Opera in fire
Blog Chaging the future one bolt at a time,when I know everyting I know nothing becuse i know more now than I did before!
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
drivers seat
I spoke two posts ago about doing and being in the drivers seat, and have posted this to wet your appetite... http://vimeo.com/25105535
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
ant- catipiller
Back in the 1980s I was helping a preschool by repairing tricycles that were averaging about 2000 kilometers a week. This was worked out by measuring the length of the track and the time it took to go round it once this was multiplied by the number of minutes and hours per day they were used and the number five for the days of the week. I arranged for a Caterpillar to be made and it was there for years and the kids loved it. It was then removed and taken away and cut in half and became an ant. The ladder used to go over and come back to the same position as the ants tail it had twelve legs. It was removed from its new location as an ant and was never seen again. Until today when I saw it on a web site, I emailed the owner of the site and was told it was probably the one I had made. One of the colour schemes was with the eyes painted red with black pupils and red veins in the whites it looked drunk. The body was always yellow with black legs. So here it is thanks to the apprentice boilermakers at the Wollongong Technical College for making it.Thanks to the unknown photographer for the image.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Gravetrons are seen in the reflextion in a mirror and are lost in the mirror that us not seen, that is in the missing parts of the reflexion that is outside the mirror. Its like the scrolling of the screen of a computer where does the image go that moves from the screen. thats where the gravetrons go but they are not lost they are still there. Move the mirror and you see them again, same goes for the computer screen. the image is still there. Break the mirror and you expand the universe because of the multiple images same applies for the gravetrons.......Simple if you understand it. Sorry for the quantumn thoughts......some times the people working on these things don't see for the looking.......
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Copied from only solar.com.au I am Abandoining the site and my son is taking it over
green sustainable cheep electricity and lights
This is my old mate Donny the owner of the famous race horse Sanjapaddy
,the sun was shining and we went to the rubbish tip and Donny said you could furnish a house from here . So I thought it could be done so went about it because Donny got a bit giddy so I got a chair for him to sit on, He said carpet would be good and the carpet was found and another chair for me. He said the cricket was on and he said a bit of telly might go good and a table and TV were found as well, A wind break was fashioned and a smoke detector was placed in the tree above him pots and pans and there it is home sweet home. Then this lady came to the tip and was asking Donny what he was doing and he said waiting for the cricket to come on! Pity we didn't have electricity but if I looked hard enough I would have found that too....cheers Stewart
Monday, August 31, 2009
lies taken from a web site on solar energy
wow using energy when power is turned off? don't believe everything that is spruked off about in the media and the Internet....this is how it read
"unplug devices that are always using electricity, such as cell phone chargers or computers. A startling fact is that on average, 75% of electricity consumed by home appliances is when they are turned off."
This was written by a person who says you can make your own solar panels for one hundred dollars.
There is a lot of work assembling a panel and if one connection brakes the panel wont work.
Do you have the equipment to work out where the brake is?
Started small an got bigger with the things Ive done over many years .
I myself would not entertain building a grid interactive solar system as the problems can be immense. By all means have a go at making a panel...make a smaller panel first to charge batteries or light an area at night , and with experience you learn, you can go on to bigger things . My blogspot started small and grew slowly so did the things we made. cheers Stewart
"unplug devices that are always using electricity, such as cell phone chargers or computers. A startling fact is that on average, 75% of electricity consumed by home appliances is when they are turned off."
This was written by a person who says you can make your own solar panels for one hundred dollars.
There is a lot of work assembling a panel and if one connection brakes the panel wont work.
Do you have the equipment to work out where the brake is?
Started small an got bigger with the things Ive done over many years .
I myself would not entertain building a grid interactive solar system as the problems can be immense. By all means have a go at making a panel...make a smaller panel first to charge batteries or light an area at night , and with experience you learn, you can go on to bigger things . My blogspot started small and grew slowly so did the things we made. cheers Stewart
diy solar

Labels: diy solar
Monday, October 19, 2009
How to get rebate from the government
- Please note that the reverse cycle hot water heater can have noise associated with them and it is usually at night that they work.You could inadvertently annoy your neighbours.
- This is a copy from the government web site I hope this is informative for you. cheers Stewart
- ....................................................................................................................................................................
- Eligibility
- people rebuilding following the February 2009 Victorian bush fires
- new eligibility requirements for Queensland
- general eligibility requirements.
- How to apply - guidelines and application form
- Role of installers
- Information for installers
- Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
The Solar Hot Water Rebate will help people save money on their power bills and reduce their household's greenhouse gas emissions. Water heating is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions from the average Australian home, accounting for around 25 per cent of home energy use (excluding the family car).
