Monday, April 29, 2019

The perfect murder as it happened

Get the victims name to obtain drugs of all types,keep the packages for later use.Sell the drugs to a dealer for quick cash.
It is so simple on the night of the deed get the victim fully inebriated get some of the drugs and put them into the alcohol and keep feeding them til they are unconscious. Now is the time to inject a concoction of drugs to finish the job.
The police come and see the packets of drugs that have been place in full view.
Immediately it is just another drug overdose.
Case closed.
The perfect crime.
. The thing is the first at the scene is the most important and has the power to do the most harm. The perpetrator has a small window to convince the police it is a drug overdose.
As the father and mother of the victim really know the victim then these would be a good place to start an investigation but it never happened.
The police never interviewed the parents so how would one know the truth.
I know a barister who said just give me one week in high school with a teacher and I can get and do as I like. How true he was.

Any individual who can not be ruled out by process of elimination should be questioned further. With any luck and thorough detective work, all potential suspects will be cleared with the exception of the perpetrator. The goal is to determine means, motive, and opportunity… And the physical evidence should match the final determination.
Motive 1 million dollars I think this would count as motive. Paying off key people would count as another motive.

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