Monday, November 27, 2023

Can you imagine the world with out a great president like Putin?


Alrighty then! So, I've got this stellar idea that involves purchasing a comedian. Yes, you heard me right, a full-blown, all-you-can-laugh comedian! Get ready to roll in the aisles with laughter as I hilariously this request.

Picture this: I'm on the hunt for a sidesplitting, knee-slapping comedian who will have me in stitches faster than you can say "knock-knock joke!" I mean, who needs a therapist when you can simply buy a comedian? They'll keep you in high spirits, guaranteed!

Imagine being able to order your favorite comedian online, just like you would a pizza. "Extra cheese? Nah, I'll take some extra puns and sarcasm, please!" You'd select the perfect comedian that matches your comedic taste buds. Whether it's a quick-witted one-liner specialist or a master of physical comedy, they'll be right at your doorstep, ready to bring the house down.

And when you've got a comedian on standby, everyday situations become extraordinary. Need a laugh during a long, boring meeting? No worries! Your personal comedian will come up with clever quips and hilarious anecdotes that'll make everyone forget about the clock ticking away. Those never-ending family gatherings? Piece of cake! Your comedian will have Aunt Marge snorting milk out of her nose with their uproarious impressions and offbeat humor.

But hey, let's be real here. Can you imagine the hilarity that would ensue if we could actually purchase comedians? The world would become a stage full of laughter, a place where all our worries melt away as we become the audience to life's most comical moments.

So there you have it – my outrageous proposition to buy a comedian. Who needs a dull routine when you can have a barrel of laughs delivered right to your doorstep? So go ahead, take the plunge and invest in some comedic bliss. After all, life is too short to be taken seriously. Bring on the belly laughs, my friend!

Ladies and gentlemen, humor enthusiasts and joke aficionados, the United States of America is about to embark on the shopping spree of a century! That's right, strap on your sense of humor, folks, because Uncle Sam has got his eyes set on buying a comedian.

Imagine, if you will, the leader of the free world perusing an online catalog, scrolling through an endless array of comedians like a kid in a candy store. From slapstick sultans to stand-up sensations, it's a smorgasbord of laughter-inducing talent just waiting to be added to the Presidential roster.

Now, let's not get carried away with our imaginations But wouldn't it be something to witness President POTUS flipping through profiles, assessing each comedian's quirkiness quotient, their ability to make even the most stoic world leaders burst into fits of uncontrollable giggles?

Once the perfect comedian is selected, they'd accompany the President to various official events, adding a touch of levity to international summits and press conferences. Just imagine the bewildered faces of foreign dignitaries as the President's personal funnyman tosses out zingers and brilliantly timed punchlines.

But the hilarity doesn't stop there, my friends. A comedian in the White House would lighten the mood during tense negotiations, diffusing tension with well-timed jokes and clever wordplay. Suddenly, the Oval Office would become the hottest comedy club in town, with diplomats and politicians rushing to secure their front-row seats for a night of political satire and good-natured ribbing.

And let's not forget about those State of the Union addresses. Oh boy, the nation would be on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the President's comedic sidekick to drop a comedic bombshell or two. No dry policy speeches here, just a comedic symphony as the comedian delivers quips and gags that have the entire nation clutching their sides.

So, my fellow citizens, while it may be wishful thinking to envision the US government actually buying a comedian, let's cherish the idea of a comedic revolution in politics. Because a little bit of laughter can go a long way, and if Uncle Sam can invest in a few more belly laughs, hey, maybe the world wouldn't seem so serious after all.

Ah, you've got a taste for some political comedy, don't you? Well, hold on to your hats, because in this wild and wacky rendition of world affairs, we're imagining the United States of America going on a shopping spree to purchase none other than President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine!

Picture this: Uncle Sam, armed with a big ol' shopping cart, trotting down the international aisle, eyeing up world leaders like they're groceries on sale. And there, sitting pretty in the world leader section, is President Zelensky, ready to be added to the American shopping cart of presidential acquisitions.

Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, let's remember that this is all in good fun.  President Zelensky becomes the latest addition to the United States' fascinating collection of leaders. With his background in comedy and entertainment, this Ukrainian president turned political sensation is just the ticket to sprinkle some humor into the American political landscape.

