Friday, July 3, 2020

Lies become truth

Truth become lies and lies become truth.
Covid has not been investigated in a scientific way and the end result is lies. These lies will become the way population will be reduced by genetic engineering. Bill Gates has said so in ted talks.
Viruses can carry genes that will make you sick by design..
They said they can not be able to make a flue vaxines and they the uneducated say they have the ability to make a vaxine in 12 months.
The cancer council has been around since the fifties and how have they made headway on curing cancer. The answer is they still not have a vaxine for cancer.
if they can cure a disease then they can make a disease.
Fluoride is a case of concern it effects (more like destroys) the nervous system in humans.
People will be removed from there homes just as Hitler did during the second world war.
Contract tracing is the start of the process.
Propaganda is being used to numb the population with fake videos.
The whole system is weighted on false and misleading information and false mathematics.
So are you going to have all these injections with out some sort of data information which is required for all drugs. The law has been changes because they have no liability on when things go wrong. Thalidomide is a good case for having liability.
Gill Gates said the main target is to make all people infertile. Thinking the movie Kill Bill might be a good movie.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

AI artificial intelligence

Has God been playing with man and is man an artificial bio intelligent gone wrong. Then that makes the bible a manual for the right functioning of man.
I am going to leave you with that thought, because the end product is going to be different in all men and women according to different stimuli.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


2inch 50mm 4T/5T Ratchet Tie down with white webbing slingWARNING
Recall must be made on all white ratchet tie down straps because they deteriorate in sunlight with no visible signs of strength loss. The blue ones do not do this. THE RAILWAYS USE WHITE STRAPS IN AUSTRALIA,

Monday, June 22, 2020

plastic has a great ending.

Plastic is great for some and disastrous for others. Being a fish plastic is harmful,
funny thing is we eat fish!
Most or more to the point we are all contaminated with plastic. Do you know what plastic is made of. There is some deadly chemicals in the stuff, go let the child chew on that plastic toy, then you wont let him or her play in mud on a rainy day.
You disinfect table tops to surgical precision not a single germ is sight.
When this little germ lets call it "A" a placid happy fellow who enjoys playing in your gut is killed your little gut germs ( the rest of the alphabet) have no one to play with and get sick and die. Now you are in trouble.
When they find a radio active plastic eating thingy we are going to be in big big trouble.
Your dildos won't work nor will your car and every bit of electrical equipment gone.
I have a old Singer sewing machine it will work but there is no thread for it and your clothes will fall off you and disintegrate before your eyes. The fish will get better.
Then and only then will little germ "A" be happy again.

Could be interesting

Just type in any three numbers and new cases into google. (666 new cases) example.
You can cure a pandemic.
Doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

There is a down side of loosing weight.

Because of the weight loss things change inside the body,more good than bad.Expect pain in the form of hunger pain and withdrawals from sugar.
Then there is the pain of your organs moving with in the body cavity.
I am in the process of this right at this time.
The main culprit is your own head space in that the mind thinks the worst.The main one is I am going to die.
I have to change my mind set to it's great to be alive I now have to practice thoughts gratitude.
Now let me tell you one was thinking this was hard well let me tell you it is easy as all you have to do is make a decision to be grateful.
When you have pain that is not explained in the medical world and leaves the experts bewildered the tendency is to panic. Bad thoughts come to mind , now you are on a runaway train and it speeds up real fast.
How to get off is so simple don't get on!
Don't listen to friends and family that put you down with words like "you are bunging it on"
People don't like you changing because they have to change.
I am so grateful for all my pain because I am still alive because the alternative has no hope or future.
God I bless you with all my heart.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Some of you may have been reading my blogs on loosing weight.

About a year ago I decided to lose some weight.
Main ingredients were  Salads eggs almond milk rolled oats and canned fish
As tea and coffee raise heart rate and pressure these were dispensed with and replace with dandelion tea from Scotland.
Now the main product that I used and cannot be dispensed with and given to me free is LARD. I brewed it myself . Commercial lard is contaminated with Tri fats and monounsaturated fats which cause artery blockage.

The starting point was 160 over 94 and 80 plus beats a minute.Weight 115 kilos

I am now 125 over 60 and 65 beats a minute and a weight of 88 kilos
There was no exercise involved.
The things I had to remove was bread and wheat products sugar beer biscuits takeaway foods which were not fast when you consider the driving
and wait times. Then there is the bottles of liquids gone. Fruit juice is ladened with Sugar.

Let me tell you it ain't going out the back end. It ain't coming out as liquid.

You breathe out oxygen in carbon dioxide out and not many people know that.
If your lungs stuff up so does your life.
Smoking cause the transfer not happen cancer is formed cause that carbon has to go somewhere.


Place a large table spoon of lard into a hot frying pan melt it. then place in the salad and blanch the salad (stir well while cooking) put in a egg and cook the egg and all is done ready to eat. I was never able to eat a salad because of the taste and the leaves would cover the wind pipe and near choke me.
This can be eaten cold and kept a couple of days and eaten because it is covered with a thin layer of fat.