Sunday, September 3, 2017


Fentanyl is the drug of of choise for murder. Get this drug patch for your loved one you want to eliminate. Keep a lot of old packaging around and put three or more patches on the victim watch them die which should take a night. make sure that they are beyond saving and still warm and phone the ambulance and be good at acting. The police will come see all the packets left around and say they have been on the stuff for years. They will then assume that the deceased overdosed and you will inherit all there goods and chattels Before you do this get them to write out a will or do it yourself and make sure you spell there name right. No one will object as everyone is in turmoil due to there passing.
Was done here in Australia and it worked The assets were worth 1.2 million.
RIP son......Happy father's day.......Special day .............Heads should roll

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Thoughts are just that illusions
I am here in my own body
Looking out into the unknown
Looking into the waves of energy
Energy that comes from no where
Dancing in my mind like a mathematical quiz
Scoring imaginary lines on my imaginary brain
Told by imaginary voices that you can do anything
Anything just imagine and its there the best or the worst
Imagine engineer anything just imagine................


Thoughts of love bring a wanting to one.
The real love is an illusion of your mind
Love taken is still sort in the imagination
Be gone the strenuous heart of love be gone
She has taken the illusion with her for her to keep
Never again will I be hurt by love a promise to me
A promise I must keep to ward off the pain
Never again will I be hurt by love never again
It  was an illusion and always will be an illusion
Even the pain of love is an illusion bought on by me
I will never be hypnotised again by an illusion'
I love you just words to the illusion of pain.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

lets have laws we cn live with

You know "thou shall not kill" "do unto others" not these woeful Laws of "fines and discontentment."
Lets have real marriages with love between a man and a woman.
Trouble is no one is comitted to anything any more.
Greed rules lies become truth hate is the word of the day every day.

I make suggestions with no personal gain what so ever, I am ridiculed for this. I claim to be a professor of quackery but I must admit I do do research on many subjects. The thing that I have noticed in my years is all things I have studied are all related in some way. art has drawing engineering has drawing signwriting has drawing electrical has drawing. Electrical has current flow just like plumbing water flow and they in electrical use water as examples,
Crashes have time lines so do people and Facebook.

Nothing is unrelated humans and the oceans and the sky. Pollutants affect everyone and everything. We are even polluting the stratosphere around the planet.

Wars are endless and the history is about to repeat it's self with civil war in some cities in America.

I have seen the best of times from the horse and cart to the space exploration and the worst of fighting an killing all over the world.

It makes one feel sad.

Tomorrow is another day and the right to persecute of happiness is still allowed.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sunday drive

Sunday drive took us into the bush on some dodgy roads

Lost not quite


I wrote to a political candidate on Facebook tonight.
Because he did not like my opinion he blocked further comments.
I was polite and non harassing just asked questions, May be my mother was wrong you can be shot for asking.
 Politics ahh

Monday, August 14, 2017

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a term used to swish coconut oil olive oil around in your mouth to clean and heal.
From an engineering perspective it sounds plausible.
Why ?
Bacteria are not water based so cleaning with water does not have the same qualities as oil.
Water and oil do not mix so it stands to reason that bacteria will not dissolve in water, Water and acids do not dissolve oil generally speaking in conditions found in the mouth.
Oil could also stop the breathing capabilities of bacteria, It is possible it would also stop bacteria swimming in oil.
When you see an oil spill in the ocean animal and plant life is seriously threatened with oil sticking to every animal or bird causing suffocation and heat loss.
So on a smaller scale an oil spill inside your mouth would be on the same grand scale as a major oil spill in an ocean.
So would it work killing off bacteria in ones mouth and doing other repairs the answer would have to be yes with reservations.
I have tried it with the mouth feeling fresher.