Friday, August 1, 2014

My book.

I started writing this fiction book and I had to stop as things were happening after I wrote it. Some of the ideas were just too dangerous to put out in cyber space. It became too scary for even me,

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I have another blog.
Its a sissy thing but I thought I would come out of the closet.
 Endrick river bridge
 Off the Nerriga road
Crossed a creek and couldn't make it up the bank and had to do a reverse creek crossing.I will have to get a four wheel drive.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Some one has to do this.

Looking down the creek I am about to cross
Got threw the creek but not up the other side. Have to get a four wheel drive.
 Lunch at Nerriga pub
 Tanjara falls

If you come to Australia I can be a guide and take you to the most amazing places just contact me threw comments.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shaven or not shaven

I have had a unshaven face for many years and was told to reduce the facial hair for the attention of more women and I relented and off it came.
Now being an engineer I kept the stats on this event.
Yes more women spoke to me.
Yes there was more difficulties with women.
Yes there was more sex No thats a lie there was less.
In conclusion
The more women I spoke to the more stress and worries I had.
The sex was less and yes I was used more.
So I will not shave unless the girl I might meet and who is into me in a big way asks nicely for me to do so.
The facial hair stays... Nuff Said.......

Did you know

The human body has two pumps that pump the blood around the body One is called the heart and everyone knows of this. Now if you have high blood pressure the heart cannot push the blood then the pressure rises and this is a fact. People whom walk have less incidence of high blood pressure and that makes me ask why?
Well the answer lies in the feet as one walks the heel is placed on the ground and the blood is squeezed out of the heel and when it is lifted the blood from the heart replaces the displaced blood and it repeats as each step is taken. Now if the feet strike the ground at half the rate of the heart then equilibrium is preserved and one can sustain this speed over long periods of time. as the heart rate increases so can the speed of the feet.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Try this

A far better and simpler remedy is a Notice reminding them that The Commonwealth harassment and coercion law in the Competition Consumer Act pointing that the penalty is $1.1M to a Corporation and $200K to an individual. This is applicable where "No Contract NO Consent" applies

I am learning more about the courts

Most courts world wide are admiralty courts and the thing is to keep away from them as you will pay .It doesn't matter the final outcome you will pay!
Now why would I say such a thing well it because you are salvage and anything that is salvaged is put in a warehouse where it is kept indefinitely.  That why when you are convicted you go to the warehouse JAIL and are kept until they don't want you anymore.
Now some of the terminology.
Just look at bank booklets and the terminology the customer is YOU and YOUR
the bank is US and OUR. Did you ever wonder why?
Do your own research and find out for yourself.
I am not here to hold your hand all the way, besides if you research you will understand....
I am not for sale...writer for sale I will say anything you like dont think so piss off.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dating sites

WOW what an eye opener! Some idiot had the gaul to email me with lies that even a dog could see threw. Raised in England by her uncle and went to school there from the age of 9. Piddly errors in grammar that my granddaughter would not make. But then some people are gullible but the photos were of professional quality hands on chin looking up batting her eyelids probably some photo stolen from online.
I give up finding a genuine partner because I honestly believe that they are but a myth. So for all the lookers and searchers you have to look in person and see the flaws and they to see yours.
Did you know that Mark Twain had a relationship with a woman via snail mail for 25 years and in the end curiosity got the better of him and he went and saw the lady and the relationship vanished in the blink of an eye.
Some years back I was in a email relationship with a lady in Tasmania and it was raunchy to say the least. I like Mark Twain let the curiosity get the better of me and in a flash the relationship vanished on meeting.
Hope you enjoyed this totally true story.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Disease gives off smells like rotten meat.I believe any non bodily material that is looking for a new host searches for the smell of a suitable host.
Sound like science fiction well it probably is at this time and as knowledge expands then fiction is proven to be fact.