Installing a climate friendly hot water system can save a family up to $700 off their energy bills each year.
Further information
Eligibility requirements
The Solar Hot Water Rebate is only available to people who have not previously received assistance to install ceiling insulation through the Home Insulation Program or the Homeowner Insulation Program at this address.The $1,000 rebate for heat pump hot water systems is for systems purchased and installed on or after 5 September 2009. Heat pump hot water systems purchased or installed on or prior to 4 September 2009 may be eligible for a $1,600 rebate if proof of purchase or installation prior to this date is included with the application.
Full details of eligibility are provided in the Solar Hot Water Rebate guidelines. Key criteria are listed below.
Applicants rebuilding following the February 2009 Victorian bush fires
From 5 September 2009 the Solar Hot Water Rebate will be opened up to people who lost their homes in the February 2009 Victorian bush fires and have rebuilt. The rebate is not usually available for people building new homes, but the Government is making an exception for homes destroyed in the February 2009 fires.A special application cover form will be available shortly.
Important eligibility requirements for Queensland
Access to the Queensland Government's Solar Hot Water Program relies on applicants being eligible for the Australian Government's Solar Hot Water Rebate.If you have already received assistance under the Australian Government's Home Insulation Program or Homeowner Insulation Program you will not be eligible for either the Australian Government's Solar Hot Water Rebate or the Queensland Government's Solar Hot Water Program.
Please contact the Queensland Solar Hot Water Program for further information on 13 25 23 or visit: www.cleanenergy.qld.gov.au/queensland_solar_hot_water_program.cfm
Eligible systems
To be eligible for the rebate, a hot water system must:- replace an electric storage hot water system (Exception: if your home was destroyed in the February 2009 Victorian bush fires, you may be eligible for the rebate for your newly rebuilt home on the same site, provided the home also includes a 2000 litre rainwater tank (compliant with Victorian 5-star building standards) which is connected to the dwelling for toilet flushing).
- be purchased and installed on, or after 3 February 2009
- be a solar or heat pump hot water system that is eligible for at least 20 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) at the time and place of installation
- be installed by a suitably qualified person (for example an electrician or plumber).
Eligible households
- An owner-occupier, landlord or tenant can apply for the rebate as long as the dwelling where the hot water system is installed is a principal place of residence.
- Government organisations are not eligible for the rebate.
How to apply
Important information
- Applying for the rebate is straightforward and simple.
- Only individuals aged 18 years and over who are the owner or tenant of the dwelling are eligible to apply.
- Only apply for the rebate after the system has been installed.
- The rebate is not available as a point of sale discount nor can a retailer, installer or commercial business apply for the rebate on behalf of their customers.
- To claim a rebate, you need to submit an application using the application form which is below. The application form is also included as part of the guidelines.
- You have up to six months after an eligible system is installed to submit an application form.
- You should allow eight weeks for the application to be processed.
- Please attach a copy of your purchase receipts which clearly indicate whether you have installed a solar or heat pump hot water system with the application. No other supporting documentation is to be submitted with the application.
- Under the Solar Hot Water Rebate you are required to agree that, if requested, you will provide evidence to support claims made in the application as part of an audit process to ensure you meet the program guidelines. For example, proof of system installation or allowing an authorised representative access to your property may be requested at a later date.
Application information
Please read all material and ensure you meet all eligibility requirements before applying.Download
A booklet incorporating all documents and information you will need on the rebateYour application will need the following information:
- Date of installation of your new solar or heat pump hot water system.
- Type of system (ie solar hot water or heat pump system).
- BSB Number - six digit number which identifies the bank/financial institution and branch where your bank account is held.
- Bank Account Number where the rebate is to be deposited.
Application Form
You can apply by using the application form included in the guidelines or by downloading and printing the form below and sending it to:Solar Hot Water Rebate
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601
For more information you can also contact our national information line on 1800 808 571.What is the role of the installer?
To be eligible for the rebate, a hot water system must be installed by a licensed electrician or plumber as required under standard regulations. The licensed installer must sign your application form verifying that:- The system is a new and complete hot water system that replaces an existing electric storage hot water system previously operational at the dwelling.
- The system is eligible for at least 20 RECs at the time and place of installation.
- Installers are also required to provide other technical and installation details including the tank number of the new system and the installation date. Installers are aware of the process and have easy access to the information.
We recommend you seek around three quotes to ensure you are getting the best value for your system.
