Saturday, November 24, 2012


Julia Gillard knew nothing of the AWU scandal as stated in the news headlines. The real question is what did she know of the theft of money from union members. Then there is question what scandal did she know nothing of.

No more photos on posts as Google have shut me out.

Thanks for viewing over the years last post with google. please go to cheers Iggle

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cabin fever gone Walkabout

I am on walkabout and will post in a couple of days. I have traveled 2000 kilometers up the east coast of Australia and seen some wonderful scenery. Life is good after coal mines.I have acquired some fittings for the Gypsy wagon from various places on the trip. I have taken photos of shanty boats tiny houses and one bus turned into a home. All need a description. Cheers Iggle

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Brunei Romania Ukraine and all the other countries I have never heard of before. I have people reading my posts from here and other places from around the world . I guess people are people with loves and hates and preduces  all bought on by politicians of various degrees of political persuasions. Who would have ever thought that I would ever be directly communicating with the enemy so to speak. Yes we were taught to hate whilst in the army by ill informed people with a gender and a barrow to push. So here it is WELCOME ABOARD from all around the world. I would love to here stories and partake of the cultures from the wonderful people of the world. I think we are lucky here in Australia that we can call the prime minister a lair or what ever and not got to jail for it. The real criminals are the ones who make the explosives mines bullets and weapons.  Iggle


Imagine a world where we all work two days a week . Imagine a world where we all have a house of quality. Imagine a happy world. Imagine a peaceful world. Imagine a world with one seat cars. Imagine a government who looks after infrastructure. Imagine a world where imagination was a revered quality.Imagine.IMAGINE. Imagineering Engineering

Return thoughts

I was sent a document to see if I still had injuries in my back from a mine accident in 1998. The mind turned to having to relive the trauma with detrimental results. Having to have medical tests and the reliving of the past bought up the severe pain that I have not felt in years. I thought the pain was gone but it wasn't ,My perception of the pain had changed and some how my body was living with it and somehow blocking it. The pain returned with a vengeance and I was in bed for most of the day in agony. Why do I mention this well it would be nice to know that this information might help someone in the future. Its science in my world. I forced myself to not feel the pain and would not take drugs for pain after the accident. I forced myself to do things and the result was self medication without drugs ......I did take some drugs like Zoloft for four days and Celebrex for some months till I found out it caused heart attacks. I have been so lucky that I didn't get hooked on drugs as a result of pain.
I guess life is what you make it.

Monday, November 5, 2012