Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Recycled organic boat part 12

Just a few more photos, you will notice the timbers have been routed on the edge for more deck beams. The centre line deck beam has been fitted and glued. I spent the rest of the day with a mate and went to the tip and scored some great items, which included a bench grinder and a three horse power robin engine and a cylinder for a bush stove, which I will post about in another post. The new vise glue foams more than the last lot and seams to bind better. cheers Stewart

Recycled organic boat part 12

Just a few more photos, you will notice the timbers have been routed on the edge for more deck beams. The centre line deck beam has been fitted and glued. I spent the rest of the day with a mate and went to the tip and scored some great items, which included a bench grinder and a three horse power robin engine and a cylinder for a bush stove, which I will post about in another post. The new vise glue foams more than the last lot and seams to bind better. cheers Stewart

Monday, October 26, 2009

Recycled organic boat part 11

The planks on the deck have started to be laid. There are gaps in the deck and two planks will be glued to the deck timbers to keep them in line. The rest of the timbers rely on the first two to keep them in line

cheers Stewart

Recycled organic boat part 11

The planks on the deck have started to be laid. There are gaps in the deck and two planks will be glued to the deck timbers to keep them in line. The rest of the timbers rely on the first two to keep them in line

cheers Stewart

Recycled organic boat part 10

I put in a couple of beams today
I put in a couple of beams today, some of the joint from yesterday failed and needed doing again. more glue was needed total cost to date is.
$ 97 for fibre glass.
$5 for timber
$17.85 for glue
$30.00 for deck timber

Got some good spotted gum for the deck at Isons hardware store old stock and discontinued. I took the lot. cheers Stewart

Recycled organic boat part 10

I put in a couple of beams today
I put in a couple of beams today, some of the joint from yesterday failed and needed doing again. more glue was needed total cost to date is.
$ 97 for fibre glass.
$5 for timber
$17.85 for glue
$30.00 for deck timber

Got some good spotted gum for the deck at Isons hardware store old stock and discontinued. I took the lot. cheers Stewart

mining at the ridge

This is my mate Ray and the contraption is used to lift spoils from an opal mine.I will ask Ray if he wants to do an article on the subject?It is amasing what they do but they are a close nit bunch and dont like to be in the public eye.