Information for installers
Licensed plumbers and electricians have an important role in the rebate application process. Installers need to complete and sign part of their customer’s application form at the time the system is installed. Completing these parts of the application form is straightforward and only takes a few minutes. The information provided by installers is used by the Australian Government to verify certain eligibility requirements for the rebate.Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Under the Australian Government's Renewable Energy Target (RET) - a scheme set up under Commonwealth law to promote the development of renewable energy - new solar and heat pump hot water heaters may be eligible to create Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Households can create and trade these certificates on their own, but it is more common for Registered Agents to create and trade RECs on behalf of households. The RECs benefit for consumers usually comes as a point of sale discount. Most retailers will advise potential buyers how many RECs are provided by each solar or heat pump hot water system model and how much each of those RECs are worth at today's prices (the price of RECs vary according to market forces). The retailers then provide a discount to the buyer, meaning the cost of the hot water system to the householder is reduced..Hot water system retailers can also advise you on the number of RECs assigned to a system.
More information about RECs is available on the Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator website:
- Renewable Energy Certificates - Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator
- Solar Hot Water Heaters - Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator
- Energy Efficient Homes Package Call Centre: 1800 808 571
Linking to the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts web site
Linking to any material on this web site is permitted, provided that the link is not done in a manner that might mislead or deceive any person, and providing that the links are made at your full expense and responsibility. You must not:- imply that the Australian Government endorses the web site or product
- use Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts solely for commercial practices
- alter any of the web site's contents
- change the content of the material technically (e.g. the material is presented in a frame and users are unable to determine the location of the original material)
- contravene government policy
- provide a link to the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts web site from a site that is not in the public interest.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
homemade solar hot water

Friday, October 9, 2009
I want people to think about the cost of power to your house. Now ask yourself this question, can I produce it cheaper myself? My last bill was for $195 for three months thats about $2 per day. Now I cannot produce the power for that, but I do produce some of it being hot water. If the price went to $10 per day I would concider cogeneration on a small scale, Cogeneration is simply taking the heat and electricity produced and using it all. The system is simply a generator and water cooling the engine. Now if I were traveling in a car and caravan or a motor home I would look at heating the water from the exhaust pipe for showers and washing. This is free energy that is produced and is not being used. cheers Stewart
Saturday, October 3, 2009
solar who pays
Solar energy is produced by the suns action on a panel producing electricity or heat for hot water or air.
Notice that on you energy bill that hot water and heating is the largest component so this is where you get the best value for dollar spent on solar.
Light is about 10% of the bill,refrigeration is another 10% so if your bill is $100 then the light and refrigeration component is about $10 each.Heating is the remainder 80% or $80.
One solar panel for electricity with one battery operating only lights will save you $10 off the bill.
One panel and battery and lights on a stand alone system would cost you about $1000.
This being the case it will take you 100 bills to pay you back or four bills per year times the years 25 . 1000 divided x 10 = 100 divided x 4 = 25 years.
So this is not a good return for your money.
On the other hand solar hot water is different that is $ 80 x 4 bills = $320 / years x 10 years = $ 3200 which is the cost of a solar hot water system.
This is not taking into account the government rebates which is the similar for both electric generation and hot water.
If I were spending your money I would go for hot water followed by insulation of your home first in that order...cheers Stewart
Monday, September 28, 2009
I think this is a little doozy.
standby dos'nt use much power
standby dos'nt use much power
Even when turned off, appliances can still draw power. New Zealanders use more electricity keeping products on standby than we do actually using them.
wind power and hydro power
Monday, September 28, 2009
Little generator little power little money little trouble, big generator big every thing else.
Our water generator (hydro electric) was 7.5 kilowatts three phase using a cross flow turbine, 12 inches wide 14inch diameter running at 200rpm, driving a generator at 1500 rpm, and a head of water of 4 metres and a water flow of 3,000 gallons / minute. this might sound complicated and to the untrained it is.If you have any questions I will try to answer them here. cheers Stewart
Saturday, September 12, 2009
solar energy who pays
I am one for sustainability and green things.
Be warned you set up a solar array guaranteed for twenty years you get a pittance in return for your out lay.
In twenty years the thing breaks down no warranty, say it draws from the grid and your bills go up.
Now who pays not the electric company you do...don't believe me then. What about the new car you bought with 3 years ago out of warranty and it broke down and you needed a new computer chip , a thousand you say as you part with your money...
Say an array cost you 10,000 and you save say 300 dollars a year on your bills. what is the interest on the 10,000 over a year at 5% is about $500 at the end of twenty years you probably have trebled your money and the warranty hasn't run out...this is just food for thought.
Solar hot water and space heating are different.I have solar hot water on my roof and am looking at heating the house as well. Cheers Stewart
Check out the warranty post on imagingeering-engineering Gundagai
Be warned you set up a solar array guaranteed for twenty years you get a pittance in return for your out lay.
In twenty years the thing breaks down no warranty, say it draws from the grid and your bills go up.