Collateral damage

Collateral damage is damage done to the bankers money lending ability. That is private individuals killed in war.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Did you know

 Lawyers are defined as Officers of the Court, which includes Public Defenders, for them to act on behalf of the Petitioner/Defendant under a power of attorney as a Trustee, then such a Trustee becomes liable for any and all offers and presentments by the Court, as the lawyer (Public Defender) is under contract as a Trustee for the Petitioner/Defendant. Such a lawyer now becomes liable, under contract, as the Petitioner/Defendant lacks such ability to accept such an offer or presentment under such conditions.
I believe this to be the case worldwide and if I am wrong please let me know.
My understanding is that there is a conflict of interest when a lawyer acts on your behalf. Are these lawyers members of the same association as the judges (Law Society)thus there is now a conflict of interest as well?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sewer in a bucket

How does one make a sewer treatment plant in a bucket

This is a pet project of mine. the idea is that treatment of sewage on a small scale which then can be scaled up. If a sewer is small and cheap to make then problems of health can be addressed worldwide.
Population is expanding and the infrastructure is not or is slow to take up the slack.

The system needs to service a family of five and be the size of a bucket that's the brief.

So lets all think about the solution.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Australia the lawless society

There is problems down under from the highest echelons of government to the street sluts who attack an 86 year old lady's garbage bin put out for collection. Bloody hero's!
The top policeman in New South Wales resigned from his job and to top it off a couple of millionaires go hammer and tongs in a street brawl. All captured on film for the world to see.
So you want to come to Australia as a boat person I would think again. 
I live here an am under siege every night by young marauders who take control of the streets after school gets out.
Even trades people leave the area at 3 pm because of the lawlessness.
How can a society be responsible when the so called leaders on both sides of parliment have no morals. 
Even the most converted document in the land is a fraud. The Australian Constitution and this depends on which one you read,The American corporate one or the defunct English one. 
Then there is the monopoly corporation running the traffic system and has now taken over maritime duties as well.
I would even go as far to say the ACCC is corrupt when they allow monopolies to fine people with a picture for doing five kilometres over the speed that they set. 40 k/h around schools this seems to be a good cruising speed for paedophiles as trying to keep to this speed is near impossible as one has to watch the speedo..
Trial by jury is a thing of the past as to get this type of trial is not for the little people.
Yes I could go on and on but nuff said.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Barrier reef

Queensland's Minister for the Environment is calling for a boycott against Ben & Jerry's ice cream company for its fight against dredging of the Great Barrier Reef.
Sign our message of support for Ben & Jerry's today!
Take action!

Friday, May 2, 2014

local councils

 For reasons that are perhaps self-evident, local councils do not tend to generate feelings of warmth or enthusiasm among ordinary citizens.
These words of wisdom are taken from another web site on the net.
Now for my bit.
I would go further and say that a garden worm has more redeemable qualities than any council worker in the planning and development areas.
Mushrooms have more knowledge as well.
I would rather deal with a real leach  than any town planning department.
As you might have guessed I have had some BAD experiences with these evil self assumed bombastic ones who might call themselves people.
If I am wrong in my thoughts please respond to this in comments and yes I will publish all.

Recycling and Idiots

Being devout recyclers and scavengers my mate was dismantling a futon bed on the side of the road that we found the week before,he returned a week later and with spanners layed out on his tool bag dismantling the thing when this motorist stopped and abused him of dumping. Taken back by the tirade he finally said when was the last time you caught someone dumping with his tool kit laid out dismantling the rubbish, you idiot. It won't fit into the back of my car in one piece. The motorist thought for a moment and my mate watching the wheels ticking over in his head then the light went on, and then he said sorry and left.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Global warming

Things not talked about
There is a weight difference between H2O and C2O That is carbon di oxide and water If you increase the weight of the atmosphere the damage done by this heavier atmosphere must be greater in cyclonic conditions.
.The next thing to look at is the friction values of these two substances and I do not know which has more friction. But lets assume for a moment that carbon di oxide has a greater friction the the damage done by the lets say stickier atmosphere also does more damage than a loose atmosphere.
Just my thoughts.

Asylum seekers

There is an island just south of Tasmania they would welcome as many asylum seekers as the need be you are welcome to form your own country any where that some one else has not claimed. The island is Antarctica Just turn south at Christmas island..

