Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jail for contempt over contraceptive sales

Justice Conti of the Federal Court has ordered that Mr David Hughes be imprisoned for contempt for a total period of six months. The orders follow Australian Competition and Consumer Commission action.
Mr Hughes will serve two months immediately and the remaining four months was suspended. The four months would be served if Mr Hughes again breaches the previous orders.
Justice Conti also ordered that Mr Hughes transfer his website to the ACCC. The ACCC will then post a consumer notice on the site, advising consumers of the illegalities under the Trade Practices Act 1974 of the conduct. 
The ACCC brought the contempt proceedings against Mr Hughes alleging he breached orders of the Federal Court made on 18 March 2002.
Then, Justice Allsop held that Mr Hughes had misled or deceived by:
  • not telling consumers that it was illegal to supply or acquire oral contraceptives without a prescription in Australia and the US 
  • failing to tell consumers of significant health risks involved for some people in taking some oral contraceptives 
  • failing to tell consumers that within Australia free medical assistance is available to Australian citizens and permanent residents contemplating using oral contraceptives and 
  • failing to tell consumers that it is significantly cheaper in Australia to get oral contraceptives from a pharmacy.
Justice Allsop made the following orders:
  • that Mr Hughes be restrained from supplying oral contraceptives in Australia without disclosing in any promotional medium, including any internet site, that:
    • it is illegal to supply the specified oral contraceptives to persons in Australia without prescription
    • it is illegal for a person to acquire the specified oral contraceptives without prescription
    • that there are significant health risks in taking some oral contraceptives without obtaining medical advice about the suitability of those medications for use by the particular individual
    • that within Australia free medical assistance, including where appropriate the issuing of a prescription, is available to Australian citizens and permanent residents who are contemplating using oral contraceptives
    • that it is significantly less expensive to obtain oral contraceptives upon prescription from a pharmacy in Australia than it is to buy them from his group, Crowded Planet.
  • that Mr Hughes be restrained from supplying the specified oral contraceptives to persons in the United States of America
  • that Mr Hughes pay the ACCC's costs.
The ACCC alleged that Mr Hughes had set up a new website and offered contraceptives to persons in Australia and the United States in violation of those orders.
The ACCC had assistance from the US Food and Drug Administration which bought contraceptives from a website run by Mr Hughes. Mr Hughes also sold contraceptives to an officer of the ACCC without the warnings being on the website.
The court agreed that Mr Hughes had engaged in the contempt and that it necessarily followed that there had to be a term of incarceration.
Justice Conti took into account Mr Hughes personal circumstances in setting the time for imprisonment.
"The ACCC could not simply allow persons to disregard orders of the court", ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today. "The ACCC does not take any court action lightly and expects respondents to abide by any orders awarded by the courts".

where is this blog taking me

 When the drug sub hits the water things will change. Its into summer here and the weather is hot and dry usually. First thing to do is sea trials and setting up the boat to live on for extended periods. Then there is where to go and I think the first trip will be up to the head waters of the Shoalhaven river which is 60 km of salt water. I haven't had a good look yet on Google earth, with the holiday season ending I will have the place all to myself. No traffic noise total quiet as the river is in some steep gorges which will keep out the sound. Its national park or impenetrable scrub I might look at building an underground shelter to stay in over winter. It will be like staying in the high country near Kosciusko without the occasional visitor and the bitter cold. Wonder if there is brumbes there?  "O" how the mind wanders and the imagination runs rife.

Friday, January 14, 2011

drug sub

I have the motor on and is all connected up all seems well. I made a bush that was missing and have the throttle working, couldn't wait for the factory part. Where the cables go threw the deck I used electrical cabnet connections as they have to be water tight as the bunks are below and these don't want them to get wet.

This photos shows the cables and electrical joints set into to the deck.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Western Australia fires

Massive destruction has happened in Western Australia around Perth. Fires and high temperature have made good conditions for fires and this is what has happened. The media is consumed with the floods in Queensland and the same I guess happened in the Tennessee floods in the U.S.last year as we heard nothing of this. The media have a lot to answer for with there paranoia. All we here about 24/7 is floods at this time. We hear in Australia about the shootings and the death of a small child but in America, then you have the bill of rights and you believe in the carrying of arms then you wonder why! Well if people can not behave themselves then they must loose the privilege. More damage has happened in Shrelankia than Qld. and we hear nothing of this. There is a lot of bad things happening around the world and our thoughts go out to all these people.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I get lots of invitations become friends on the computer and I do not join things like grouply face book or any other place. These are good sites if you want that. My son was asked to be a friend to someone who I knew on face-book,  I advised him not to and my hunch proved to be correct and I will spare you the details.  I just don't have the time.  If you do want to be my friend then drop me a comment and your email address will not be posted and I will get back to you. I do have contact with Chuck from Duckworks but he is not in contact with me every day, I would contact him more than he contact me. This is the way I like it and he probably does to because he is a very busy man. If you have good stuff to read then send it to me and I will put a post to your site if I like what I read. Cheers Stewart

Saturday, January 8, 2011

lightening and boat materials

Aluminum is used with stainless steel copper fiberglass timber and carbon fiber in the construction of boats. I am going to talk about carbon fiber this material has an electrical conductivity 10 times better than aluminum. When using laminates of dissimilar materials special mechanical bonding must be used as the heat transfer is totally different and so is the expansion rates when heated. I have seen where an electric motor was made with internal chemical bonds holding on the permanent magnets failed in a explosion and a total loss of the motors, The people were warned and the motors failed because of this difference in expansion where as mechanical bonding would have made the motors survive. There was a helicopter crash in the North sea caused by a lightening strike and the cause was related to de-lamination of the tail rotor due to the heat and the chemical bond between the leading edge made of aluminum and the carbon fiber blades.  Same goes for the rigging wires on a sailing boat made from stainless steel and attached to carbon fiber boat. Good engineered mechanical bonding is a must. now if you throw in the heat generated during an electrical lightening strike the bond needs to be stronger. Where is this going I'm not sure as I intend to use the drug sub in storm conditions and staying over night. There seems to be a hypothetical danger there and how do you design a system to deal with this in a once in a life time lightening event. I know that all lightening devices fitted to a boat must run down the outside of the Fiber glass hull as the lightening could blow a hole right threw the hull if it were contained with in the hull. Carbon fiber strips could be placed in in the hull during manufacture in the outside layers of the laminate so when the lightening left the hull it would only damage the outer layers of the composite. These are only thoughts and more research needs to be done in this area.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Arsnic and fireworks WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN

  Its amazing that the governments from around the world can use so much poison to celebrate the new year. Boy do I pay for it with severe pains in the chest around this time of the year. Its no wonder that birds are dying by the thousands this year. How do you stop the infidels. If we used these chemicals on the land for food production we would be attacked by the greenies and put out of business. I live south of Sydney and the predominant winds blow the gasses and the minute particles south and they settle here. Are you in a fallout area?

Arsenic Sulfide, Red
The common name is Realgar and it is also known as Red Arsenic. Purchase the technical grade, which is available as a poisonous orange-red powder. It is used in fireworks to impart color to the flame.
Arsenic Sulfide,Yellow As2S3 This Chemical is just as poisonous as its red brother and is also used in fireworks, somewhat. The common name is Kings Gold.
Arsenious Oxide As4O6
A white, highly poisonous powder used in fireworks. It is also known as Arsenic Trioxide, Arsenious Oxide and Arsenous Acid. Its uses are similar to Paris Green.