Now who pays not the electric company you do...don't believe me then. What about the new car you bought with 3 years ago out of warranty and it broke down and you needed a new computer chip , a thousand you say as you part with your money...
Say an array cost you 10,000 and you save say 300 dollars a year on your bills. what is the interest on the 10,000 over a year at 5% is about $500 at the end of twenty years you probably have trebled your money and the warranty hasn't run out...this is just food for thought.
Solar hot water and space heating are different.I have solar hot water on my roof and am looking at heating the house as well. Cheers Stewart
Check out the warranty post on imagingeering-engineering Gundagai
Labels: solar who pays
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Solar hot water
I have a Edwards solar hot water unit on my roof and I am very happy with it. There service and there equipment is as good as you will get .cheers Stewart
Monday, January 11, 2010
generate your own power
If you use a generator to do the washing it would cost about say 2 dollars and if you captured the heat for water it just might be economical instead of the grid power. Its getting close. If you get a generator from Strath Steam in South Australia and burn your junk mail and twigs from the local park and your tree wind fall in your yard it would be cheaper than the grid. Other places of fire wood is pallets and off cuts from saw mills.Try your council tip and take all there timber at a fixed price. You could run the generator from the humane waste if you put in a digestor,these are similar to a septic tank and the fuel is waste product which is also a greenhouse gas.Check it out for your self...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
TV comparison: LED v LCD v Plasma TVs
I did some comparisons of TVs and how much they cost to run and it looks like the most economical to run don't necessarily are not the cheapest to own and use in the long run as seen by this table below. Notice the price of electricity at 19cents/kilowatt.
Now if we increase the price of electricty to 38 cents, (as these 'motivated groups' have been telling us Bustards), then the cost to run changes slightly.
You be the judge.
Hours of TV per Day | 5 | |||||||
Cost of Electricity | 0.19 | per kilowatt | ||||||
Cost to run | Plasma TV (42 inch) | LCD tv (40 inch ) | LED 40inch | |||||
0.4 | kilowatts | 0.2 | kilowatts | 0.14 | kilowatts | |||
Cost per day | 0.38 | 0.19 | 0.133 | |||||
7days/wk | 2.66 | 1.33 | 0.931 | |||||
Per year | 138.32 | 69.16 | 48.412 | |||||
I saved $400 | ||||||||
Pay back period | ||||||||
5.78369 | years | |||||||
Purchase | $1,100 | $1,250 | $2,250 | |||||
Payback period | is | 2.168884 | years | 48.19742 | years |
Now if we increase the price of electricty to 38 cents, (as these 'motivated groups' have been telling us Bustards), then the cost to run changes slightly.
Hours of TV per Day | 5 | |||||||
Cost of ELECtricty | 0.38 | per kilowatt | ||||||
Cost to run | Plasma TV (42 inch) | LCD tv (40 inch ) | LED 40inch | |||||
0.4 | kilowatts | 0.2 | kilowatts | 0.14 | kilowatts | |||
Cost per day | 0.76 | 0.38 | 0.266 | |||||
7days/wk | 5.32 | 2.66 | 1.862 | |||||
Per year | 276.64 | 138.32 | 96.824 | |||||
I saved $400 | ||||||||
Pay back period | ||||||||
2.891845 | years | |||||||
Purchase | $1,100 | $1,250 | $2,250 | |||||
Payback period | is | 1.084442 | years | 24.09871 | years |
You be the judge.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Electricity prices
I will have to rethink the production of electricity in the home as prices are to rise 60%. I think that small generation and power storage might be the way to go. The way to do this is to have a stand alone system to power lights and use LEDS light emitting diodes instead of globes all running on twelve volts and the mains power as backup source this would save 10% of your light bill which is about twenty dollars a bill. the system would cost about $50 per light and switches say $10 each and batteries $200 each panels $800 each total 7 lightsx 50 = 350 + pannel 800 + switches 70 +wire 50 + batteries 200 = $1500 At this rate it would take 7.5 years to pay back. Without rebate not quite there yet. I will evaluate it again in the future..cheers Stewart
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Led lighting
I think the only way to use led lights inside the home is to run them from a battery at twelve volts and charge the battery with a solar panel.Or use garden lights and put them out during the day to charge.The savings is only about 10% of you bill but as we have just seen the price of electricity is to rise 60%. It is probably worth looking into,Bunnings have some ball shaped lights that can be hung and are ten dollars each they give good light for there size..cheers Stewart
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
solar blinds
Hang sheets of corrigated iron from your eaves to stop heat entering you house or shed.They would stop radient heat in a bush fire entering your house threw the windows.
Labels: solar blinds
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