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Creating a home

I have bought an industrial shed and have tried to get sewer on it for some years now to no avail. I just read where shanty boats are not wanted on lower Willamette River USA. When some one wants to better themselves every obstacle is put in there way here in NSW Australia by the illegal local governments. We had a referendum on this very thing some years back and the people of Australia said NO and for a very good reason.
  If history is not to be repeated in Australia (living on the water.) then would you not think that every endeavour would be made to help people get housing. I even wanted to set up free of charge a homeless shelter in the shed and was rejected. One of the things to get benefits in Australia is you must have a residential address which some people do not have and cannot get because of zero money and zero credit. 
The council even tried to stitch me up with a demolition order on the shed that is on the property even though I have spent many thousands of dollars with Bomaderry engineering (now defunct)on maintaince to make the structure sound. When we left the  Shoalhaven Water  I was virtually laughed at by one employee working for Shoalhaven water yesterday.The officer whom we were talking to even had a smirk on his face and the feeling I got was he was laughing at me.
I now believe the only way to go is housing on wheels with composting toilet and to live under common law or maxims law not admiralty law. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Parking fines Australia

  Common Law (FEE SIMPLE) and not the Roads Act 1993 does not apply to the general public only to persons of the Crown its never been enforceable only that the public are lead to believe that it is.!
The owner of a fee simple absolute has the following rights:
•the right of possession
•the right of alienation
•the right of exclusion

The local councils of Australia are not empowered under any laws of the Commonwealth to enforce actions of this nature these actions are not validated as Acts and are not enforceable due to them being only a guide line and stated as STATUE and not laws in many cases have been taken to court only to be dismissed under the rulings of what I've mentioned to you. If you look up the Blacks laws dictionary its will show you the true meaning of the word STATUE.

Common Law is the Public's rights not to accept a CONTRACT  by anyone with out their consent and by sending fines are a form of contract so under cooperate laws it states that its illegal to offer contracts without Consent of both parties involved.  DO NOT CONCENT .!

COMMON LAWS  over rule any STATUE the Roads Act 1993. Statue Guide lines and not law,  road rules  are guide lines to insure public safety not to confuse them with Statues these are only enforceable to employees of the Crown as stated in the Motor Traffic Act which the Police enforce, but are them selves not true laws only guide lines as well but they provide the Common Law principles under section  16/17 paragraph 4 Common Laws  which state below
Traffic Act 1909 No 5
Repealed version for 8 October 1999 to 30 November 1999 (accessed 22 March 2014 at 12:09)

Part 4 Section 16
<< page >>
 16   Persons in service of the Crown
It is hereby declared that this Act and the regulations apply to persons in the public service of the Crown.
Traffic Act 1909 No 5
Repealed version for 8 October 1999 to 30 November 1999 (accessed 22 March 2014 at 12:12)

Part 4 Section 17
<< page >>
 17   Common law or statute liability

(1)  Nothing in Motor traffic Act shall affect any liability of any person by virtue of any statute or at common law.
(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), any matter or thing done by a member of the police force shall not, if the matter or thing was done bona fide in pursuance of, and for the purpose of, section 26A or any regulation made under section 3 (1) (q5), subject the member to any action, liability, claim or demand.......

Note.!! the 26A Section is a Common Law provision to provide public safety they use as any ones right to protect the public even the public has that right to enforce their own safety .!

Under Common laws Its Your right not to consent to written statues without written permission or approval because you are not a legal fiction.

