Tuesday, November 17, 2009

notice Warning

I have nothing to do with following address  ...noreply@blogger.com  They have attached themselves onto my blog without my permission  My address is imagineering-engineering.blogspot.com  cheers Stewart

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sustainable living

For the young ones who are doing it tough and want to live in the city like Sydney. Make yourself a barge out of 44 gallon drums and pallets scrounged from the car parks and streets. Ask and the stuff will be given to you. All you will need is a cordless drill and a heap of tech screws. You will have to invest in a swag for sleeping or sleep under news papers as these will definitely keep you warm. Showering can be done at places like universities or industrial estates. You wont be found out if you leave the premises cleaner than you found them. Other places are in motels when the guests leave the room early and there is no one there to stop you. Just act like you paid for the room yourself. Breakfast can be had by looking threw the left overs left at the doors, apples oranges tea bags sugar salt etc are all there for the taking. Be gentle have fun and improvise and things will get better. If you have the luxury of owning a car make sure it is one that you can sleep in comfortably go for a trades mans van as these have more room in them. Cooking can be done on a small drum with holes punched in the top and small sticks to do the heating with. A good source of protein is baked beans a couple of eggs and a bit of bacon. I call these cowboy beans and they will sustain you without getting sick. If you do have the misfortune of getting sick eat raw onions and this will fix you just put them between slices of bread , Its not as bad as it sounds . If you go to a new area of the country on arrival eat some local yogurt and this will stop you getting travelers belly.
cheers Stewart


When I went to the rubbish tip I would pick up a bottle of gas that had run out of date and take it home and empty it out and then take it back next time I went to the tip. They asked me what I did with the gas and told them I had the correct equipment to empty the gas and I would do this free as a service to the community. Did it for years. Then the greedy bus-tards stopped it cause they couldn't get any money from the process and didn't know how to get the gas out themselves. The special equipment I had was my gas barbecue and a spanner to connect to it. Now I see them bleed the gas to the air.
Then there was the fish shop oil that I blended with the diesel in my truck. This had to be cleaned and the way to do this is to very slowly let the oil pass over water and the solids would drop out. Did this for years as well. I would also get the oil from cars and blend this as well. Then the greedy bus-tards stopped this and wanted to fine me for evasion of excise tax on oils, I copped a warning and decided to leave it alone.
cheers mumble mumble Stewart


Here's how to use less water. Put a water tank on the house the biggest you can get, then install a pressure feed pump to the tank and a hose to the rear tap on the house via garden hose, You will have to take out the tap washer as this acts as a non return valve. Now your set. Now turn off the water supply to the house (that's after the tank has filled) . Now you are totally sufficient, So they come and read the meter to check water usage and they send you a nasty letter and tell you how its a crime to interfere with the meter. So you lets them know that you didn't touch the meter and they don't believe you and they puts a new meter in to replace the old one. So now you get a bit pi-ssed off and you decide not to use any of there water at all the next quarter and you carry water from the park down the street to supplement your water supply till the next rain. Then you get another warning about interfering with the meter. You explain that you haven't used any of there water.Tey dont believe you. They then replace the meter again. They also charge you water usage as they evaluate the water you have used in the past and based there bill on this. Greedy bus-tards they want my pittance as well to pay those CEO,s millions ....cheers mumble mumble Stewart

Sustainability electricity

So you do the right thing and use less electricity and the way you do it is to cook on gass or wood stove or better still a digestor using the gas to cook. You install a solar hot water service and you run your computer from the car battery and the tv being a new fangled flat screen energy efficient ones as well is run off a single solar panel and a car battery that you found at the tip. Then to top it off you buy your groceries every day so the fridge is turned off as well. Then you insulate the jug so the heat stays in the hot water between uses like a hot pot. You then wear your clothes for two days and you wash your undies in the shower and hang them on the clothes line to dry. Then you buy those garden lights and charge them in the sun during the day and bring them at night. You also charge your rechargeable power tools with the sun. You go to bed early and get up early and you spend more time in the garden and eat the spoils of your work. Then the electricity bill comes a whopping $84.56 and the amount you use doesn't register on the meter.. WHY?.... The greedy bus-tards (spelling mistake intended) want there cut for doing nothing and the CEO's want millions from our pittance .The company I'm with is Country energy
cheers mumble mumble Stewart

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sustainable forestry

As a kid going to school memories take the form of log trucks and saw mills, scrub lands and desolation. What I have said before there was a swamp in front of the house if you would like to call it that. The nights were cold even freezing and the only form of heat was a open fire, lots of stories were told by that fire. I went back to see where I lived as a child and there was nothing left I mean nothing, they told me a fire went threw a few years earlier and burnt down the village and the trees fences and every thing. There wasn't even a brick as the foundations were wood and the fire places were corrugated iron. There was nothing it was like no one ever lived there the village was called Bostobrick, West of Dorrigo. Even the timber mill was burnt to the ground. Getting back to the story. The timber trucks were bigger and the bloke who drove one was my best mate Ray. There was a new mill and the yardman was asked if he knew Ray and he did, He was due in in the next half hour. He asked who I was and I told him and he said Ray wouldn't recognise me after forty years. I said he would and he even wanted to bet he wouldn't. When Ray came in the yardman said to Ray that there was someone here to see him and Ray turned round and said hi Stewart I'll be with you in a sec. The yardman couldn't believe it after forty years and with a beard as well to cover my face and I didn't say anything, I thought it pretty cool. I went with Ray out to where the were getting the logs from and there were stumps in the forest which were cut down when I was a kid. It is sad to see the closing of the mill which used selective logging practices. The mill was a band saw mill and the old one was a circular saw mill. They milled the trees into timber to be used in the building industry. I'm a bit of a greeny( the farmer's in Gundagai recons I'm only half a greeny and I was OK.) but I do see the need for logging but not the destructive way they have raped the bush on the south coast of N.S.W and in Tasmania for wood chip. I will stand up to this type of logging any day. As for plantation timber the Forrest's are bare of wildlife and are eerily quite. There is no undergrowth at all. The tannin's that are produced in the clearing of plantation timber seeps into and destroys water quality for fish and the dependants of streams and rivers (including humans). Talking of rivers there should be no stock allowed near the rivers because when they get into the waters of a river they defecate. You can't drink the water below Tumut but you can at the Blowering dam as for Gundagai its a no no. All the towns and city's below farmlands are drinking putrid water that has to be cleaned up at the cost to the tax payers. Would it not be better practice not to have to clean the water up in the first place saving dollars and the environment. Would this not be a sustainable practice? This is why a lot of people go threw the motions of sustainability and never do anything and look down on people like me. More could be said on this subject but I might be sticking my head out too far. Nuff said. cheers Stewart

Friday, November 13, 2009

Stove part three

The hinges have been welded and the door latch made and put on.The final cut is done around the door opening and the door opens freely without binding.