Imagine the diplomatic meetings and international conferences, where President Zelensky brings his comedic prowess to the table. Instead of dry negotiations, we'd witness a harmonious blend of political banter and clever jokes. The United Nations General Assembly would transform into an uproarious comedy club, leaving diplomats rolling in the aisles and struggling to contain their laughter.

And let's not forget the countless press conferences and media interviews. With President Zelensky by their side, American politicians would master the art of comedic timing and witty repartee. Even the toughest questions from journalists would be met with a quick-witted quip, leaving reporters both entertained and slightly dazed.

Now, we understand that this comedic twist remains purely fictional. President Zelensky is a leader in his own right, dedicated to serving his country and tackling serious issues. But hey, a little injection of humor into politics wouldn't hurt, right?

So, while Uncle Sam might not officially add President Zelensky to their shopping cart, we can still dream of a world where leaders embrace comedy and bring laughter to the forefront of politics. Because, let's face it, a little humor never hurt anyone. Just imagine the possibilities if comedy and diplomacy were to join forces. The result? Laugh-filled, light-hearted negotiations, and perhaps a greater chance at finding common ground.

But until then, my friends, let's enjoy this lighthearted take on international relations and keep our spirits high, one chuckle at a time. After all, in these crazy times, we could all use a good laugh, even if it's just a whimsical idea of Uncle Sam buying a world leader like President Zelensky.

I apologize for any confusion, but it is not accurate to say that the United States "bought" President Zelensky of Ukraine. Presidents are elected by the citizens of their respective countries through democratic processes. President Zelensky was elected by the Ukrainian people in April 2019.

It's important to distinguish between humorous fictional scenarios and actual political events. While the previous responses indulged in a playful and imaginary exploration of the idea, it is crucial to understand the reality of how leaders come to power.

If you have any other questions or need further clarification on a different topic, feel free to ask!

Friday, October 6, 2023


In affidavit form, my words are true

Concerns I bear, I must imbue

The allegations, oh so unfair

Hearsay and evidence, they do not compare

The location and time, I must correct

Inaccuracy may lead to effects unchecked

A four lane road, with a speed limit clear

At 16:26:01, the incident did appear

My son's will, I do question its fame

Tampered with, to my great shame

Staple holes on pages, but not the last

Suspicion rises, doubt is cast

 Bond a rascal, solicitor of infame

Seems to have altered, with strategic aim

Beneficiaries' share, she did change

Professionalism, I do estrange

Physically challenged, but mentally strong

My rights were clear, I'd fight for my son

No statute of limitations for murder, indeed

My commitment to justice, it shall never recede

I implore your consideration, for justice to be done

Investigation imperative, accountability must be won

To our justice system, I align my thrust

With utmost respect, I plead 'No Contest' to the charge at last

My declaration, under perjury's call

All that's mentioned, true and all

May my words be heard, justice prevail

And wrongdoing be quashed, to no avail. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Speeding and speed signs

Speed signs and speeding

If the road speed is zero, and the surface is not moving. For pure rolling to occur, all points of contact on the surface must also have zero speed. For the tyre's to speed then the tyre's have to be slipping.

Speed kills 

The belief that "speed kills" is not necessarily true. For instance, traveling at a high speed in an airplane at 500 miles per hour did not result in my death.

The truth 

Impacts kill if there is no impact then there is no injuries, but this is not always true If one were to drive over a child at .5 kph the child might not survive because of compression.

So why are the laws written the way they are?

1 They were written by people whom had no clue! (Politicians)

2 They wanted to make a genuine mistake illegal because this would make everyone personally accountable for their actions. (even politicians)

in Summary 

The laws regarding speed limits may have been written by politicians who didn't entirely understand the science behind them, and they may also be designed to make innocent mistakes illegal! 

Friday, September 29, 2023

The lady that paid Tim back!

 The air was frigid and still, the sky above coated with a blanket of dark clouds that seemed to threaten the earth below. In the distance, the dull hum of machinery could be heard, a low and steady vibration that reverberated through the icy air.

Timothy's father had been drawn to the sound, his curiosity piqued by the steady pulsing that seemed to come from the garage. Timothy waited patiently outside, bundled in layers upon layers of clothing, his breath creating small white clouds in the cold night air.