If you are to attend a court check out this site

Friday, April 18, 2014

Food for thought

Australian Government (The People) held a referendum in 1974 and in 1988 to recognized local council under the Australian Constitution; and at both referendums, the Australian People overwhelmingly voted NO! (I believe the 1988 referendum was circa 66% No). However Robert "Bob" Hawke/Paul Keating Office (1983 - 1996) had drafted the legislation for "Local Government Act 1993" and was introduced by Prime Minister Paul Keating in 1993, irrespective of the Australian People's overwhelming No vote. Since 1993 to June 2012, local councils (local government) has been secretly funded by the Federal Treasury (Tax-payers money - 2.6 Billion in 2012), while at the same time enforcing their invalid policies, which is their legislation to generate massive revenue from rates to building permits to everything else they can steal of us. While we were all asleep, they are writing their own legislation to legally steal our public property with our consent. (our silence is consent) and growing their wealth with our assets through their private corporations. In 2008, the local council's amalgamated, as one of many stages that local council will take over and our States will be dissolved, which I am lead to believe is a part of the Agenda 21 program. Now when Gillard called a Federal Election for the 14th September 2013, Local Councils had been working their asses off with a well timed and planned a Federal Referendum at the same time as the Federal Election, whereby the People would be asked "Local Government be recognized under the Constitution for Federal Funding". The Labour Party put together a advertising funding packing to help promote the referendum in the coming election. The reason the funding was never approved was for the very fact members of parliament did not agree on the distribution of funds for the "Yes" vote and the "No" vote. Which was 10 Million dollar package, whereby 9.5 Million was spent on "Yes" and only 500K on "No" - can you say corruption much? Plus the final nail in the coffin for the referendum was the Labour Leadership Challenge, where Rudd become caretaker Prime Minister and called the elections a week earlier from the 14th to the 7th, which instantly ended the Local Council Referendum, due to the amount of time must pass for a referendum to be legal (something like that) So, we can thank Kevin Dudd for putting a stop to that. The reason why Local Council are so desperate for them to be recognized under the constitution for federal funding, is the fact a father of three children that was benefiting from the school chaplain program, come to realize the funding was unlawful and the members of parliament were abusing their executive powers to fund this particular program and others like it. So he filed an application into the High Court challenging the Commonwealth for abusing their executive powers for federal funded programs. The High Court Justice agreed and handed down a decision that put an immediate stop to these programs. Have a guess what else was been funded without the authority of the People. Local Councils for a massive amount of 2.6 Billion dollars per annum, plus they have the audacity to send us land rate notices and tell what we can and cannot do with out land. Ummmm I am sorry, but until I see you estate name on the land titles. you can tell me what to do with it. Until then PISS OFF! - I am sure most of you have heard this comment before "Local Councils are a law above themselves"? - Why, because there is NO LAW that local councils exist. They only gain existence, by the very fact that we give them consent to do what they want, when they want, whenever they want. Well, there is a way to combat these career criminals. First thing first....STOP PAYING THEIR INVALID RATE NOTICES, by serving a simple legal notice informing them "I hereby inform you that I simply reject your offer and do not accept your unilateral and unenforceable agreement" attached to their rate notice within 28 days of receiving it. Otherwise you have consent to their offer to contract procurement. The trick is to serve the legal notice, the minute you receive their rate notice, therefore you cant stuff up, No 2 is to learn this simple phase "The only authority they have over you, is what you give them" - If you give these criminals nothing....then they have no authority whatsoever. Believe me, I am living proof of this very information, as I have not paid rates in 2 years and there is never an outstanding amount each new rate notice comes in and every time the local council tries to enforce their authority with so call complaints. I immediately serve them a legal notice to validate their claims within 30 days, whereby I know they cannot verify their claims and they are served with default notice and a lovely little bill for wasting my time as per my fee schedule. They do not bother us anymore. They even send the rate notice every six months now, instead of three. If we as a community all stopped paying rates and their invalid notices etc.. Local Council will go bankrupt virtually overnight, as they are on the verge of that now. If we want to take back our country, this is a great place to start. Its a huge piece of the game, we can take control off and destroy. Just need to educate our family, friends and neighbours, as much as we possibly can, WOW! I didn't realize how much of a ramble I have been on. Please forgive me if there is any typo errors, as I have not proof read this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

From one of my other blogs

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I dared to ask

I asked some one with mental illness this Question.

If your psychiatrist was an insect what would they be?

The answer was a cockroach.
After an hour I asked why a cockroach? The answer was "that's the first thing that came to my mind".
Having thought on the question what insect would you choose now? "A leach but they are not an insect"!

Now lets look at a cockroach and understand the qualities of such a creature.
 The name "cockroach" comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, transformed by English folk etymology into "cock" and "roach".
A roach is the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
A roach is a brown, creepy looking insect with wings, whiskers and six legs. 
Mentally ill People consider roaches to be pests and try to kill roaches.   

Cockroaches have small heads and thus small intelligence.
A study tested the hypothesis that cockroaches use just one piece of information how dark it is.
Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light they also have never been good at writing reports.

Now for Cock

Slang: Vulgar. 


a male chicken; rooster. 
To cock preparatory to firing.

