Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Our illustrious last leaders

The no bonking policy for parliamentarians. For those of you that live overseas it means no sex in parliament not like you civilised people who allow there parliamentarians to go full on punch ups. It was introduced by our last verbally assassinated prime minister. He introduced it to show that he was open to new ideas. He also legislated poofs and dykes marriages. Some time back a prominent Tasmanian official wanted it to be compulsory well he was not going to have any of that so he banned it altogether.
Now these new progressive types took it to mean open slather on the rest of the community and they have been trying to phuck the rest of us.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Was it Worths it

Bought these sausages from the big Worths supermarket chain. 24 for 8 dollars cooked 4 of them up and ate 2 of them and felt sick. I went away for the week in hot humid weather and left the other 2 in the fry pan in the stove.
Two days out I remembered the snags and the pan and thought oooooooow, when I got home.
Great week away and then nearing home the thought turned to the stinking mouldy rotten mess in the pan. You can imagine...........
Surprise Surprise they were like the day I left them no mould nothing.
Having to do some painting in the following week I decided to blend the sausages and you guessed it into the paint they went. very slight change of colour.
Anything this good that could fend off mould bugs and cockroaches just had to be tried.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Let go your imagination

Imagination has the power of the world and beyond.
Some have an amazing capacity to see the potential of anything and it makes me scared of the future of life.
I often say that I can see the quality in everything even junk and rubbish.
Let your imagination grow.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Australia is going into a super dry and food is going to get scarce. If you are eating Australian produce then think again. I just did a 4 week tour of the south east of Australia and things look bad. I have never seen it so bad even the irrigated areas are look dry. Shooting cattle has started and will continue into the future with no end to it.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

How can we crash facebook

Can someone use algorithms from facebook to crash facebook, It is true that we are being conned by algorithms to the point of being assaulted.
Its not only internet companies it is also media companies and even politics are using algorithms in a very negative way.
Stupidity, lies and thieving are being classed as Honorable, instead of truth being supreme.
Ex New York mayor said "truth is not truth" how can this be? These are the people running the world.
Can machine learning do such a thing. Will machine learning do this, crash societies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


You can use Facebook and Google to buy shares on the stock market with great results.
I am not sure how to do it but maybe we could cloud source the right people.
I am not sure of the terminology but you the right people will get what I am saying.
Love to hear your thoughts on this.