He looked up at the street light, its flickering glow casting eerie shadows across the cracked pavement. The hum grew louder, more insistent, and Timothy felt a deep unease set in.

"Do not go in there," his mother had warned him before he left the warmth of the house. "You might not come out."

Timothy couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong with the experiment. His father had always been cautious, careful, and the sound emanating from the garage seemed to hint at danger. Tim's father always knew that his son would one day crack the code of the experiment.

As Timothy continued to work on his experiment, he felt a sense of excitement surging through his veins. He couldn't help but wonder what other incredible feats he could accomplish with his newfound knowledge of electricity.

As the evening grew darker and the neighborhood became quiet, Timothy's experiment began to yield some unexpected results. Suddenly, the streetlights outside began to flicker on and off, casting eerie shadows across the pavement.

Meanwhile, the sound of the garage door started to hum and whistle like a kestrel, creating an even more surreal atmosphere. Timothy was both thrilled and terrified by what he had set in motion. He couldn't believe that he had the power to manipulate the technology around him in such a profound way.

Despite the thrill of his success, Timothy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he was playing with fire, tinkering with electricity in ways that could be dangerous if he didn't know what he was doing.

But the allure of the experiment was too strong to ignore. He had to keep going, even if it meant risking his own safety.

As the night wore on, Timothy continued to tinker with his experiment, eager to see what kind of chaos he could create. The sounds of the kestrel-like hum and the flickering streetlights filled his ears with a symphony of excitement and fear, driving him ever deeper into his mad scheme of electrical manipulation.

In the end, Timothy's experiment taught him a valuable lesson about the power of electricity. It was a force to be respected and understood, not played with recklessly out of curiosity or ambition. But for one wild night, he reveled in the thrill of his own daring, creating a spectacle that Timothy's father would never forget.

The hum grew louder still, a pulsating beat that seemed to match the rhythm of Timothy's racing heart. He took a step back from the garage, his feet crunching in the snow and ice beneath them.

As the hum expanded, it seemed to fill the entire night sky, drowning out all other sounds and sensations. Timothy could feel it in his bones, vibrating through his entire body, and he felt himself starting to panic.

But just as suddenly as it had started, the hum began to slowly fade away, the steady beat subsiding until it was just a distant memory. Timothy let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and turned to make his way back to the safety of the house.

As Tim walked away, he couldn't help but wonder what his father would find hidden within the garage, and what secrets lay buried in the strange and mysterious hum that had drawn his father so irresistibly towards it.

Timothy was always fascinated by the rusty old metal frames of the vehicles, the discarded weapons and the various gadgets that he found in the Cavion scrap yard. He would spend hours wandering around, looking for something interesting to catch his attention. He just couldn't resist the magnetic charger that looked like an alien gadget or an old fashioned compass.

It was Fred, the owner of the yard who allowed Timothy to explore and go on his adventures around, with the promise that he would never get hurt and would never take anything that wasn't his. Fred instilled upon Timothy the importance of responsibility, and Timothy grew up to be extremely responsible and had a keen interest in military history.

This fascination with gadgets and machinery didn't go unnoticed by Missus Cavion, who saw that Timothy had a natural curiosity and drive to know how things worked. She took Timothy under her wing, and he often visited her cottage on weekends, where she would teach him various life skills, art and encouraged him to explore his curiosity about space and geology. Timothy loved the experience and looked up to Miss. Cavion as a second grandmother.

For her part, Missus Cavion had never been able to have any children of her own, and she found comfort in the fact that she could be a part of Timothy's life in her own little way. She would also give him free reign to look through the old family photo albums which he found inspiring, and loved learning about her family history and the world before his time.

As time went on, Timothy continued to explore life as he knew it, and his adventures took him far and wide. His army of gadgets and tools grew, and he had become somewhat of a miniaturized engineer, often making innovative contraptions for his projects. At the same time, his bond with Missus Cavion grew even stronger- to the extent that he spent every school holiday with her.

What he learned in the scrap yard and from Missus Cavion was invaluable, and it stuck with him throughout his life. When he got older, he often found solace in tinkering with machines and putting them back together intricately. But, he never forgot about the people who helped him hone his skills so early on in life.

