Sunday, October 2, 2011

What do you do? as on

Caught Speeding- Blame your tyres 

Les Felix, a South Australian metrology expert (metrology being the science of measurement), has come up with an interesting alibi for speeding motorists. “Blame the tyres” he says. His treatise is discussed in this article from The Tire Review .
Les measured 30 tyres on two cars, and showed that variations in speedometer readings of up to 3 kilometres per hour, with similar variation with tyre pressures on certain types of tyres (my italics). which when combined could lead to 6 km/h variation in speedo readings. Other variances which could affect accuracy were the thickness of the speedo needle, and the height of the driver, which might lead to parallax error.  Adding all these up, which would be uncommon, it can be as high an error as 8 km/h at 60 km/h, and 13-15 km/h at 110 km/h according to Felix.
“Good story” says the officer as he writes out the ticket. “Now prove it in a court of law”
Several other factors need to be identified.
Every tyre design has a set of “nominal specifications”, which in most cases are first laid down by the Tyre and Rim Association of the U.S.A., since they are still the largest automobile manufacturers in the world. But they do not act alone. An interlocking system of Standards between the European Tyre and Rim governing body (E.T.R.T.O), Japan Tyre and Rim Association, South African, Australian ensures that all “automotive oriented” countries work to the same Standards. Then the fun starts. Around each “Standard” dimension specified for a new size of tyre, there are permitted tolerances in manufacture. These tolerances, only available to the tyre manufacturers, are written into the design manual used by the tyre design engineers of any one particular tyre company. Some companies stick religiously to try to hitting the standard dimensions in mid range, others tend to the larger dimensions because it might help the tyres perform better, others to the smaller to save material. All dimensions are taken after the tyre has been inflated for 24 hours at a specified temperature because they stretch a little bit when first inflated. After that, zilch.
So it is not uncommon for tyres to vary between makes by the full extent of these tolerances, which cumulatively could add up to as high as 5%. A study of promotional leaflets published by the tyre companies will show this to be the case.
Radial tyres roll around the diameter of the (steel) belts built into the tyre, and their rolling circumference does not differ markedly with pressure. The belts restrict the tyre growth, which is what they are supposed to do. Early experiments with steel belted radial tyres showed that in excess of 200 p.s.i. pressure only caused a growth of less that .060 inches in diameter. Bias ply tyres do however, change rolling circumference with pressure and with speed. Indeed, speedway cars rely on this to give them their “fifth gear”. However, their use on passenger cars is obsolete.
The most common cause of speedo error is fitting tyres of different section width, which carries with it an increase in diameter at the same profile, or fitting plus 1 or plus 2 fitments without matching tyre rolling circumference (or diameter) within the tolerance permitted by State legislation, which varies from State to State currently, though Queensland may fall into line soon.
If you’re worried about it, most major highways out of the capital cities have a measured 5 kilometres to check your odometer, or on the Hume highway 25 km out of Melbourne, radar guns which flash your speed up as you approach. However, if the southbound lane gives a different reading to the northbound, I know which one I would accept- unless I could find a sympathetic beak to believe my story! The officer writing out the ticket won’t, for sure!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I use a credit union

I got another one of those calls again offering $700 dollars of free calls on my mobile!  He went on for some time and then asked how much was my phone bill and I said thousands. How much? Thousands of dollars.We can give you $700 free calls. Now he thinks he's got a live one and rattles on.  So I said that's good and I would accept then he wanted my bank details and I said I don't trust them. They steal all your money. Where do you keep your money? In a safe? How much do you have ? Thousands ? In a safe ? Yes . What about my free phone calls? They cost $59 . No they are free!!! No they cost. No free I will try and if I like then I would sign up for more free phone calls for free. They are not free sir ! You said they were free! After fifteen minutes he said have a nice day sir and hung up. I use a credit union and don't have a mobile! My calls are 8 cents for anywhere in the world for as long as I like! Want to know more post a comment and I will get back to you for free!!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

nuclear power plants

During the second world war the Japanese attacked the USA with balloons with bombs that crossed the Pacific ocean on the winds. Fucashima power station  fall out will go where the balloons went and with those winds go the fallout from these broken power reactors. During the French atomic tests x ray equipment testing units were set off in Victoria in Australia. We are all effected with radio active materials and the increase in cancers is inevitable and our children are all effected and even the unborn ones. Now we come to global warming .. sorry climate change and the cost for carbon. Where is all this extra carbon coming from? There is the same amount on the earth as there was when it was formed. Look I don't get it , if you want to reduce the consumption of all materials then the only way to do this is wars and population reduction. Here is an example:- The Tasmanian Tiger doesn't produce any carbon dioxide any more, It has done its bit for global warming - climate change. My mate David Hughes suggested population reduction on his internet site Crowed Planet and was Jailed for taking steps to do what he thought was right and his site taken from him by the ACCC.. Look guys and girls it is simple KEEP YOUR PANTS ON and we wont need nuclear power stations and wars to keep the populations down. The greens have population reduction in there sights with gay marriages here in Australia the next step is to make it compulsery .

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bi polar and Schizophrenia

schizophrenia  is a disease of older people, It is all right for a child to have an imaginary friend and talk to this friend and is in the genes that all humans have this quality. Imagination is also a quality also built into the genes and is how our society developed to where we are today. These imaginary friends came about when you were the only child for miles around and to stop insanity you had a imaginary friend. Now doctors who did not have a friend in there mind see this as a problem. The problem arises when the child is abused and the friend has hate in its dialogue with there imaginary friend .

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Didigital cameras with gps

There is a security problem when cameras made in the middle east supply photos and gps locations in the target country and send this back to the middle east and this is then used as servailence and a tool to spy on the unsuspecting individuals. Even the insides of building and there layouts are sent. Posters and material on white boards in the backgrounds of photos are scanned for information. Be careful what you photograph in your workplace and homes as this is also sent and allows these organisations to know how you live and work.Governments need to look at this problem as small sending units can easliy be placed in the electronics of cameras and phones giving heights and contours of all places we go to.