In conclusion.
Now I am not recommending the extermination of Psychiatrists but I do see how one would come up with the comparison of a cockroach and a psychiatrist. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

I dared to ask again.

 Again I asked a person who has been described as a mentally ill and who is on heavy medication the following questions with out any prompts.
If an engineer was an insect what would he be?
The immediate response was a bee!
What would a car sales man be?
Some deliberation here and the answer was a fly.
What would the prime minister be?
I don't know came back.
So with some quick thinking I asked, what would the president of the United States of America be and the immediate response was a Wasp.
So clearly the work done has a equivalent insect and a psychiatrist is but a Cockroach with a second choice a leach.
Then I asked what would a doctor be?
Very short deliberation, a spider,I like spiders?
What would an ant be?
Immediate response was a factory worker or a China man.
A nurse would be a butterfly.

In conclusion your patient thinks of you the one sticking the needle into them and administering the drugs of death and controlling there lives as a cockroach or a leach.

This report was written by
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire.

Professor Iggle

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Snapped today

I have never seen this ship before it is anchored in Jarvis bay off Vincentia. It is thirty five tons and was built in Victoria.

Fire art

 Just some fire art that I am into these days.
 Opera in fire

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just wondering

If damaged cells in the brain were sucked out of the brain with a syringe and were replaced with stem cells grown for the job. A modern day lobotomy if you like. As I said just thinking.

Monday, March 24, 2014

People invading Australia

When foreign nationals attempt to enter Australia on unseaworthy boats and burn themselves on uninsulated exhaust pipes who is really to blame. I worked on ships doing maintenance and never saw uninsulated exhaust pipes and if any such things where to be found the ship would be stopped from leaving port until repairs were effected.
The blame for burnt hands on asylum seekers rests with the owners of the boats and the skipper of these boats, no one else.
If you are the master of a boat you are responsible for all activities on your boat no one else. Injuries sustained on uninsulated exhaust pipes are the problem of the master not the country you are about to invade.
Nuff said.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What do Iposo Research Institute do?

Ipsos focuses on a single activity, namely the production, interpretation and distribution of information gathered from individuals about their opinions, desires, attitudes and behaviors.
There objective: maintain a solid financial performance higher than the market’s and develop responsibly, taking care to make the best use of Ipsos’ means and resources. (Your information is there resources)

Did you give permission?

If you attend a hospital in Australia they share all the information freely with other organizations with out your approval. Yes Ipsos is one of the companies who else gets the information? Insurance companies other quacks and the list goes on. Who is the bureau of health any way? Well the list below shows some of the connections weather active or not is not known, one must question ones thoughts as to weather one could give them more information.

 Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney.
 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,
 Commissioner of Health in Western Australia.
Financial services firm UBS Australia.
 Center for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE)
 University of Technology, Sydney.
 International Health Economics Association (iHEA)
 Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ).
 Medical Services Advisory Committee
University of Sydney,
 Information Technology  Sydney Medical school.
 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
 Australian National University,
 University of Canberra,
 University of NSW.
Northern Rivers Area Health Service
Catholic Health Care Limited
Southern Cross University
 Property and Commercial Law.
Southern Cross University.
Sax Institute. Secure Unified Research Environment (SURE) remote access data laboratory.
NHMRC Research Committee
NHMRC Prevention and Community Health Committee
Australian Research Infrastructure 
Bureau of Health InformationStrategic
 Canadian Institute of Health Information.
Health and Welfare Commission in Quebec.
University of Melbourne.
Center for Primary Health Care
 University of New South Wales.
Royal College of Physicians of Canada
 University of Montreal, Canada.
Who does the Iposo research institute share there information with as well.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

It.s that time of the year again in Australia

Australia is producing bees to help the US bee keepers and the rest of us to stay alive..
Take a look at the following video.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Human Genes

Some of the genes are there to take one from this life to the next ( the death gene if you like) and some are to take one to the near universe that is running along side this one.
If they continue into this research combining two universes is a double edged sword.

