to make a steam locomotive it takes about 18 months. Smaller jobs take less time making one part every day till the job is finished and you will achieve things. TV takes the place of one part every day you watch it.  You will notice that sometimes I get waylaid when looking for materials and this slows the original job. Set a list of ten things for the next days work and number these in order of importance and work the list. The next day put the remaining things on the next list and add some more to have ten and then work on these the following day. Works for me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Look if you have a problem with some product drop me a comment and I will investigate and give you the answer.Cheers Stewart

Do the supermarkets fill meat with water

Well yes they do to increase the weight and then charge by the kilo. Try this buy your meat and let it warm up then freeze it and the water will condense on the cool plastic and there you have it the water on the outside of the meat. There is still more water in the meat after this process.