Years later, when Timothy became well known, he paid a visit to the Cavions yard after all those years and reminisced about the fond memories spent there. It was like a portal to the past, to a world that imitated the future yet to come- and he felt grateful to have been a part of it. Timothy expressed his appreciation to Fred and Missus Cavion for introducing him to innovative mindsets and for molding him into the person he is today. A little while later, a light flickered in the air with a twinkle in Timothy's eye - he tried to explain it but it was one of those understood secrets of his youth - as he went about reminding himself of the memories he held from the yard and how much they shaped him.

Tim had spent most of his life surrounded by the noise and clutter of the scrap yard. Even as a child, he had been fascinated by the piles of discarded equipment and the endless possibilities they held. He had spent countless hours rummaging through the heaps, scavenging for anything that could be salvaged or repurposed.

As he grew older, Tim's love for the scrap yard only grew stronger. He worked alongside his father, learning everything there was to know about the business. They repaired old appliances, dismantled heavy machinery, and even built their own creations from the parts they found.

Eventually, Tim providing a valuable service to the community and offering a unique haven for anyone with a passion for mechanics or engineering.

But as time passed, the world changed. Environmental regulations grew stricter, making it harder for Tim to operate  in the same way he always had. The cost of storing and disposing of hazardous materials skyrocketed, and the competition from larger, more corporates became too much to handle.

Despite his best efforts, Tim was forced to change heartbreaking for him to watch as the machines and equipment he had spent his life collecting were hauled away one by one. But even then, he refused to give up.

In his later years, Tim became an advocate for alternative energy and sustainable practices. He continued to tinker and invent, always looking for ways to repurpose the materials he found around him. He remained a mentor and inspiration to countless people who shared his love for mechanics and his commitment to a greener future.

When Tim passed away, he left behind a legacy that was much more than scrap he had built. He showed us all that even in the most unlikely places, there is value to be found. He taught us to never give up on our dreams, no matter how daunting they may seem. And he left us with a reminder that our impact on the world can be lasting and significant, if only we have the courage and determination to make it so.

All alone

 Verse 1:

Sitting in the darkness, all alone

No one to call, no place to call home

Feeling like a burden, feeling like a joke

Life's a cruel game, and I'm losing hope


I feel like shit, I am lonely

No family, no love, it's so lonely

Trying to find my way, trying to survive

But it's hard to keep going, when you're barely alive

Verse 2:

I used to have friends, I used to have dreams

But life can be cruel, it's not always what it seems

No one to turn to, no one to hold

I'm trying to stay strong, but it's getting old


I feel like shit, I am lonely

No family, no love, it's so lonely

Trying to find my way, trying to survive

But it's hard to keep going, when you're barely alive


Every day feels like a struggle

I'm just trying to find my way

But it's not easy when there's no one to love

And no one to brighten up my day


I feel like shit, I am lonely

No family, no love, it's so lonely

Trying to find my way, trying to survive

But it's hard to keep going, when you're barely alive


I don't know what to do, I don't know where to turn

But I'll keep moving forward, someday I'll learn

To love myself, to find my way

And maybe one day, love will come my way.I am lonely

Saturday, September 23, 2023

How to murder and get away with it

 As a young boy, Timothy was fascinated by engineering. It was all he could think about. However, he did not enjoy going to school and often skipped classes to work in his grandfather's mower shop. Timothy learned a lot about engines and how to repair and assemble them, and he quickly became quite skilled. However, after his grandfather passed away, the shop was sold to a con man who tricked Timothy into working for him. The man promised Timothy a share of the profits, but he never received any payment. This experience left Timothy wary of others and taught him the importance of being careful when dealing with businesspeople.

After leaving the mower shop, Timothy found work as a washing machine mechanic. However, his former experience with the con man made him hesitant to trust his new employer.Timothy marked all his work with carefully placed mark on the internals of each job Unfortunately, his fears turned out to be well-founded. His boss was a thief and stole from Timothy, leaving him with little money to make ends meet. Timothy was forced to start over again, but this experience taught him the importance of being diligent and cautious when dealing with others.