Some of us have seen and spoken and will be seen as mentally insane. I am writing what I have been told because if I were to have seen this then my safety would be in jeopardy.
Getting back to this death gene a person can switch this on when they have had enough. Yes one can wish there own demise and it will happen.
I have the wish to be here in at least 50 years from now. Being here after all ones family are gone would be a bit sad..
Playing with the building blocks of life is a good thing and also a bad thing as death is a great leveler.

Scientists must think as to where they want to be judged in the after life and this is something one must be personally responsible for.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's gone

Its gone the worlds largest didgeridoo was blown up today.
this is the post of a previous time.
This is the base of the largest chimney in the southern hemisphere.

This image is looking up the chimney from the base.

This is taken from hill 60 which is about two miles away.  The two story building to the left is Port Kembla primary school and was abandoned because of air borne pollutants.
The factory was a copper smelter. Pollutants from the chimney were dispersed for miles around this site. The predominant winds were from the north east,  there was cancer cluster to the south west at a high school when the plant was in operation. What sort of council or government allows this to happen. That means a  ? should be asked and answer given to the ?
You can see it here

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gundagai drug bust

I just watched the tough drug dealers on video as they were loaded into the Black Moria and noticed that one had shit himself. How tough is that. Check it out for yourself.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Drone defence aircraft

Hundreds of model helicopters flying in sequence can stop a military air craft!
How you might ask?
If each of the hundred models carried a small chrome molly ball of say 3mm diameter and the aircraft flew threw the curtain of models then there would be a catastrophic failure if the jets engines caused by these small balls.
For a cost of say $10,000 a city could protect it's self from the ravages of marauding aircraft bent on destruction.
The technology is there already all that is needed is application.
Watch this space for up and coming news of these defensive weapons.

What is REX84

I say to you Americans you need to know. You think that the twin towers was not done by your government then look up REX84 in your search engines.
Or you can read it below taken from Wiki.

Rex 84

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified "scenario and drill" developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who are deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declares a "State of National Emergency". The plan states, events causing such a declaration would be widespread U.S. opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America.[1][2][3][4][5] To combat what the government perceived as "subversive activities", the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels.[6]
Rex 84 was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of "national preparedness" programs for the FEMA. They patterned the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million "American Negroes", if there were a black militant uprising in the United States.[1][7] Existence of a master military contingency plan (of which REX-84 was a part), "Garden Plot" and a similar earlier exercise, "Lantern Spike", were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in an article in CounterSpy.[8]
Transcripts from the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987 record the following dialogue between Congressman Jack Brooks, Oliver North's attorney Brendan Sullivan and Senator Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the joint Senate-House Committee:[9]
[Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
Brendan Sullivan [North's counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?
[Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?
Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.
Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I'm certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.
Exercises similar to Rex 84 have happened in the past.[10] For example, from 1967 to 1971, the FBI kept a list of over 100,000 persons to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" list.[11]

Friday, January 31, 2014

Australia has bought million dollar aeroplanes are they useless?

Can these aero planes be bought down by multiple gps radio controlled small aeroplanes.
Try this for a scenario big highly complex war plane up against 15 small agile fighters controlled interdependently but act as individuals. They turn quicker than missiles and go on the attack in the blink of an eye.
They are small probably similar in shape as the BD5 and about 2meters long.
These small planes use jet engines made from modified turbos from cars.
They have a high speed of say 500kph and a flying height of 45,000 ft.
They carry the smallest anti aircraft missiles of about a ft long or they themselves are the missile.
They are all weather capable and they can sit beside roads for weeks or months waiting for the right time to attack.
They can self distruct if tampered with.
They have the ability to spy on enemy movements even whilst on the ground.
They have stealth capacity and are made from wood and fibreglass.
They have a range of 800 kilometers.
They float when landed on water and can take off from water.

In conclusion they are made from commercially available parts found on cars and are easily manafactured in the back yard shed.
They use simple toy model plane - drone electronic systems. 

