Friday, May 2, 2014

Recycling and Idiots

Being devout recyclers and scavengers my mate was dismantling a futon bed on the side of the road that we found the week before,he returned a week later and with spanners layed out on his tool bag dismantling the thing when this motorist stopped and abused him of dumping. Taken back by the tirade he finally said when was the last time you caught someone dumping with his tool kit laid out dismantling the rubbish, you idiot. It won't fit into the back of my car in one piece. The motorist thought for a moment and my mate watching the wheels ticking over in his head then the light went on, and then he said sorry and left.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Global warming

Things not talked about
There is a weight difference between H2O and C2O That is carbon di oxide and water If you increase the weight of the atmosphere the damage done by this heavier atmosphere must be greater in cyclonic conditions.
.The next thing to look at is the friction values of these two substances and I do not know which has more friction. But lets assume for a moment that carbon di oxide has a greater friction the the damage done by the lets say stickier atmosphere also does more damage than a loose atmosphere.
Just my thoughts.

Asylum seekers

There is an island just south of Tasmania they would welcome as many asylum seekers as the need be you are welcome to form your own country any where that some one else has not claimed. The island is Antarctica Just turn south at Christmas island..

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Creating a home

I have bought an industrial shed and have tried to get sewer on it for some years now to no avail. I just read where shanty boats are not wanted on lower Willamette River USA. When some one wants to better themselves every obstacle is put in there way here in NSW Australia by the illegal local governments. We had a referendum on this very thing some years back and the people of Australia said NO and for a very good reason.
  If history is not to be repeated in Australia (living on the water.) then would you not think that every endeavour would be made to help people get housing. I even wanted to set up free of charge a homeless shelter in the shed and was rejected. One of the things to get benefits in Australia is you must have a residential address which some people do not have and cannot get because of zero money and zero credit. 
The council even tried to stitch me up with a demolition order on the shed that is on the property even though I have spent many thousands of dollars with Bomaderry engineering (now defunct)on maintaince to make the structure sound. When we left the  Shoalhaven Water  I was virtually laughed at by one employee working for Shoalhaven water yesterday.The officer whom we were talking to even had a smirk on his face and the feeling I got was he was laughing at me.
I now believe the only way to go is housing on wheels with composting toilet and to live under common law or maxims law not admiralty law. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Parking fines Australia

  Common Law (FEE SIMPLE) and not the Roads Act 1993 does not apply to the general public only to persons of the Crown its never been enforceable only that the public are lead to believe that it is.!
The owner of a fee simple absolute has the following rights:
•the right of possession
•the right of alienation
•the right of exclusion

The local councils of Australia are not empowered under any laws of the Commonwealth to enforce actions of this nature these actions are not validated as Acts and are not enforceable due to them being only a guide line and stated as STATUE and not laws in many cases have been taken to court only to be dismissed under the rulings of what I've mentioned to you. If you look up the Blacks laws dictionary its will show you the true meaning of the word STATUE.

Common Law is the Public's rights not to accept a CONTRACT  by anyone with out their consent and by sending fines are a form of contract so under cooperate laws it states that its illegal to offer contracts without Consent of both parties involved.  DO NOT CONCENT .!

COMMON LAWS  over rule any STATUE the Roads Act 1993. Statue Guide lines and not law,  road rules  are guide lines to insure public safety not to confuse them with Statues these are only enforceable to employees of the Crown as stated in the Motor Traffic Act which the Police enforce, but are them selves not true laws only guide lines as well but they provide the Common Law principles under section  16/17 paragraph 4 Common Laws  which state below
Traffic Act 1909 No 5
Repealed version for 8 October 1999 to 30 November 1999 (accessed 22 March 2014 at 12:09)

Part 4 Section 16
<< page >>
 16   Persons in service of the Crown
It is hereby declared that this Act and the regulations apply to persons in the public service of the Crown.
Traffic Act 1909 No 5
Repealed version for 8 October 1999 to 30 November 1999 (accessed 22 March 2014 at 12:12)

Part 4 Section 17
<< page >>
 17   Common law or statute liability

(1)  Nothing in Motor traffic Act shall affect any liability of any person by virtue of any statute or at common law.
(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), any matter or thing done by a member of the police force shall not, if the matter or thing was done bona fide in pursuance of, and for the purpose of, section 26A or any regulation made under section 3 (1) (q5), subject the member to any action, liability, claim or demand.......

Note.!! the 26A Section is a Common Law provision to provide public safety they use as any ones right to protect the public even the public has that right to enforce their own safety .!