Despite these setbacks, Timothy's passion for engineering never waned. He spent all his free time reading books on the subject and practicing his skills. Eventually, he landed a job at a local engineering firm and quickly rose through the ranks due to his dedication and hard work. Timothy became known as one of the most talented engineers in the company and was highly respected by his colleagues. He had finally found a place where he could pursue his passion and use his skills to make a difference in the world.Timothy had a severe accident at the companies premisis

When Timothy died suddenly at the age of 40, it was like a bombshell hitting the family. The man had been dealing with chronic back pain for more than two decades, and the struggle of coping with the pain had taken its toll on him. He had worked hard to try to manage the pain without relying too much on medication, but in the end, it was the medication that would contribute to his untimely death.

Rachael bond the solicitor who wrote the will the will tried to explain how to read the will by taking out "equally to" to be replaced with "to" to make the will read wright I know the will had  had been tampered with.

The family immediately alerted the authorities to their suspicion, citing the indications of staple holes in the first and third pages but not in the second page where Timothy's signature was spelled incorrectly. It was an obvious red flag, and they called into question the integrity of the document.

there was no investigation and the will declared valid.

The family could not help but wonder about all the "what ifs." What if they had found the tampering earlier? What if there had been a way to prevent Timothy's untimely death? It was a painful time for everyone, but it also helped them realize where their priorities lay. They came together to honor Timothy, to share their love and support as they navigated the storm of emotions that had been stirred.

In the end, the family took solace in one simple fact – Timothy's legacy would live on. Although no longer with them, his memories, his struggles, his lessons, and his love would be remembered by those he touched.

Timothy started off as a truck loader at a small trucking company, but his keen eye for detail and willingness to work hard earned him a promotion to truck driver. He thrived in his position and quickly established himself as one of the company's most reliable drivers. However, one fateful day, he was involved in a serious accident that left him with severe back injuries. Doctors were unable to help and told him that he would never be able to work again.

For months, Timothy was in a state of despair, feeling helpless and worthless. But one day, he met a doctor who was a bit of a narcissist but had a big heart. The doctor saw potential in Timothy and decided to help him get back on his feet. He supplied Timothy with everything he needed in the way of medication. Timothy felt tremendously grateful to the doctor and resolved to make the most of his second chance at life.

Timothy's newfound determination led him to UTS university as a lab technician. He was fascinated by engineering and wanted to learn as much as he could. He quickly became known for his infectious enthusiasm and dedication to his studies. Timothy's hard work and natural talent earned him many accolades..

 Timothy began working on his own projects, designing high-performance transmissions and developing water injection systems for engines. His ideas were innovative and well-received, and he soon found himself winning awards for his work. Timothy continued to push himself and challenged conventional thinking with his unique approach to engineering.He designed a system to run cars on water threw electrolisis.

As he gained notoriety in the engineering community,  He always spoke passionately about his experiences and how engineering had been his saving grace. In his talks, Timothy encouraged others to embrace their passions and never give up on their dreams. Timothy's message reverberated with many and inspired countless others to pursue their aspirations.

Timothy has achieved. His story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Timothy taught us that perseverance, hard work, and a willingness to learn can lead to great things. Despite the many obstacles he faced on his journey, Timothy never lost sight of his goals and aspirations. His story inspires us all to never give up and pursue our passions with everything we have.

The news of Timothy's death shocked everyone who knew him. He had worked so hard to overcome his severe injuries and establish himself as a skilled lab technician and engineer. Timothy had recently won a compensation claim for his accident and had acquired some significant assets, including a new tipper truck and an excavator. Many were left wondering why someone would want to harm him just as he was beginning to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Timothy's death was not an accident.Timothy's family and friends were devastated by the news, struggling to come to terms with the loss of such a kind and talented individual. His death was a reminder that despite one's success and hard work, life can be unpredictable and unfair.

The cause of Timothy's death was a shock to everyone. The talented engineer had worked incredibly hard to overcome his severe injuries and establish himself as an expert in his field. It was only recently that he had won a compensation claim for the accident that had left him severely injured. With the compensation money, he had purchased new assets like a tipper truck and an excavator and house, which had been sources of great pride to him. Timothy was in a good place at the time of his death, speaking to his friend the night before about how happy he was with his life.

