Monday, August 13, 2012

qanda hits low

Tonight the qanda has hit a low with people making judgement on who lives or dies. This is the future in this country and the world is people like these get to power.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Insurance claim continued

They settled the claim! Yep thats right but there was no money sent out. This was told to me by customer relations by one Sally T and confirmed by Deborah C.  I was then put on hold whilst they set up recording and finally was given to Vivian. A new claim was started and the event day was changed from 5 March to the 6 march as the computer would not accept two claims on the same day so we start all over again. This leaves the fact that a claim can not be settled unless the excess has been paid according to the companies liturature which I re-read. So the second claim was based on them lying to me. Now I am assuming that if you make false claims then the policy is void.  I will keep you informed. Cheers Iggle

Monday, August 6, 2012

Expert witness

Things that you have to do as an expert
1/State facts as they are not by the one who pays for your services.
2/ Do not be too technical but state facts
3/ do not use generalizations.
4/do not make statements that are untrue and mix with truths as this is unethical.
5/do not be emotional or get involved..
6/ say it as it is.
7/when you are wrong admit it.
8/examine the material with dexterity for falsities

Doing what I do best

Doing what I do best at on a windy day in a hollow on a cliffs edge.

Looking at the sky

Come walk with me

Friday, August 3, 2012

Being raped by an insurance claim

There is a mystery? Here are the figures
1/ $8,152.05 First offer
2/ $8152.05 -$300 excess=$7852.05+$1200 for lost rent= $10,052.05+ $5000 for cleaning and washing of walls=15,052.05 second offer on the 10 July
3/ Settlement offer on the 30 July$12,640.85

Lets put those figures all together in a list.
Now them being so clever all I want to know is where and how they came to such an accurate figure ending in 5 cents and they get the big numbers so out of wack?
Insurance companies a mystery of life.
If you know the answer to the mtstery please leave a comment