Wednesday, June 10, 2020

There is a down side of loosing weight.

Because of the weight loss things change inside the body,more good than bad.Expect pain in the form of hunger pain and withdrawals from sugar.
Then there is the pain of your organs moving with in the body cavity.
I am in the process of this right at this time.
The main culprit is your own head space in that the mind thinks the worst.The main one is I am going to die.
I have to change my mind set to it's great to be alive I now have to practice thoughts gratitude.
Now let me tell you one was thinking this was hard well let me tell you it is easy as all you have to do is make a decision to be grateful.
When you have pain that is not explained in the medical world and leaves the experts bewildered the tendency is to panic. Bad thoughts come to mind , now you are on a runaway train and it speeds up real fast.
How to get off is so simple don't get on!
Don't listen to friends and family that put you down with words like "you are bunging it on"
People don't like you changing because they have to change.
I am so grateful for all my pain because I am still alive because the alternative has no hope or future.
God I bless you with all my heart.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Some of you may have been reading my blogs on loosing weight.

About a year ago I decided to lose some weight.
Main ingredients were  Salads eggs almond milk rolled oats and canned fish
As tea and coffee raise heart rate and pressure these were dispensed with and replace with dandelion tea from Scotland.
Now the main product that I used and cannot be dispensed with and given to me free is LARD. I brewed it myself . Commercial lard is contaminated with Tri fats and monounsaturated fats which cause artery blockage.

The starting point was 160 over 94 and 80 plus beats a minute.Weight 115 kilos

I am now 125 over 60 and 65 beats a minute and a weight of 88 kilos
There was no exercise involved.
The things I had to remove was bread and wheat products sugar beer biscuits takeaway foods which were not fast when you consider the driving
and wait times. Then there is the bottles of liquids gone. Fruit juice is ladened with Sugar.

Let me tell you it ain't going out the back end. It ain't coming out as liquid.

You breathe out oxygen in carbon dioxide out and not many people know that.
If your lungs stuff up so does your life.
Smoking cause the transfer not happen cancer is formed cause that carbon has to go somewhere.


Place a large table spoon of lard into a hot frying pan melt it. then place in the salad and blanch the salad (stir well while cooking) put in a egg and cook the egg and all is done ready to eat. I was never able to eat a salad because of the taste and the leaves would cover the wind pipe and near choke me.
This can be eaten cold and kept a couple of days and eaten because it is covered with a thin layer of fat.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The government in Australia has lost control

Search Results

Web results

The ability of Australian law enforcement authorities to eliminate gun-related violence in ... government have a plan to ban lathes and drills? ... embarrassment and serves only to artificially boost the number of “Guns confiscated by Customs”. I.

Fires in the bush

I am posting this photo and I was wondering how the hole got there. It seems to be a laser hole.
Trees that have been hit with a lightening strike will not burn. I have been bought up in the bush from child hood and I have never seen this type of activity before.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What has changed?

It has been some time since the fires that decimated a lot of Australia.
The area has changed to what was normal for a bush fire.
The most significant is the smell and it had me stumped for some time.
There is no smell, there is no flies there is no ants. I saw one spider and he  was walking across the ground which is just bizarre for a funnel web.
It hurts that much to see the devastation.................................

Monday, February 3, 2020

Knowing your laws like the constitution of Australia

Know the results of referendums and the question asked is the secret to rebuild after the fires in Australia.
You do not have to pay extortion to your local council.
Your politicians work for you not the other way around.
They are afraid if the people start to demand the constitution be used.
Politicians like the head of the greens know the punishment for treason.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hell on earth

Just got back from Talbingo where the fires crossed a dam a distance of over a mile. The fire turned into fire balls and crossed the dam at speeds of 1000 k/h. Fire fighters are suffering mental illness from the experiences. The fires wre burning 20 meters above the tree line. I drove for several hours across the Kosciusko national park to Cooma. Every thing flattened Kiandra totally gone. It was enough to make a grown man cry. I too who spoke to several people today have been left scared by there stories. Only saw a hand full of kangaroos and about 10 brumbies at long plain hut road. One tree lopper said they were accused of stealing trees they were cutting down by National Sparks and Wildfires. We never saw any timber trucks with native logs on them. Stood on a bush ant nest and jumped and there was no ants. Some trees are burning below ground.When I can I will post photos .