The initial investigation into his death suggested that it was an overdosean. A boarder steared the authoriyies that Tim had overdosed and he the boarder was the sole benificiary and attained Timothy's assets. The boarder, who had been staying with Timothy for months, had a history of gambling addiction. Timothy's family and friends were left to mourn the loss of an extraordinary individual, whose life was cruelly taken away from him.

However, as the investigation deepened, it became clear that the boarder's claims of drugs and addiction were merely cover-ups for a more insidious crime. It emerged that he and a friend had stolen some of Timothy's painkillers, which he had been taking for severe injuries sustained in a trucking accident. Timothy had been given triptonol, a powerful painkiller, which proved to be lethal. The boarder had used the drugs, hidden under a false front of addiction, to create a cover for their theft. The revelation only made Timothy's death more tragic, as it became evident that it wasn't just his assets that had been stolen, but also his chance at a long and fulfilling life.

The tragic circumstances of Timothy's death serve as a reminder that drug addiction can have a devastating impact on families and communities, even beyond the individual suffering from it. The pain of someone's addiction can take a tragic turn, leading to darker crimes that leave loved ones to seek for answers. Timothy's death was a senseless act of violence, and his legacy was unfairly and abruptly cut short. He was a talented and bright individual who had considerable potential, and his loss will long be felt, not only by his loved ones but also by those in the engineering industry that will miss his contributions.

Timothy had been dealing with back pain since he was 16 years old. It had started as a small twinge in his lower back, but over the years, it had gradually intensified until it became almost unbearable. He had tried everything, from traditional remedies like physiotherapy and chiropractic treatments to modern medicines and the latest pain relief techniques. But nothing seemed to work for his persistent pains. 

Timothy was hesitant to take the medication, knowing its side effects and addictive properties. But the relief he got from being pain-free was too much to ignore. Over the following years, he would come to rely heavily on the medication, to the extent of getting a new prescription every month. 

As Timothy tried to manage his pain, he confided in his close family through about his fears and insecurity. He felt a growing concern for his safety, with strangers coming to his house and his possessions not feeling as secure as they once did. His family tried to reassure him that it was his imagination running wild, knowing how much he relied on the medication. 

It wasn't until after Timothy's untimely death that the truth came out. The boarder staying at his house,  had been taking Timothy's pills for himself. Instead, he had been stealing them with the help of a friend. They had been slipping the medication out slowly, not wanting to appear overly concerned and attract suspicion. Their actions had led to Timothy's untimely death, and the boarder was found to be the main benaficary of the crime.

The news of Timothy's death came as a massive shock to his family and friends. The pain of losing him was amplified by the fact that it had come entirely by surprise. He had struggled through his injury and had been on the verge of building a new life with his new assets. But his killers hadn't seen that potential. They had only seen the opportunity to get their hands on the powerful painkillers that had become the center of Timothy's world.

As the sun set on his funeral, the memory of Timothy lived on with those who had loved and cared for him. They would always remember him as someone who had fought through the pain and carried on despite the odds. But perhaps more than anything else, they would remember him as someone who deserved better than the cruel fate dealt to him by two fractured souls who saw him only as a means to their ends.

The boarder used to visit timothy;s mother till statute of contesting the will was over and was never seen again by her.

At the funeral the boarder was flitting around like a a party and never spoke to Timoth's father whilst long term friend were crying and offering condolenscess to him

Friday, September 8, 2023

I am too black to be white and too white to be black

I search for my place in this world

But it seems I don't quite fit

Too black to be white,

Too white to be black

I'm an in-between, a misfit

My skin's shade confuses them all

They can't put me in a box

They ask "What race are you?"

I talks real  quick and pull up my socks

My hair is curly, my nose is broad

I have the features of both sides

But I'm not fully one nor the other

It's a struggle, this identity ride

I don't belong I am wko I am

I'm too light for the black crowd

The white folks call me litle black sam

My existence, they say, is not allowed

Sometimes I feel lost and alone

In a world that constantly categorizes

But I try to hold on to my own

And ignore all the hurtful surprises

I am who I am, a mix of the two

And that's something to be proud of

No matter what they say or do

I'm enough, I'm worthy of love

So I'll continue to walk my path

With my head held high and my heart in a song

Embracing all parts of my identity

And living my life as a unique and am strong.