Birds in the bush after rain

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Final or death insurance

So you just bought death insurance for yourself and your wife.
You also have signed them up as power of attorney. This is one of the things written in the small print. Didn't pay the premium and let it lapse doesn't matter because the power of attorney is still there.
Power of attorney is virtually the owner of your goods.
But they were nice to you, they don't give a flying rats arse.
Just check or write out a new power of attorney to someone else and rewrite your will.

identity chip

Why are people so against an implanted ID chip? Yes there is the bad things that will happen there is also those who will make money from this as well apart from the ones who came up with the idea in the beginning.
Do not worry as along with all these things scimming and modification of these chips will become available. I guess people are working on these as I write this blog. Imagine paying someone to change chips and get a free ride.
These chips will become valuable property and will be able to be traded for cash.
I advise people to take new technology and embrace it.
With these threats comes opportunities that will make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
Look at this with the eyes of an opportunist..
Blood carried chips can be delt with with a blood transfusion giving one many identities.

Chemical weapons

Who are we kidding! All countries are using chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons are being used in all conflicts around the world.
Think about it for a moment, petrol is a chemical one with carbon atoms.
Let's look at this for a moment what is the difference between a chemical and an element. Chemicals are a combination of elements either mixed or combined either physically or chemically IE:-  with heat or pressure.
Elements are but one type that is carbon is carbon nothing else.
So any country who goes to war using elements and combines them are using chemical warfare.
Rocket fuel is a chemical reaction this is a fact. Jet engines use a fuel and in these engines there is a chemical reaction.  Carbon + oxygen = thrust. Chemical reaction.
There is a ban on chemical weapons and yet all modern warfare uses chemicals in some degree or another and these weapons must be tried in a global court of law for crimes against humanity.
Lets place the ban on warfare using elements and anyone who uses elements for warfare is a BIGGER criminal and needs to be tried before a criminal court of law for crimes against humanity.
The ultimate element attack is the hydrogen 
bomb or some other element bomb. 
The real crime is the manufacture of these weapons.                                             

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pet hate

Some of you may have read my blog on chemical murder.
I read in the medical journals research results for new chemicals with there glowing results with little side effects.
Now if you read behind the lines or take your own lives does every thing go with a glowing report card and the answer is no. If you have children you now know what I am talking about.
So here we have this new chemical with this glowing report the next best thing since God made Adam and we all know that story.
Do they think that we are so gullible to believe the report in its entirety. Well some do!
What is happening is not what is written but what is not written.

We are being mislead by omission I will go as far to say it is misconduct and fraud.

New year

I hope you all had a good new year.
I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last month coming up with the design for a new war plane for under TEN thousand dollars.
Then there is my research into flying saucers and how to make one, yes it is possible with Vrill power.
Then there is the channeling of energies and the mysterious things that come on my TV screen from who knows where.
I have been delving into unusual meditation ideas with some fascinating results.

Do you know meeting women is like approaching them while they are holding live hand grenade. You just don't know if they have pulled the safety pin!

Exploding hand grenade taken from the net.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dating sites

I have put myself out there on internet dating sites for over a year now.
The results have been amazing with hook ups and meetings. I can count them on one hand well no I don't even need a hand cause the final count is ZERO.
What do they want the handsome body builder type with no brains (I got that description from lady whom I know) Her words "good bodies but you need to cut the head off as its no good"
So where does this leave me slightly over weight short and a great head for conversation. out in the cold.
I suppose I get to keep all my money and the things it buys for myself.
I am not complaining in fact I like my own company but the question is what do they really want?
The actor or musician who spends all there life with an image to keep up, watching the publicity on the news. How boring.
Its funny all the ladies like walking on the beach and I go there all hours of the day or night fishing or photographing and guess what no ladies.
I think the world is deluded into some sort of mind void, all at home captured by the walls that surround them.
I have even given up dancing with women because of the rejection and dance alone on the dance floor and rarely get any takers.
I am just a regular guy with normal looks doing normal things.
I give up on the idea of finding a partner and of being let down.
I sometimes go to the pub very rarely and all these lonely blokes sitting around drinking by themselves.
This begs the question:- where are all the available women or have they turned gay?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Silly old fart!

I stayed at this swanky resort called Sanctuary Cove Resort where the upper crust go to play. On arrival this codger opened the door and waited some time before I was to go into the building. As I was walking threw I says keeping the door open and you are letting the mosquitoes in. Then came the words of wisdom from my son "Silly old fart he gets paid to open the door". Now if I was to have been paid for every time I opened the door for a lady or not so lady I would have owned this plush palace.