Under Common laws Its Your right not to consent to written statues without written permission or approval because you are not a legal fiction.

If you are to attend a court check out this site

Friday, April 18, 2014

Food for thought

Australian Government (The People) held a referendum in 1974 and in 1988 to recognized local council under the Australian Constitution; and at both referendums, the Australian People overwhelmingly voted NO! (I believe the 1988 referendum was circa 66% No). However Robert "Bob" Hawke/Paul Keating Office (1983 - 1996) had drafted the legislation for "Local Government Act 1993" and was introduced by Prime Minister Paul Keating in 1993, irrespective of the Australian People's overwhelming No vote. Since 1993 to June 2012, local councils (local government) has been secretly funded by the Federal Treasury (Tax-payers money - 2.6 Billion in 2012), while at the same time enforcing their invalid policies, which is their legislation to generate massive revenue from rates to building permits to everything else they can steal of us. While we were all asleep, they are writing their own legislation to legally steal our public property with our consent. (our silence is consent) and growing their wealth with our assets through their private corporations. In 2008, the local council's amalgamated, as one of many stages that local council will take over and our States will be dissolved, which I am lead to believe is a part of the Agenda 21 program. Now when Gillard called a Federal Election for the 14th September 2013, Local Councils had been working their asses off with a well timed and planned a Federal Referendum at the same time as the Federal Election, whereby the People would be asked "Local Government be recognized under the Constitution for Federal Funding". The Labour Party put together a advertising funding packing to help promote the referendum in the coming election. The reason the funding was never approved was for the very fact members of parliament did not agree on the distribution of funds for the "Yes" vote and the "No" vote. Which was 10 Million dollar package, whereby 9.5 Million was spent on "Yes" and only 500K on "No" - can you say corruption much? Plus the final nail in the coffin for the referendum was the Labour Leadership Challenge, where Rudd become caretaker Prime Minister and called the elections a week earlier from the 14th to the 7th, which instantly ended the Local Council Referendum, due to the amount of time must pass for a referendum to be legal (something like that) So, we can thank Kevin Dudd for putting a stop to that. The reason why Local Council are so desperate for them to be recognized under the constitution for federal funding, is the fact a father of three children that was benefiting from the school chaplain program, come to realize the funding was unlawful and the members of parliament were abusing their executive powers to fund this particular program and others like it. So he filed an application into the High Court challenging the Commonwealth for abusing their executive powers for federal funded programs. The High Court Justice agreed and handed down a decision that put an immediate stop to these programs. Have a guess what else was been funded without the authority of the People. Local Councils for a massive amount of 2.6 Billion dollars per annum, plus they have the audacity to send us land rate notices and tell what we can and cannot do with out land. Ummmm I am sorry, but until I see you estate name on the land titles. you can tell me what to do with it. Until then PISS OFF! - I am sure most of you have heard this comment before "Local Councils are a law above themselves"? - Why, because there is NO LAW that local councils exist. They only gain existence, by the very fact that we give them consent to do what they want, when they want, whenever they want. Well, there is a way to combat these career criminals. First thing first....STOP PAYING THEIR INVALID RATE NOTICES, by serving a simple legal notice informing them "I hereby inform you that I simply reject your offer and do not accept your unilateral and unenforceable agreement" attached to their rate notice within 28 days of receiving it. Otherwise you have consent to their offer to contract procurement. The trick is to serve the legal notice, the minute you receive their rate notice, therefore you cant stuff up, No 2 is to learn this simple phase "The only authority they have over you, is what you give them" - If you give these criminals nothing....then they have no authority whatsoever. Believe me, I am living proof of this very information, as I have not paid rates in 2 years and there is never an outstanding amount each new rate notice comes in and every time the local council tries to enforce their authority with so call complaints. I immediately serve them a legal notice to validate their claims within 30 days, whereby I know they cannot verify their claims and they are served with default notice and a lovely little bill for wasting my time as per my fee schedule. They do not bother us anymore. They even send the rate notice every six months now, instead of three. If we as a community all stopped paying rates and their invalid notices etc.. Local Council will go bankrupt virtually overnight, as they are on the verge of that now. If we want to take back our country, this is a great place to start. Its a huge piece of the game, we can take control off and destroy. Just need to educate our family, friends and neighbours, as much as we possibly can, WOW! I didn't realize how much of a ramble I have been on. Please forgive me if there is any typo errors, as I have not proof read this.