Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mind control

 It is amazing how someone has so much control over a patient in a mental hospital with there court orders. The abuse that can be done in the name of medication!
"Mind Control: America's Secret War":

Friday, February 3, 2012

Nazi electric shock to the head

The Nazi doctors of death used electric shock to the head to torture the Jews. Today the remnants of the Nazi regime doctors practice this here in Australia every week as a coarse of treatment for the mentally challenged.
To challange this one would put there life at risk as you would be declared by these doctors to be mentally ill. Then the law would back them up with a community treatment order. Then there would be no way out.
Even writing this I could be taken away as mentally ill and silenced.
My wife copped twelve doses of this and months later there is no change except that her will for life is deminished.

Monday, January 30, 2012

new site with photos

My sites have been attacked and it has made posting near impossible and so the decision has been made to abandon this site. Photos are impossible. Please go to http://footrotflat.wordpress.com cherers Stewart

New site with Photos

I have had to abandon this site as problems are arrising faster than I can keep up with them. Please go to the above site. Cheers


When Google gets enough hits on advertising to have to pay you. They shut down your site and then dont allow you access to publishing, even tried to call them and they hung up. Great work Google.

washing machines

I left the water in the twin tub machine to show you what is left in the tub on a automatic machine after a wash. There was only sheets and pillow cases in this wash. Some would say that I'm a dirty bastard, that's your choice to judge and criticize. But I put forward the facts and if the washing machine companies  don't like it that is there problem. Its about time they made a good machine that washes clothes and leaves no residue. They can engineer a machine to do this but there old machinery will be useless. Don't know how to design a machine to leave no residue? Ask me.